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Getting over a girl...


Cozy Amnesia

I broke up with my girlfriend of 16 months about 5 weeks ago, the first two weeks it was just a "break". But now it's totally over. I was pretty depressed for a while but things got better and I was less depressed over her. I still thought about her a lot though.

And then she filled a position at my place of work that I told her about when we where still dating. At first I wasn't too made about it, I thought that it meant that maybe she wanted to be around me more. But later in the week I found out that, this is the most fucked up part, that she is now dating my supervisor.

I was pretty fucking pissed. This guy was my friend before I started working for him, he got me the job. The first day that I knew about it and we had to work together, I was pretty certain I was going to deck him in the face and quit, I was just waiting for the opportune moment.

Then he gave me a couple lines of blow and I decided that he was a pretty good guy. I told him that if they have feelings for each other that I really couldn't do anything about that and that it's all ok, even though it's not. The next day I had to work, both of them had the day off. Instead of making it less stressful, it was actually worse because all I could think about is what they where doing together.

I'm trying to be strong about it and ride it through. I really like the job because I get a free meal any time I want, the pay is good, the work is easy, and I like(d) the people I work with. So it just sucks really bad that this has to happen.

It's been really rough on me. I was hopelessly in love with this girl, and I thought she felt the same way about me. When she broke up with me, she said it was because she wasn't happy any more, she didn't want a boyfriend who was too committed (wtf?), and that she wanted to be single. Now after only 3 weeks she already has a boyfriend?

The worse part is that not only is she dating, but she found someone better than me. I can't afford to take her out to the bars every night and I don't have a sack of coke at all times to keep her high. I hope they crash and burn, but I fear the worse.

Ok, with all that said, what should I do? How can I get over this? Should I quit the job, or toughen up and ride it through? I don't want her back (well kind of, but I know it would be wrong), all I really want is my life to be balanced again.

young booboo

New member
any girl that you gotta keep a sack of white around to make her happy isn't the real deal, at least not in my opinion. everyone's different, but personally, i would ride it out unless you can get another job or something.


Active member
yeah for sure dude

you want a girl like that that flies to the other one ?

a girl that hangs around the white ?

lol dude... you dont want a woman like that

snap back my friend

p.s. women holey fuck dude....
they are trouble!!


Listen to me jerky
She'll go through all that guys money and them move on to the next sucker. Not that you where one, but some girls just do that. Get what they want and move on once they've gotten it. You'll find someone that is better suited for you, just give it time.


Active member
you know the venus fly trap ?

its like a pussy

it eats men

but not every woman is like that but damn....

i think this is america's work


whiterabbit9 said:
its like a trap

you know the venus fly trap ?

its like a pussy

its a trap


i find nutting takes away the pain of a sour relationship

Cozy Amnesia

Alright thanks guys. Like I said I don't want her, I just want to forget her.

I'm finding it more relaxing to drink instead of smoke, because when I smoke all I think about is her.

Its going to be hard finding another girl I like because she was so slender yet with perfect tits. I took a girl home the other day, but the sex was terrible because I just wasn't even attracted to her once I got the cloths off. But I suppose you guys are right, I'll find someone who will treat me better, I just don't want to wait any longer...


Well Cozy Amnesia not trying to be funny but my best advice is to forget about her. I know thats easier said than done but once you have another GF it will be a lot easier. Not many of us have ever had a job like you describe so thats a hard one but if you get another girl I'm sure your this transition will be easier for you.


Cozy Amnesia

Yes, keep on telling me how shitty this girl is, this is making me feel better.

She obviously doesn't care about my feelings if she can start working with me and then date another person also working with me. She could be so incredibly bitchy when we were together, and I didn't even know what high maintenance meant until I met her. *sigh* it was all worth it though...


stoned agin ...
if its a sweet job stay with it, screw givin that up. also you can stick around and watch the crash and burn that will probably happen :sasmokin:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
another thing,
if your boy at work didnt ask your permission to date this chick, he disrespected you.
i would whoop his ass for it.
not because of the girl, because he dissed you.


give a few chicks the ol' in out and you wont feel so bad trust me


Ganja struetu?

Basically everything fourbearer said. Lay off the drugs, keep you mind on bettering yourself for the time being and living a good life. Remember that if you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to be sorry for. If you did nothing wrong, and she left you, then you weren't right for each other. pure and simple. keep it pure and simple.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Screw all that nonsense: here's what you need to do to fuck over both of those clownheads that put the kibosh on your cortex...

Save up enough scratch to get the HOTTEST and MOST INSANE looking broads ever. Even if you don't bang them...you should show up at work with two or three chicks like Hugh Heffner.....maybe to get your check or something like change the schedule or ask for a day off...make sure EVERYONE SEES YOU. Then you need to leave them both a very small stepped on sack of the white. Mostly inositol...but just enough to make them jones and crave more. Tell your supervisor it's to hook him up for all the times he helped you out.

Then that supervisor is going to feel like a douche cause he's all up in the broad you used to screw. You can let him know later that "the sex was okay, but nothing special"...and encourage him to upgrade. Then that ditzy broad that slammed ya' is going to feel initimidated by the three vixens you strolled in with and probably develop an eating disorder. You may even want to drop a comment like "you look like you put on a few pounds, but you're still looking good...so don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

If it costs you 3 months pay it would be worth it just to see the dumbfounded look on their faces.

Whenever you have issues like this just think: What would Satan do? W.W.S.D.?

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