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Girl Scout Cookies


ICMag Donor
I gotta ask a question...but before I do so, please note that I have the 'forum' cut of GSC...and it's currently over a month in 12/12.
I'm gonna further preface this question by asking folks not to lose their minds Black Friday style and start jumpin out of windows...

Is the GSC really ALL THAT?

I've had 3 folks whose opinion I greatly respect when it comes to nugs tell me that the cookies is "all hype".....that it's merely a kush and when you've had 1, you've practically had them all.
Furthermore, they tell me it's "good" smoke, but not "great" smoke.....and some of these same folks have been offered the same cut and are no longer interested in growing it.

Nobody said it was "BAD" or "HORRIBLE", but nobody raved about it either.

These are competent, able growers using a variety of different methods and they all have years if not decades under their belts of growing.....some stuff that's so dank it'd make your head spin. So they're not noobies, or greenhorns. These are hardcore smokers that will double fist J's while taking their 4th hit of oil. Not your garden variety stoner folks.

I do firmly believe however that some strains no matter how dank or tasty just simply don't appeal to some folks for whatever reason (they may dig Sativa leaning stuff, so they hate on Indys or vice versa). Hell, I've got stuff in my stable that I love and would never want to lose...but others could take or leave them. I feel the same way about some of their stuff....the bigger the haze hype, the bigger the letdown for me.

I guess it's the right mix of cannibanoids and flavor for some and others just don't get it.

Anyway, it's clear that most of the folks in this thread dig the GSC...just want an honest appraisal from y'all about the hype vs. the truth.

That being said, (and I'm sure someone will immediately suggest it) I'm going to see for myself what the real deal is.....soon enough. I'll drop my .02 FTR sometime in March.

she is good smoke. i would not say amazing. cool plant to grow, photograph, give to your boys for the wow effect when they see it. the smell is unique but there are better smelling strains.

thats a good point GS... And also the mass amount of fake cookies going around in clubs.. And then there is the forum cut vs OGKB... Sounds like the ogkb is the better more 'thinmint' cut of the two.
From my experience with the forum cut, id say its over hyped, but its also really good herb. its not amazing, but its better than most. It looks like some purple ogkush nugs, so bag appeal wise its tough to find something better. Smell wise i think it could be A LOT better smelling, and louder smelling... But it also has a pleasant smell, that i cant seem to get enough of. So it kind of goes both ways.
Its a nice smoke, and a fun plant to grow cause its so damn pretty. But its not going to be taking down OGKushes top spot

pretty much nailed it ^^^


it's the new og kush imo.

I think that's why a lot of people are disappointed with cookies, they are expecting og kush and get something tasty but more mild/relaxing. It's not the most potent thing ever but it can hang and has killer flavor/smell/look.


Well, Id say that GSC is hyped enough I just bought a pack...:( ..I know, I know, But I dont live in Cali and the clones avail from dispensaries in Michigan are shit and NEVER legit.....I dont even waste my time..So, Bc buds just dropped some S1 beans today so I scooped up a pack...I'll have a dozen fems to hunt through so Im hoping I find something similar to the legit cuts....Ive actually never even tasted the stuff, but Im always looking to step my game up and am a constant purveyor of greatness, so i figured Id give it a shot.......I obviously havent been able to source a legit cut....If anybody is feeling froggy, check my galleries and my work and shoot me a PM...PLEASE:)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Girl Scout Cookies

The more dudes with the 'tried and trues' spend time with the gsc the more i hear 'its okay' followed by excuses errrrr 'compliments' about it

But i dont know shit
Nor do i care to indulge much
im too busy kicking ass being a dumbass stumbling into my own walls

But its looking to me that its theoretically magical this gsc family
The shine seems to be wearing off now its under the 'microscope' of real eyes
Not just blond consumers but real artists of the ganja.

Not for everyone...
Thank goodness for diversity
We all get high differently.
Some just...
How do i say this and ruffle feathers and not at the same time...
Some just get high better than others haha

Take it w a grain of salt or the whole shaker but debating that is like picking fly shit outta the pepper good luck haha

Anyways i dont mind eating my words
Done it before ill do it again im sure im looking forward to my own gsc conclusion. Halfway there almost...

I have my salt shaker at the ready!!!


Well-known member
just another flavor of the day, somehting else to focus the attn on

>>gimmie>>get, gimmie>>get ...and the cycle continues ad infinitum

looks fuckin killer tho hahaha:D



"Hey bud, lets party!"
Well, Id say that GSC is hyped enough I just bought a pack...:( ..I know, I know, But I dont live in Cali and the clones avail from dispensaries in Michigan are shit and NEVER legit.....I dont even waste my time..So, Bc buds just dropped some S1 beans today so I scooped up a pack...I'll have a dozen fems to hunt through so Im hoping I find something similar to the legit cuts....Ive actually never even tasted the stuff, but Im always looking to step my game up and am a constant purveyor of greatness, so i figured Id give it a shot.......I obviously havent been able to source a legit cut....If anybody is feeling froggy, check my galleries and my work and shoot me a PM...PLEASE:)

keep us updated on how those go? he has made his GSC s1's lose all legitimacy when he stole my pics to advertise his cookies on his site.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
I love it, very special indeed although in essence its really just a unique OG to me, been smoking the Triangle and i might just prefer it (although that may be because its better grown than the GSC this run).
I think the lesson to be learnt here is that come creative OG hybrids can give birth to wonderful new cuts, same goes with most of the elites out there.....i am gonna pop a few S1's soon and will report back with results.
Here is the GSC i just ran, they were in 3 litre pots in coco under a 600w.



So damn sticky, cant wait to run some BHO from her.


I've been saying it for a little while now. Def way over hyped. It's bomb weed for sure. I def built a tolerance up to it after a solid week of puffing her. She smells good but nothing legendary.. I dunno, I have gone threw hundreds if not thousands of seeds and clones in the last 10+ years and I just can't hold her up with the "elite"... To each his own, though... Oh and the yield. You can def get her to produce but it's so much easier with a lot of other cuts held in a higher regard IMO...


Active member
yeah but arent you buying yours from a shop? LOL
thats pretty 'readily available"
unless im fucking retarded

i am retarded
we all know this.

anyways... i know not everyone has access to clone vending establishments, and i know not everyone has a safe address to have clones shipped to them... but its not like gsc is on lock. we could make a HUGE list of folks with it. not near lock. hahahahaha. shes a fucking used whore already. going around....

im wondering if its the 'readily available' status that turns off the folks that worked for years to acquire a real true badass fucking plant???
"how can it be good if its so 'everywhere' for anyone and everyone?" mentality....

like i said... im retarded

ccarry on

yeah because we all know dispensaries only sell 100% legit cuts and buds...I've bought clones from harborside oakland to compare to what others have and show people my plants and what the finished product of the plant looks like...because once i saw how many people were interested in this strain i just figured i was being helpful to the community in flowering out cuts that are going around the bay area.....people seem to hate me for doing so lol :tiphat:

i get so much hate on a regular for this cookie shit it's hilarious. i have absolutely zero problem not ever posting pics of cuts and the plants and buds again, and not LETTING OTHER PEOPLE SEE FOR THEMSELVES WHAT THEYRE GETTING. but im not one of those people in it for the money, i just want to smoke the best bud i can. im a fucking 4x4 grower not anybody doing this for commercial reasons.

of COURSE people have the cut grey, and it's out there. but it's not as easy to come by as youre making it out to be, all this bullshit wouldnt exist if it was @ blue dream status....shit speaking of blue dream, i know retards in medical and now LEGAL states who still think blue dream looks like and grows like fuckin gdp...just sayin


To Have More ... Desire Less
oh the mass hype hysteria of cumulative speculative drama....all focus on one plant.... how could she ever live up too all that.......


Active member
I love the cookies, put me down as a hyper. It just hits me the right way. Everytime I have a pile of different herbs, the cookies gets smoked the first, gets sold the first, and gets the most compliments.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Girl Scout Cookies

Hey man were all entitled to our opinions
Right or fucking wrong
Why you thinking im hating on you im not sure
If i was hating on you though itd be much clearer haha
Youre all good
Respect for running the shit for others to see. I wouldn't do that shit i dont have the time or space to risk that.
I dont think you ever read a post where i said 'man that looks like shit' right haha
About the gsc, much less your gsc

Im just commenting on the hype that goes w the thing dude. Nothing personal. I know im not the most articulate though
As previous deleted posts pertain lol

Apparently you love you some gsc. Thats all good. Itd be rad if i end up falling head over heels in love with the thing for reasons other than how it looks

If mine come out like yours look then i know itll have gotten a fair shake to start

And ill eat my words if i fucking go bonkers over it. I gotta big fork.

But im hitting the hype train homie
Not trying to be getting at you

I know theres lots of shitty pit out there. Something i may find as dull and boring is in fact greater than probable 85% of the cuts out their, in my experience, but ive smoked a lot of pot bought a lot of por ive seen lots of plants ive even grown a few. I aint seen the most maybe i havent seen the best, but i know whati know
Getting something that produces good quality smoke is nothing to shake a stick at.

Just.... Im spoiled is what it is

Did someone say elite haha

Anyways miscbrah i wasnt directing any fire at you

Just poking sticks at hype. It comes w the territory aloha


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Girl Scout Cookies

Btw i didnt ask for the one i got
It was a stow away that came with a special requested girl

Wasnt very hard for me to get haha
Shes a tagalong

How ironic now that i think of that

Yort is so right....
The hypers did this

Cant change how things go


Active member
haha for sure dude. i also want to clarify that i dont think it's the greatest strain ever...it's just what's in my tent right now...it's good stuff...im more of a sativa guy though....and just wanted to show people what theyll end up with if they buy from those clone companies or go to harborside since i know a lot of people in the bay area go there


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Girl Scout Cookies


And dont take anything i post seriously
Ask smoketrees hell tell you
I got hit in the head alot


keep us updated on how those go? he has made his GSC s1's lose all legitimacy when he stole my pics to advertise his cookies on his site.

say what? I got em from bc bud depot..they just dropped today...is this who you speak of?? if so, what a douche..

Ill keep you guys updated, when I pop em Ill post pics for those who care to see.