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GhettoGrow - Beginners Journey to Harvest for less than $1500

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
2/5 Day 18
35 RH 73F Rez 69-70 Ph down all rez to 5.8
2/6 Day 19
35 RH 65F Rez 69-71F
Topped off a few rez H2O
Adjusted Ph levels to 5.8
Notes:Ive kept water levels just below baskets and noticed brown/tan stains on the roots of a few buckets. Its not slimey and the roots feel firm and easily pass the tug tests. I chalk this up to nute stains. The res smell like roots so I guess they are ok.

2/7 Day 20
45 RH 72F
Introduced Clorox to rez'
PPM's ~600-940
Added water to low rez' and pH'd to 5.8-5.9
Roots showing on all pants now.
Nute splash is burning significant area of the leaves.
Im learning to be extra careful around each other when checking my system.
VERY short internodal spacing on all, like .5-.75" on all the plants. Badboy is running all 8 bulbs and is kept 4" above the canopy. plants are 4-5" tall.


Active member
sounds about right re: the conditions, give or take a couple digits... could be a bit warmer and more humid(in veg) but for flower that is a great range you got your plants sitting at...


I just got off a sick vacation snd had to aet up a room so i could take some girls off my buddies, had planned on setting up anyways just not that quick, i effin scored. My buddies came thru for me!!
Its worth some text to see if there is equipment around
Nice set up btw


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Just found your thread through the new posts list. Remember what it was like to be in your shoes... Congrats on starting things for yourself.

I wasn't going to post but wanted to point something out. Please take no offense to this..... but..... if you're not in a green state it might not be in your best interest to use Craigslist to find your gear? Sure not trying to tell you how to handle your business, just hate to see a fellow farmer have any legal issues.

Blessed vibes to your journey moving forward. Here's to hoping you can achieve your goals to TRULY provide some medical relief to those you love.


Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
I agree random, I will usually borrow a friends car and use my burner phone for straight up hydro gear, but water coolers and airpumps are clearly multi use type kit.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
I got my hands on that 600W hps and my room is now ~75-77 degrees. My humidity is getting sucked out and is around 40% with one humidifier running , yall think Im cool with that or should I crank up the second one? How close could I get this 600w to the canopy?

Ill get caught up on the veg this week as well . Im currently in day one of flower Woot!
But I wanna finish out the veg part of the thread properly before moving on to the shitshow.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Im just gonna compress this thread and stuff the last two weeks into this post.
Then Ill be caught up to where Im at currently.
Here is a log sheet for two different strains.
Keep in mind the ppms are straight from the meter and are to be multiplied by .519 conversion factor. Also the H2O topoff data is the actual water level in the bucket, not how much water was added back into it. I started with 4gl in each bucket but realised that it was too much and needed to drop down to ~2.5 gl per bucket. I installed the vent fan and filter in my attic and picked up a couple cheap humidifiers. I should be getting a fan speed regulator and a 100lpm airpump this week.
on 2/18 I fimmed and topped all the plants. I wanted to see the difference of the two techniques but i kept each method per plant and either pinched or fimmed was what that plant got.
The next day , with really cold weather outside, I had to put a towel over the vent hole to reduce circulation and increase my temps. Im not used to this so the learning curve for this room is a work in progress.
2/20 I noticed some led burn and raised the light a little bit.
That evening I stumbled across the law of 4 by med-man and I immediately adopted it. I was going into week 6 and decided to go ahead and flower the grow. So I flushed the girls out for 48 hrs and shut down the lights for 36 hrs.
Since I still dont know the sex, I didnt take any clones. Once Im sure of the sex , Ill take about 16 per girl and get them rooted. You are probaly thinking I should take them now, but why waste the effort if its a male. Plus , I only want the very best 2 out of the bunch and I wont know which one it is until its harvested and cured.
So now were caught up, lets get to the bloom!

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Ok Now we are ready for the fun part. I managed to get a 600w hps from a friend and now I have 1050 watts of light for this 5x2.5 space.

2/22 I mixed up some nutes in a tote (way less hassle than individual bucket mixing). Ran outta GH Micro so went to three stores to find one that was open.
So I measured out 15gl and wanted to shoot for 600ppm. My tap is very soft at 7pH and 40-50 ppms. So I messed around with the nutes in an individual gallon jug until I found the correct ratio. That would be 5m/10b which brought us to exactly 612 ppm and 5.9 pH.
so heres what I deduced. using the lucas bloom formula in my water (1m/2b) it gives me ~120 ppm per gallon so now I know how the lucas behaves with my h2o.

I hung the 600 with some hooks and chain I picked up from lowes.
And heres where we are currently at: day 2 of bloom.

Im noticing some issues on the older leaves.
Here some pics if you want to help out.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
One last thing : Where are we on that budget ?
My total expenditures to date are $1043.
Im feeling lazy and spent so Ima use a photo instead of itemizing it all.


Active member
plants like a little nute burned...nothing terrible, but they are showing signs of too much nutes imho...i would say most likely Nitrogen. i'd take your nutrient down 200ppm... but, remember the ppm you have em at. Thats the most they can take from what i can see and have seen before on other strains...

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Thanks Tan G!
So its day 3 of flower.
And .... like
Soooooooooooo Yeah
Been having some issues with my kids health...

I think Ive found the culprit.
My brand spankin new milwaukee ph600.... I deeply suspect, Is a piece of SHIT.
for the record:

I do keep it (just the tip) wet , all the time , then rinse it after use , in my 7.0 (actually 6.3 ish) tap water, then dip it in the calibration solution, then put the cap on it , turn it off and store it.
I do calibrate it 4-5 times a week. not every single day, cause when I test it at random in the 7.0 - it tested 7.0. Soo, my problem is on the other end of the scale.
Its all of 5 weeks in use and apparently , its never been accurate. Ive been seeing issues on the kids since week 3 ish and you know just kinda rolling with it but ever since I went to flower, its magnified the issues. I bought an HM digital in a deal on CL and stashed it away in a box once the pos 600 arrived. the hm kinda got wetted up right after i bought it so i took the batteries out and let it idle and tonight, when checking and logging , I noticed the 600 actin weird.
Sooo after digging out the hm and popping in the batteries , I calibrated it.
I tested a bucket.
it was reading around 5.2. so I dipped it in 7.0 again - it read 7, calibrated the ph600 again. dipped it in the bucket - 5.9. WTF
so I did another bucket , same results. and another. all the while checking calibration to 7.
Lessons learned? I need a bottle of 4.0 for one , and the second? Always try and have a backup on meters, the third? dont trust a single meter , or even a new one. without a 4.0 & 7.0 solution , this is no bueno.

Heres more pics of the issues. I believe its been a ph problem , not calcium.

Hope Ive found the solution....

Also, I picked up a huge 100lpm aquarium airpump today.
Its tripled my airflow. and its.... kinda FUCKIN LOUD
gonna build a silencer for it.
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Well, heya, Boyd.

I'm wandering around the forums, all doe-eyed and new to the world, and I found myself intrigued by your "ghetto grow" and the fact that it entails a quest to help your loved ones alleviate some ailments. I wish you the best in your journey! Also, at the risk of sounding like a complete dolt, I'm not sure I understand what your initial medium situation was... I think my eyes searched pretty well for what those pebbly-thing-a-majigs are called, but alas, I could not find...

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Well, heya, Boyd.

I'm wandering around the forums, all doe-eyed and new to the world, and I found myself intrigued by your "ghetto grow" and the fact that it entails a quest to help your loved ones alleviate some ailments. I wish you the best in your journey! Also, at the risk of sounding like a complete dolt, I'm not sure I understand what your initial medium situation was... I think my eyes searched pretty well for what those pebbly-thing-a-majigs are called, but alas, I could not find...

Hey Thanks Goldberry! Welcome to ICmag!
That stuffs called hydroton. dont worry about not knowing what it is , everyones a newbie once. FWIW, IM a noob.

Check out this 16 part youtube series on the method Im using here
Its a total of 2 ish hrs but its broken into smaller parts so yeah , this is where I decided what medium I wanted to use and stick around for the show !


Hey Thanks Goldberry! Welcome to ICmag!
That stuffs called hydroton. dont worry about not knowing what it is , everyones a newbie once. FWIW, IM a noob.

Right on, right on, and thanks for the welcome! I noticed that you kept mentioning beans, so I tried to convince myself for a few seconds that said hydroton was ... some sort of exotic bean. From space. Or something. :laughing:

Check out this 16 part youtube series on the method Im using here

I keep getting an error when I try to use this video/link, good sir... perhaps it just needs to decide to function later. At any rate, sounds like a shiny idea...

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Right on, right on, and thanks for the welcome! I noticed that you kept mentioning beans, so I tried to convince myself for a few seconds that said hydroton was ... some sort of exotic bean. From space. Or something. :laughing:

I keep getting an error when I try to use this video/link, good sir... perhaps it just needs to decide to function later. At any rate, sounds like a shiny idea...

Beans = seeds
Gear equals = seeds + clones
cuts = clones
Heres a helpful glossary of terms to get you started

fuck this heres the link without the forum disclaimer
you need help hit me up in pm anytime, goldie
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I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Right on, right on, and thanks for the welcome! I noticed that you kept mentioning beans, so I tried to convince myself for a few seconds that said hydroton was ... some sort of exotic bean. From space. Or something. :laughing:

I keep getting an error when I try to use this video/link, good sir... perhaps it just needs to decide to function later. At any rate, sounds like a shiny idea...

You, kind sir, are my new hero. I'm laughin so hard ..... but only because we've all been in your shoes. I still catch people saying shit I don't know what it means... so don't feel bad.

Welcome to the mag, I think you'll fit in just fine. Best way to get over embarrassment is to learn how to laugh at yourself. Good stuff.... just too funny to me.

For what it's worth - people already bastardize these slang terms, too.

To some people, gear means flowers (which means buds).... to others, it's cuts only or beans only... to some it's anything to do with a company.

Don't feel bad to ask for clarification and if you come across a hater - there's a neat feature in most forums that we love....... the IGNORE button.

Most people are here to help.

Blessed vibes on your learning experience. Sometimes I sit back and wish I was in shoes of someone like yourself again. :woohoo:

EDIT: Almost forgot the elitist pricks. In my opinion, these are the WORST members of any community. People that refuse to talk to noobs, that won't respond to private messages, etc. If you make buddies with one of their heroes - they'll likely get jealous and boycott your threads.
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Beans = seeds
Gear equals = seeds + clones
cuts = clones
Heres a helpful glossary of terms to get you started

fuck this heres the link without the forum disclaimer
you need help hit me up in pm anytime, goldie

You da man, Boyd! Thanks bunches. Would you believe that I totally bookmarked that very same glossary page prior to reading your thread but just failed to reference it in my time of need? Maybe I was just that determined to believe in magical cannabis-nurturing space beans. It's funny, the things we humans can convince ourselves for fun. Buuut anyhow, I shall check out yo' vidyas sometime soon!

You, kind sir, are my new hero. I'm laughin so hard ..... but only because we've all been in your shoes. I still catch people saying shit I don't know what it means... so don't feel bad.

Your post made my morning (day? night? what year is it?). Let's say you're my hero, too, due to your words of encouragement. Hero reciprocation! I'm pretty accustomed to interacting with haters in the face-to-face interaction realm, so I'll just brace myself and let any internet hate roll off my feathers. I'm excited to learn that there are peeps like you guys floating around this site, and hope that kind folks such as yourselves are indeed the norm. :dance013: I figure that all I can do is be honest about my relative ignorance. Huzzah for bumbling but genuine scholars of life!