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Girlfriend passed out from weed


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
it is called VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE - it's hypoxia from less than 16% O^2.
It drops your heart rate, your blood pressure, reducing blood flow to the brain, and you lose consciousness. You don't have control over it - you just feel the dizzy or hot, light-headed, and next thing you know you're waking up after being unconscious for a few seconds. It's a really interesting process...something about the neocortex orchestrating this all...this mechanism also works to make some people faint from blood, spiders, etc. Except in those people they're not having problems with oxygen. It's weird. I have passed out like this 3 times - two times from smoking and once from being sucker punched in the chest.

I've been here a couple times, one was contributed to weed another mushrooms and three times just because I guess. My Hypoglycemia might have something to do with it. The best thing I've done to prevent this is eat lots of fruit and bread, snickers bar in a pinch. Keep hydrated also.


Active member

Had a bad ass 50 like the one up top^^ actually had two one with street tires and one with dirt...well trainman being young and dumber at the time, took a few oxy's and smoked an ass load of white widow and went for a little ride...well that stuff makes you more comfortable than you really should be...I hit a kicker in the back yard and ended up eating shit hahah
We made a gravity bong a while back out of a 5 gallon water jug in a bath-tub. A friend who had never tried a gravity bong decided to try it; he took his hit and his eyes rolled in the back of his head and his knees buckled and he passed out shortly after..... Then one of my friends over-reacted and called the paramedics! They showed up (along with a couple cops) a while later and can smell the smoke although we tried covering the smell with various things. We were smoking some Williams Wonder and his first gravity bong hit has been his last to this very day.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

My girlfriend usually passes out from too much sex dammit,
then she's way too tired to come home and cook for me.......


h^2 O

We made a gravity bong a while back out of a 5 gallon water jug in a bath-tub. A friend who had never tried a gravity bong decided to try it; he took his hit and his eyes rolled in the back of his head and his knees buckled and he passed out shortly after..... Then one of my friends over-reacted and called the paramedics! They showed up (along with a couple cops) a while later and can smell the smoke although we tried covering the smell with various things. We were smoking some Williams Wonder and his first gravity bong hit has been his last to this very day.
yup, hypoxia - vasovagal syncope - wasn't used to the huge gravity bong hits and his O^2 got below 16% and his body shut it self down to prevent further damage.

edit: it's not actually "shutting down the body," it's shutting down the person's consciousness - the body experiences the hypoxia and I guess it must shut down "all non-vital systems" to try and fix things - which would include the person's consciousness. WEIRD. Someone I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I watched a show about kids making themselves pass out on purpose. I did some stupid shit when I was young but I never strangled myself just to pass out. I dont remember it being very pleasurable when I did pass out.


Hey, I was young, and incarcerated. Believe me, if you saw the things I saw in Provo Canyon School, you would want to pass out too. Watching 12 y/o kids get raped, staff beating the shit (literally) out of all of us, and any other # of heinous things will drive anyone to want a escape from reality, any way fathomable.


sunshine in a bag
Hey, I was young, and incarcerated. Believe me, if you saw the things I saw in Provo Canyon School, you would want to pass out too. Watching 12 y/o kids get raped, staff beating the shit (literally) out of all of us, and any other # of heinous things will drive anyone to want a escape from reality, any way fathomable.

being depressed and reading this post was the worst decision i've made all night.


Hey, I was young, and incarcerated. Believe me, if you saw the things I saw in Provo Canyon School, you would want to pass out too. Watching 12 y/o kids get raped, staff beating the shit (literally) out of all of us, and any other # of heinous things will drive anyone to want a escape from reality, any way fathomable.

And I thought Catholic School was bad. That's messed up.


Wow its good to know my GF will be ok and she isn't the only one. She passed out after smoking too much ISO hash. We then proceeded to enter a brewery tour and she was feeling faint and I saw she going pale. Got her outside and she just fell to the ground.

Happened to me once, after I thought I coughed up blood(which I actually think was just from my nose) I got a little light headed/nervous about it, went upstairs and just passed out. Mom freaked. I woke up to my dad shakin me and I had no clue what happened. Scary for sure.


Active member
this reminds me of a time
i was in this 15th floor building

very fucked up building, people jumped off from it

the elevator stops at the 2nd flloor, im coming from the 10th

no one is coming in, finally this weird, witchy lady comes in, almost falling down, im thinking she's drunk, has hard time keeping still, so when shes about to fall on me, i just move, because im thinking man the girl is drunk wtf (she was at least 30)

i move, she bangs her head on the elevator, damn

i tell her, whatsup,
she says, i am having convulsions, epilepsy

i felt bad because I didn't catch her, a friend told me, I did what I could
next time I will know

it's because I stumbled onto too many freakies

so after that she sits lotus position in the middle, im like, are you ok ? im sorry
she says its ok, she was going to her friends



Pull my finger
I had it happen to an ex of mine. She fell out after burining a blunt. After that, she went square. No smoking, drinking, nothing. A lot of fucking but no drugs. She claimed that she was having anxiety attcks. IDK, but shit like this does happen to chicks a lot. And sometimes it can be lifechanging. This girls went from doing it all, to doing nothing. Not even drinking wine. That incident changed her personality and everything.

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