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Girlfriend won't let me grow


all praises are due to the Most High
take it to the big outdoors, the gorila way.


randude, lol... sounds as if someone likes her territory all to herself uh?

h^2 O

So we've been together a little over a year. I used to grow quite a bit for years, and was even growing when we started dating. Quit about a month after it got serious, now I'm wanting to do a micro-grow, something small, like a computer case, and I'm getting a big "no."

It's like I don't even have an option, its basically "growing or her" as she puts it.

But growing is my life, and she's a goody-goody type, its hard to explain to somebody who's never grown and doesn't smoke what its like to care for plants like these.

So what do I do? We live together and I love her, but I would never tell her not to do anything, and I don't even have a choice in the matter...

Discuss :joint:
How hot is she? If she's trophy wife material, just pretend you don't smoke and keep it on the DL. If she's NOT really cool or gorgeous, tell her to fuck off. You'll be smoking weed for the rest of your life. Her tits will be sagging in 10 years.


New member
How hot is she? If she's trophy wife material, just pretend you don't smoke and keep it on the DL. If she's NOT really cool or gorgeous, tell her to fuck off. You'll be smoking weed for the rest of your life. Her tits will be sagging in 10 years.

She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically


all praises are due to the Most High
tell her it is either she looses weight and gets hella hot or she looses you, she has to get on with the program too, in my opinion of course


New member
You are at the crossroad brother. Her or herb.

Who have you been with longer. Next she will go after your mom.

The herb muuuuuuch longer then her

I've been doing it for about 4 years now, here's a gallery of something I had going when I met her


Nothing great, but still not bad

Oh, and I got my mom growing too with a nice indoor hydro system, so she can't really go after my mom, haha


She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically

haha after typing that out for us all to read i think uve already made a subconscience decision bro :)


New member
i think what the randude tried to say is that next she will forbid you to see your mom


well she knows my mom grows, so everytime I tell her I'm going over there, she gives me one of those looks and is like, "are you going to smoke?"

so yeah, who am I kidding, I think I know what needs to happen, but I'm too nice of a guy :(


The Hopeful Protagonist
She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically



She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically

So, try the "you drop 30 lbs and start looking hot again - then talk to me about your dislikes"

Can't have it both ways - make daddy happy, then we'll talk...

Or, ditch the witch, and find a weed friendly little hottie - there are TONS out there, and quite a few here, am I right ladies???:woohoo:

Good luck - being single and high is better than attached and miserable...
IMHO :2cents:


She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically

Damn OhCanada, I think we're in the same boat here. I just broke up with my girlfriend of 6+ years because she REFUSED to let me grow, but ever since she has known me she knew that I did it. This was our first time to live together. The fact that she put on a little weight, REFUSED to let me grow, or smoke in the house for that matter, and syewas always on my fuggin' case caused me to break it off the tough way..........good news is I have closet full of dried, curing Blue Cheese and Double Strawberry Diesel to help me through it!!!

Sure I miss her every now and again, but I don't miss getting yelled at for doing what I love...........or leaving the toilet seat up....some women just turn out to be psycho hose beasts. Lesson learned.:chin:
Unless she has huge, perky jugs, was in Playboy, cooks you steaks every night and loves the taste of sperm, I say give her the boot.


New member
Yeah, if you were to think about it you will agree with me. She is probably not the woman you are going to marry and she will be bringing police into your life. Outside of that she sounds like a nice girls.

Oh, I don't know her actual age (guessing early 20s) if she put on some pounds she is going to get a lot worse. I hope you like fat chicks, because that is what she is going to ge in her 30s. I don't even want to think about her 40s.

yeah, just turned 20 actually, when we started dating, she was an 18yo knockout

now, I can't even look at her naked

wtf am I doing...


yeah, just turned 20 actually, when we started dating, she was an 18yo knockout

now, I can't even look at her naked

wtf am I doing...

Well I'll be damned..........we ARE in the same boat. 30 pounds in 2 years........give that another 5 years..... ouch. Trust me, I've seen it, felt it, and had sex with this situation the last 6 years.