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Girl Finds Her Dog's Severed Head In A Box At Her Front Door


Cannabrex Formulator
if you acually belive the guy should be tortured, killed or physically harmed in any way. YOU are worse than him. You have taped into the same dark part of your concioness that he must have in order to enabel himself to do sucha sick thing. only now you are focusing all that hate on a fellow human,not a animal. and just like he did in his sick mind you have justified your actions. heh humans are funny like that

So what pray tell do you think should be done with malignant sadists?

Do you feel good about your tax dollar going to feed, clothe, house and educate monsters like Bittaker (who also started with animals before moving on to women)?

Do you think the scumbag who left the dog's head in the box needs "help"??

Do you think we should just wait till he graduates to beheading women too before something is done?

Once you choose to cross certain lines of behaviour, you have voided any inherent rights to benevolent treatment as a human......people who thrive on the pain, suffering and degradation of others should be made to live what they inflict on their victims......the hunter most definitely deserves to become the hunted.


Like Nokuy the only person on the planet I love more than my dog is my mom,and its close lol.Not really haha.I'm one of those strange people that feel in my heart and gut that a human life is not more valuable than a dogs life merely on the basis that one is homo sapien and one is canine.And I'm glad I feel that way.


Active member
She now has a new puppy, another Australian shepherd. She's named it Diesel. "Hopefully, he'll be my best friend," Crystal said

she named her new dog after the diesel? respect crystal


The Hopeful Protagonist
So what pray tell do you think should be done with malignant sadists?

Do you feel good about your tax dollar going to feed, clothe, house and educate monsters like Bittaker (who also started with animals before moving on to women)?

Do you think the scumbag who left the dog's head in the box needs "help"??

Do you think we should just wait till he graduates to beheading women too before something is done?

Once you choose to cross certain lines of behaviour, you have voided any inherent rights to benevolent treatment as a human......people who thrive on the pain, suffering and degradation of others should be made to live what they inflict on their victims......the hunter most definitely deserves to become the hunted.

That about sums it up in a nutshell......defective "human beings"....My brother-in-law use to catch small animals and reptiles under the guise of keeping them as pets. Invariably, we would find said pets dismembered and disected shortly thereafter in various places around the property.We knew something was wrong obviously.

He graduated to various petty crimes, some involving some degree of violence.It permeated his relationships, wive(s), children etc.

He then started preying on elderly people, not in a violent way, bt I have no doubt that is how it would have ended up if he had not been sentenced to a very long jail term under what amounted to a "3 Strike" policy in our state. He was posing as a contractor, taking sizable deposits from these folks then never finishing the work. Fvcking pathetic excuse he was.

Their decision making process is flawed for whatever reason, I don't buy the crime of passion defense, not for one minute.

There is line that doesn't get crossed, ever, If you're willing to cross that line, it's only a matter of time. :2cents:

Put the guy in a room full of mean hungry pitbulls and let the dogs have their revenge on the loser.

Sounds nice in stories and theory, but they truly love us and would so us no harm, unless of course they had been owned by an asshole like my brother-in-law, then who would be to blame ?




Active member
kids who abuse animal and kids that start fires...those are 2 red flags that something is going very wrong...adults too for that matter.


Active member
kids who abuse animal and kids that start fires...those are 2 red flags that something is going very wrong...adults too for that matter.

when i was a kid i ran gas down the driveway and lit the wall of fire. i told the babysitter my parents allowed it! but that was when evel knevel was huge. end of my pyro carreer. still lighting fires yes, but only in the pipe


you get all these shoot em up shows and games small wonder with kids growing up on these and spatter movies that used to not be seen by anyone under 21 are violent etc

was reading some ethnic literature/history on the transvlvanian alps and saxon communities and find three different death penalties hanging burnt at the stake and being flayed alive and having your cxrimes writtern out and posted on you skin [now sibiu roumania - 1363 hermannstadt called great church robbery this was posted as a warning to evildoers]

seems a lot of the old stories of preindustrial times had a presence of warning in the community of the hanged rotting on the gallows could be an interesting statistical research in data for a country that went from public executions to secluded executions on crime rate patterns if
there was reliable records.......

heck that short blurb that this might be a warning could ring true 17 is middle aged and old in some gang cultures and groups

8-12 year olds are carrying guns and /or soldiering in some places i have met personally some former child soldiers in el salvador and folks from some of these harsh places would use such methods to send a STRONG warning about street justice

and the girl could not even know why she was targeted it could as simple as her telling a teacher girls were smoking in the bathroom and the smokers getting busted for more than that.....

not defending the sicko but..... is there a backstory?


So what pray tell do you think should be done with malignant sadists?

Do you feel good about your tax dollar going to feed, clothe, house and educate monsters like Bittaker (who also started with animals before moving on to women)?

Do you think the scumbag who left the dog's head in the box needs "help"??

Do you think we should just wait till he graduates to beheading women too before something is done?

Once you choose to cross certain lines of behaviour, you have voided any inherent rights to benevolent treatment as a human......people who thrive on the pain, suffering and degradation of others should be made to live what they inflict on their victims......the hunter most definitely deserves to become the hunted.

nice emotional responce. i had a dog get hit by a car i'm plotting my revenge on the automotive industry as we speak.


if I was this girl's father or uncle I would have spent some cash to find out who had done it, either through prints or other hard evidence or word of mouth, and then have him executed in a basement.


Pull my finger
Ya, I like Gen's idea.

I mean, I used to start fires when I was a kid. But I was smart enough to control em so they didnt get out of hand, My stepdad was an airforce firefighter. But I was always in to fireworks ans used to dissect em and build my own. Still do.

But never ever hurt anybody. I beat up a kid for torching a frog with wd40 and a lighter. He toted that as whippin for about two weeks. I cried the whole time I beat his face in. Poor frog. I dont put up with that shit at all. You wanna hurt a defensless animal. Here come a 6'4" 235 pound animal for you do deal with now. Period.


Niki, I think this asshat deserves a trip to Home Depot.......

Shopping list:

1) Ramset gun (for asshat imobilization)
2) Orange Pumice handcleaner (for anal lubrication of asshat)
3) 1 3x3 creosote dipped fence post (for vigorous anal penetration of asshat)

Once he has healed enough not to bleed to death (a week or so), we go back shopping again, but might not find everything we need at Home Depot.

1) 1 250 Gal tank big enought to fit a person, with door big enough to get someone into.
2) Vacumm Pump
3) Air Compressor

Using the above three items, make a small baromeric pressure chamber and give the asshat the bends over a series of days, slowly rupturing the cells in his body from the inside. Make sure much bad psychotropic drugs are involved.

After all dat, leave him on a street corner, asshat personality now erased, body crippled by barometric damage. Let him enjoy the drool in his lap.......fucking scumbag.

I agree completely that this guy is ass hat but this will not work

The bends is actually decompression sickness and happens quickly...

and as soon as you re-pressurize the tank his symptoms will go away then return the same....

:fsu: I hate haters


Cannabrex Formulator
I agree completely that this guy is ass hat but this will not work

The bends is actually decompression sickness and happens quickly...

and as soon as you re-pressurize the tank his symptoms will go away then return the same....

:fsu: I hate haters

Actually, the bends causes cellular rupture, esp in the joints.....so the nitrogen bubbles may go away, but the tissue damage will not.

As taken from a site on same:

What are the long-term effects of the decompression sickness?

If treatment is given right away, there are often no long-term effects. Permanent bone damage, chronic pain, brain damage leading to paralysis or other problems, and even death may occur in untreated or severe cases.


Active member
She now has a new puppy, another Australian shepherd. She's named it Diesel. "Hopefully, he'll be my best friend," Crystal said

she named her new dog after the diesel? respect crystal

...hope she wasnt named after meth

...i know a cpl people w/ dogs named "diesel"....good name


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
i think i said this before but ill say it again, i think any one caught abusing an animal should have the same form of cruelty done to the person doing the abuse as his punishment and most definitely including death in the most inhumane way possible.


Hell isn't hot enough for people who can do such a thing...How fucked up! I hope that dog haunts him on his death bed!