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Girl Finds Her Dog's Severed Head In A Box At Her Front Door


Active member
genkisan said:
If torturing them and making them suffer brings even a second of solace to the victim's family, it is justified.

If torturing them and making them suffer makes them see the situation from their victims eyes...it is justified.

People like Bittaker are very happy to live in jail on your tax dollar as prison celebrities....to them, they have 'gotten away with it'.......that is wrong. That pompous arrogance has to go......

They should know and experience what they inflicted on others for thier malignant pleasure....they should know EXACTLY what it feels like to be used as an object of abject sadism....anything less is an insult to the victims and the suffering they went thru.
what solace does one person take in the suffering of another. even a victims family, that sjust rediculous. it doesnt bring the person back, it doesnt fill the empty space in their life. all it does it promot hate. and hate is good for no one. not the ppl that are hating and not the people that are hated. you are so worried about revenge, so worried about hurting those that hurt you. when freedom from the pain that you feel (or would feel) comes in forgivness. because if you forgive u stop hating, and hating is self destructive. should the ppl be punished, sure they should but not out of hate. your probably right prison isnt the best way to punish, but just because it may be lacking does not mean that we should stoop to their level. again you will become which you seek to destroy and in the process not even realize it. just look at you now you want ppl to suffer, forget the person that did the deed, how the fuck does that help you. are you gunna smile and grin when they are ripped limb from limb or ass raped, or have their balls cut off? if so your just as sick as they are. i agree with you things need to change in our legal system but not towards a system of hate and revenge. it serves nothing but the dark part in each one of us that by our better nature is kept at bay.


Cannabrex Formulator
Call me sick if you want....if some scumfuck tortured, raped and killed my 6 year old daughter or my wife with a pair of pliers for fun, and then spent his prison sentance signing fan mail "Pliers" and laughing about what he did, I would want to not only see him suffer horrifically until he is driven insane, I would want to do it myself.

I don't care if you think it's sick...anything less is an insult to the dead, IMHO.


I have to agree with genki. If someone killed my cat on purpose and I knew who it was, then lets just say I would be paying them a visit. Now is my revenge justified(maybe not in the eyes of the law), yes but will I have to take responsibility for what I have done, yes. So it's a double edged sword.
Hopefully God will have mercy on my soul.

Basically if you value your life as much as I value my cat, then don't fuck with it.
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Niki, I think this asshat deserves a trip to Home Depot.......

Shopping list:

1) Ramset gun (for asshat imobilization)
2) Orange Pumice handcleaner (for anal lubrication of asshat)
3) 1 3x3 creosote dipped fence post (for vigorous anal penetration of asshat)

Once he has healed enough not to bleed to death (a week or so), we go back shopping again, but might not find everything we need at Home Depot.

1) 1 250 Gal tank big enought to fit a person, with door big enough to get someone into.
2) Vacumm Pump
3) Air Compressor

Using the above three items, make a small baromeric pressure chamber and give the asshat the bends over a series of days, slowly rupturing the cells in his body from the inside. Make sure much bad psychotropic drugs are involved.

After all dat, leave him on a street corner, asshat personality now erased, body crippled by barometric damage. Let him enjoy the drool in his lap.......fucking scumbag.
thats well thought out if someone did that to my dog and I found out who, I would od this, seriously and then probably a few more things and when I was done I would chop that fucks head off and send it to his mom, don't fuck with peoples dogs. I mean this in all seriousness if someone did that to my dog I really would do what was posted.


Active member
genkisan said:
Call me sick if you want....if some scumfuck tortured, raped and killed my 6 year old daughter or my wife with a pair of pliers for fun, and then spent his prison sentance signing fan mail "Pliers" and laughing about what he did, I would want to not only see him suffer horrifically until he is driven insane, I would want to do it myself.

I don't care if you think it's sick...anything less is an insult to the dead, IMHO.
maybe u have never been inthe situation b4 but i have. hate is a tourture in itself. if you were to do what you mentioned above u would only be tourturing and hurting yourself. the hardest thing in the world is to let go, and by becoming what destroyed your child and your wife THAT my friend dishonours their memory. do you think they would want you to be a vengeful hatefilled person. to turn in to the very monster u wish to protect them from?


Active member
oh no, I'm not a hermit because I'm scared michael Jackson is going to molest me at the movie theater, I just have social anxiety and shit.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
See this is where parents need to be able to BEAT THEIR KIDS. I took a whoopin when I deserved it and I turned out all right. I don't mean regular beatings, but if the kid steals something a good whack on the ass teaches a lesson. But parents have the ever present threat of D.Y.F.S..S in the US threatening to put them away. That give the kids more power than the parents.

And all those disagreeing w/ Genki, I'd like to see your opinion if something brutal happened to a loved one such as a young child.... Personally, if I had kids and someone did something to them, they better hope they get locked up cause at that point CONSIDER ME KARMA AND I'M COMIN BACK AROUND LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER....


Active member
well if you have some messed up kid and like catch him dissecting the house cat what would you do? is beating him going to change him?


Cannabrex Formulator
jojajico said:
maybe u have never been inthe situation b4 but i have. hate is a tourture in itself. if you were to do what you mentioned above u would only be tourturing and hurting yourself. the hardest thing in the world is to let go, and by becoming what destroyed your child and your wife THAT my friend dishonours their memory. do you think they would want you to be a vengeful hatefilled person. to turn in to the very monster u wish to protect them from?

Meh...........I just don't subscribe to that "turn the other cheek" and "don't 'lower' youself to their level" scene.

If I was tortured and killed by some evil peckerwad....I sure as fuck would want to be avenged in a major way.....you can be sure that if there is an afterlife, my spirit would not rest proper until the scumbag who did it was put thru the same thing, and then ground up for dogfood.

It would not 'turn me into the very monster" at all......it would allow me to sleep at night and retain my sanity, knowing they were avenged properly.

Knowing that the monster who robbed me of my family was being fed, sheltered and even educated on the tax dollar, while enjoying prison celebrity and press attention would drive me totally insane and ruin my life 1000 times more than doling out the punishment they deserve.....trust me.
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Uncle Jesse

Active member
Yummybud said:
well if you have some messed up kid and like catch him dissecting the house cat what would you do? is beating him going to change him?

If my child was caught doing the activity you described above they would be
going for a complete mental evaluation......no if's and's or but's.

and hopefully get the help they need even if it takes a life time.

you owe it to the child and society and your self.

this type of activity is not the norm, it is not like they stole a candy bar cause you told them they were bad for their teeth or fattening or would ruin their appatiete for dinner.

if the child stole and you know he don't have mental issues a ass swat really does get their attention then make them pay for it or return it. let them know it is wrong. and you will always love them.
that is a lesson.

I personally would feel like i failed as a parent , for not passing on the love,
and respect for all living things the morals, and social ethics that we all need.

now the lil fucker that did this act the thread is about is a lil diff.

i don't believe this is a down syndrom , or autistic child that did this.

Far From it !

it would be better for them if the police or a family member found them,
before i did.


First I would grab that cat killing kid, put him over my knee and whail away, then I would ask him if he would like me to disect him, explain to him that its the same thing, a person has more strength than a cat and the cat didn't want that, so its basically the same thing. Then I would call the mental ward to come and haul his looney ass off. Call me southern but if you don't spank your kids your not going to have the upper hand its the same way with big dogs, they will do what they want until you lay down the law one good time.

The whole talking it out thing doesn't work on some kids it works for some but not all. I admit your kids have to have respect for you to mind and spanking might not get it but theres times to talk and then theres times to spank that would be a belt spanking time and the when his ass was so soar he couldn't sit, then i would call the looney bin, while there coming I would make him understand the power talk.

If you don't like it, oh well. If you don't agree what would you do, and you better believe I'm not paying for the ticket for animal cruelty, that little fuck will be working it off.


OMG The same thing happened to me! A disgruntled ex boyfriend left my golden's head in a plastic bag on the front porch. It was sick. He also killed my ten year old bonsai tree. I kicked him out because I got nervous when I came home from school and found him with ten pounds of pot in my house being packaged for sale. This was back in the late 80's in a very unfriendly state. I was scared to death and didn't want to get kicked out of school. I can not believe that someone would do these things. Let alone two psychos! What is wrong with people? Geez!
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

jesus christ. im not a man that believes in murder, but if some one did
that to my daughters dog,,, they best had pray them not get outed.

when i was about 16 i had a dog that barked alot,,,and every now and again she
would get out and shit on the neighbors lawn. one day i was out on a walk and
my dog suddenly coudlnt walk and started throwing up. we found out from the
vet she was poisoned. the neighbor was also a cop. and the only one who ever
complained about the dog. another neighbor i talked with said she saw his wife
huncehd over my fence one day,,but didnt think anything of it. i still dont know
if they were the ones who killed my dog. but they had just bought a brand new
infinity for his wife. and she LOVED that car. so for about two months i pissed
in a 5 ggallon bucket and let it ferment in the sun. then one night i smashed the windows
on her car and dumped 5 gallons of rotten urine in the kunts car....still dont bring
my dog back. but watching that evil kunt cry was good fun.....



if you acually belive the guy should be tortured, killed or physically harmed in any way. YOU are worse than him. You have taped into the same dark part of your concioness that he must have in order to enabel himself to do sucha sick thing. only now you are focusing all that hate on a fellow human,not a animal. and just like he did in his sick mind you have justified your actions. heh humans are funny like that


Active member
if you acually belive the guy should be tortured, killed or physically harmed in any way. YOU are worse than him. You have taped into the same dark part of your concioness that he must have in order to enabel himself to do sucha sick thing. only now you are focusing all that hate on a fellow human,not a animal. and just like he did in his sick mind you have justified your actions. heh humans are funny like that

oh really....well call it what you want...i know i dont have it in me to specifically harm or kill something someone loves for an unjust reason.

...but if my dogs head showed up on my doorstep.....im gonna fukin find and kill someone.

like alot of people here i love my dog more than i do most humans. (for obvious reasons)


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

jesus christ. im not a man that believes in murder, but if some one did
that to my daughters dog,,, they best had pray them not get outed.

when i was about 16 i had a dog that barked alot,,,and every now and again she
would get out and shit on the neighbors lawn. one day i was out on a walk and
my dog suddenly coudlnt walk and started throwing up. we found out from the
vet she was poisoned. the neighbor was also a cop. and the only one who ever
complained about the dog. another neighbor i talked with said she saw his wife
huncehd over my fence one day,,but didnt think anything of it. i still dont know
if they were the ones who killed my dog. but they had just bought a brand new
infinity for his wife. and she LOVED that car. so for about two months i pissed
in a 5 ggallon bucket and let it ferment in the sun. then one night i smashed the windows
on her car and dumped 5 gallons of rotten urine in the kunts car....still dont bring
my dog back. but watching that evil kunt cry was good fun.....

Fuck yeah.

vigilantism is KEY


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
the perp from the OP's opening post was caught btw.......

as a dog lover I feel not enough was done to him although
I don't recall the actual punishment handed down in court.

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