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gibberellic acid


New member
Hi, my english is bad so sorry for the mistakes,

i want see a fotorelation with ga3,i search on this forum a lot of time but i can't find any growlog with plants on ga3, someones tells when use ga3 yield is bigger but i dont know is it true? tell me links to fotorelation (friends tell me someone has gl with af and yield 86g, efects ga3 ofc, but he forget a link) or some information about ga3 (if you can tell it in polish language)


natural medicator
ga3 was originally used to increase the yield of certain cash crops. If a high enough concentration is used, it can be used to reverse females (forcing them to produce male parts).

Most people here seem to use ga3 to reverse the sex of plants. On the other hand, farmers will use ga3 to make crops grow bigger.

so i guess, in small enough concentrations, ga3 could be used to increase the growth rate/size of cannabis plants. you just have to be very careful not to over apply it or your plants will reverse sex.


ICMag Donor
check nomercy.nl they sell it there in the shop its called GA
it says for increasing yield and nothing about making fem seeds



hey there edka. you might try a company called super-grow. they sell hormones and chemicals for people to make there on additives. they also have user groups where you can get specific advise on how to use them although i never saw anyone bring up mj specifically. from what i got from the user group was that specific concentrations applied at specific times in a plants cycle would do different things. personally- the reason i grow my own is to get away from those chemicals. http://www.super-grow.biz/UserGroup.jsp


New member
jammie very thanks for ur answer but i have some questions about it :

- what is "ppm" in pl when i was tell about small weight we tell in grams or miligrams 1grams=1000mg(miligrams) so 100ppm=...mg?
-nobody see the fotorelation with using ga3 on plants on this forum? :( when u know about gl with ga3 post here please ! (i want see results, and big yield after using that :D)


Check pod racer's threads, he talks about the double use of GA and how many ppms are needed for more branchy plants vs sex reversal.

I guess that a mild use of seaweed could be what you need, you don't need to use pure extracts, it can make for more scientific precision (if there is a scientific method available for your ending) but most propably makes your stuff less "organic".

Nitrozyme could go, Algamic could go as well, there are many seaweed concentrates (some are extracts, some are cold-pressed) that can be used in foliar.


Just had to search posts ga3 pod racer



Probably the best known of the plant hormones. It's produced by the plants tips and is responsible for the plant growth. Most use it in two ways:

1) If they want to germinate seeds, they soak the seeds first in a solution of GA3 (200ppm) for 24 hours. Compared to unsoaked seeds, the soaked seeds germinate faster, a better percentage of germinations and they grow like crazy.

2) After the clones have rooted and are established (usually 10 days), give them a foliar spray of 30ppm GA3. This makes them literally "take off". You can almost see them actually growing.

The problem with GA3, is that most growth is in the form of "stretching" which isn't always diserable, so except for seeds and clones, most don't use GA3 ever again in the plants cycle.

GA3 has some other uses as well. You can intiate male fowers on a female plant but using high doses every day for several days, you can also induce flowers earlier and yield bigger flowers but I haven't tried that yet.


idk..i wouldnt use it to boost yields..if your that worried abotu yields..use a hydro method,under a 1000w setup..and very good nutes like advanced nutrients..

dont buy al their lineup..just budblood,big bud powder,overdrive,and then supplemant that with mollases,and any other additive that you like..def use maxicrop seaweed FOLIAR FEEDING during vegging and early flowering..really makes the plants explode with growth..and makes the plants strecth more during the early flowering period..resulting in bigger yields..

also,look into either SOG..or just lst the plants...top them,supercrop..dont jsut grow them naturally..try to have several main colas per plant..