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Ghostwolf's 2nd Bigger, Better PC Grow Case and Grow


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Looking good bro, nice harvest there for ya, the GWS looks like a real goer, but I'm interested in your Aurora Indica, that apparently is one of the big heavy hitters in the stone department. :biggrin:
How's it and the papaya looking?? Hope you and your partner are doing well.
Peace an Respects :)
Thanks b00m. Then Papaya is going along nicely and the Aurora has just got it's second set of leaves and I have another g.w.shark that is right behind it. I'll take some shots of those for you. The first shark may turn out to be male, if so I'll just knock up the F2 flowering right next to it and save some pollen too. I tested a bud from the bush today and actually put the bowl down after 1 1/2 bowls, not bad I'd say.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Here we are the new strains. I had to take the photos in a hurry so I'm sorry about the quality. I'll get more new pics these are from last week. OK in no particular order so I
ll start with the oldest. My F2 The Great White Shark Male Papaya Aurora Indica and The second Great White Shark I'll have some other strains soon, some will be automatic strains. I get y'all some new photo's in a couple of days. till then "Go in a good way"


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~

Your new members of the family look nice an healthy bro.

Peace an Respects Ghost

Guest 88950

GW, nice job. i to topped a couple of girls to see how they react and i then FIM'd a couple and the FIM'd rebounded quicker and i had a total of 5 tops.

by the time the lower side shoots caught up to where she was FIM'd the main stalk and the immediate side shoots started growing again giving her 5 tops. i then FIM'd the 5 tops on one of the girls and kept her in veg and now the clones i take already have multiple tops.

my next step is rooting a clone on the plant so its fully rooted by the time the clone is taken.

good luck bro

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
great job on the harvest Ghost!!!!!!!! Hope all is well and you and your wife are okay...
you have to contact me when you return bro..
my house was broken in to so I've had no way to get hold of you
take care my friend


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Thanks guys for the positive support. BC I've PM'ed you. Sorry to hear that some dirty thieves cleaned out in your home. I hate thieves with a passion. I've been down for a bit after helping one of my step sons move somethings, I'm not really able to do heavy work anymore so I payed the price and along with a bad bladder infection so it's taken me over to weeks to come back. But I did get a small boom box, two computer monitors and a new Dodge electric radator fan, to be used in later larger grows. And a few other things.:) I have some other new seeds now. I got in on the Single Seed Centers 4th of July sale and bought a Indian Haze, and got free a feminized Automatic Roadrunner and a Haze Automatic. I'll be keeping those for breeding later on. I'm almost ready to go SOG when I start the new generation also. I'm finding it harder to LST the plants in the small space I have to use. I feel that SOG could be easer and more productive in a pc case. The girls are doing good after recouping from my dumb ass, a short while time ago late one night my tired sleepy ass fed insted of watering. I grabbed the wrong bottle which had a weak mix of Sensi Grow A&B in it. I was reading that GWS doesn't like a lot of nutrients and have seen it for myself now. The Aurora also doesn't like a lot either. Anyway they'er doing better now. I have a GWS male flowering and will stud pollinate the girls which are the Aurora, Papaya, GWS, and a F2 of mine that is in the middle of flowering now and has come up with a sour cat smell, I have high hopes for it as the GWS cross with it should come up with some better seeds. The same with the others also. I'm working toward a insteresting combo of genes down the line. That's about all the news for now, I'll have some photo's as soon as I have a chance to do so. Till then,"Go in a good way" my friends.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!!! such a joy to see you are okay now!! why don't you try a scrog in your pc? I made a killer scrog screen for maybe 2 bucks!! for my pc I mean..I can give you all the pics and info you need..
all you have to do is measure the length and width, cut wood to make the frame then staple chicken wire around the frame...you will get WAY more return...
I have a new thread called BC's 150 watt HPS/T5 scrog if you want to pop by...
your goodies can now go out seeing as things are coming back to normal!!
about those thieves, they are stinkers for sure...my pictures are all I care about and they are safe...they went right past my pc and cab!!! if they only would have opened the doors!!
I like going with plants that LOVE heavy nutes!! makes things easier..
take care Ghost
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Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hey bro!!! such a joy to see you are okay now!! why don't you try a scrog in your pc? I made a killer scrog screen for maybe 2 bucks!! for my pc I mean..I can give you all the pics and info you need..
all you have to do is measure the length and width, cut wood to make the frame then staple chicken wire around the frame...you will get WAY more return...
I have a new thread called BC's 150 watt HPS/T5 scrog if you want to pop by...
your goodies can now go out seeing as things are coming back to normal!!
about those thieves, they are stinkers for sure...my pictures are all I care about and they are safe...they went right past my pc and cab!!! if they only would have opened the doors!!
I like going with plants that LOVE heavy nutes!! makes things easier..
take care Ghost
Hey man! it's good to be up and around. I guess I don't know the difference between SOG and SCROG. I've seen what others have been doing with wire racks and other stuff. So I found a small grill rack grown over in the back yard that will fit in the case with a little cutting. I just have to figure out how to put it at the level I want it. I have a little steel putty and thought that may work to get it in with. I have it cut to fit now and I cut out every other bar to get the spaces I needed and the it's coming a long very well. I also have to make the same for my small PC case just because it is so small to be able to grow plants fully. I want to increase my harvest to over an oz between the two cases. And now I have the genetics to breed some interesting plants I think.:) I'm glad that you still have what is most important to you. I HATE THEIVES! I'll definetly check out your new thread and dial it in. I always like to what you come up with. So tell me now that you've grown it, is the Rock lock really a couch lock? And I'll be watching the mail again. Take care my friend and I'll see you in your thread.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
It's been a bit since I posted some new pics. I used a 10X loupe on my cam (still not able to get a camera yet) so I hope I've got a little better close up on them. The white that you'll see on the flowers is resin. First is the F2 in the middle of flowering and seed production. I cross pollinated it with a GWS. Next is the Papaya also cross pollinated with the GWS. The female GWS and the AI are a little slower but are starting to flower now. I even have some GWS pollen stored in the freezer for use on the F2's from all of them. :tiphat: That's it for now. "Go in a good way" friends


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Good thread Ghostwolf. Amazing what a guy can do with some soda bottles, some string and some plants in a PC. Kudos.
Thanks Pancho, I'm just trying to get my pain meds anyway I can. Don't have much room and have to stay under the radar. Actually I use paper clips to LST the plants. Soon I'll be moving to a micro scrog in the case and lager containers. I'm pretty excited about the new strains I'm growing. And the new hybrid crosses I'm working on. My own F2 is heavy with big seeds that are 2nd generation stable cross of sativa & indica bag seed X great white shark that so far smells like pole cat that I think I'll call it "Reefer Shark" . I'm hopping I make a GWS strain that's easier to grow than the current GWS is proving to be. They're real touchy about nutrients, they don't like a lot and don't want to be messed ether. LSTing them has been a challenge too. But now that I've learned some about them I shouldn't have much trouble next time. The Papaya is quite healthy and flowering and also making seeds that are GWS X Papaya and it's starting to have an odor . The Aurora Indica is doing good also starting to flower and the female GWS is recovering from nutrient burn and I really don't give her much any way. I give all of them the same and they're OK even the GWS male and I had some trouble with him early on. He's in the other case with the AI and the fem GWS and they are covered with pollen so I should see some interesting crosses from those to and keep the original GWS line going too. Thanks again for stopping by "Go in a good way"


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
They r looking super duper great. got any new pix.
Thanks #1cb, I'm going to take some more photos in a few days. Now that I was able to get a set of watchmakers loupes I can in closer by putting one on my web cam, but I still have a low rez on that cam so I can't make them to big before they start to pixelate. Still it's better than nothing. The fem GWS isn't looking to good atm as she is coming back from being burned. But everyone else is doing good. The a F2 looks a bit rough from a resent wilting while I was ill and couldn't get in to them, but she has come back and is rezing up and is full of GWS X F2 seeds that I'm calling Reefer Shark. Not to worry I'll have new pics soon for all to see. Good to see you stop by my friend. "Go in a good way"

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Those ladies look AWESOME Ghost!! the pics are fine bro:)
can't wait to see the scrog screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance013:
take care


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Paper clips :yoinks:?! Amazing! Even more amazing is that you're making your own hybrids... a la micro! :jump::good:
Yep I found paper clips and rubber bands to hold them were easier to use. Stick around a while, next generation I grow will be the off spring of these and I'll be growing sensimilla for smoke instead of for seeds. then I'll be back to breeding again.:tiphat:

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