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Getting over a girl...


Well-known member
I think that when your ex breaks up with her new coke dealer that the coke guy will cause you trouble. Time for a change.

I recommend that you take down the grow, rent out your place, and go traveling (a strain hunt in Asia sound good??). It's the best way to get over your first serious relationship when it goes sour. Then, when you return, you'll have had such amazing experiences and met such great REAL girls from all over the world that you won't give a damn about your ex. And odds on, everyone you leave behind will be jealous as hell.

Just to plant that seed in your brain....
JJScorpio said:
It's bad news she knows you grow. You can guarantee the new guy does to.

If you can afford it, I'd seperate myself from the two of them. After I cleaned out everything. People that do coke run their mouths. They also don't think rationally.

Let me add something else. You need to let this guy know that you don't appreciate him doing what he did. Yes, it's a free world and people can do what they please, but this guy has as little class as your ex. Next time he offers you a line of coke, you need to explain to him what he did, and tell him you don't take kindly to it. Tell him to shove his coke up his ass. The good news? If he's a cokehead, he won't ever have anything. And that means she'll cheat on him quick as shit. Keep your head up, smile and keep your pride. Karma is a wonderful thing.....

AGREED, the first time either gets busted, they are going to throw you to the LEO's to save their ass's.
If you live where you can grow, you still need to be careful, never know what they are willing to do for a score..


Hey, crackheads are good to know, especially when they sell their shit for cheap. "Hey man I'll suck your dick" avoid the ones that say this though, they are dirty LOL and too cheap for my taste. Never trust em though, most would sell their mother.
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Coke is bad ummmmmmmmmmkaYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should of said she knows about your grow in the first place! Go like Casper...........


Active member
accessndx said:
Then that supervisor is going to feel like a douche cause he's all up in the broad you used to screw. You can let him know later that "the sex was okay, but nothing special"...and encourage him to upgrade. Then that ditzy broad that slammed ya' is going to feel initimidated by the three vixens you strolled in with and probably develop an eating disorder. You may even want to drop a comment like

"you look like you put on a few pounds, but you're still looking good...so don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Whenever you have issues like this just think: What would Satan do? W.W.S.D.?

you can make them explode
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Go find yourself some strange you deserve it. Thats what I did when the bitch from hell (wife) split up, just be glad you dont have any kids with her. Makes it that much more eaiser to get over it.(not my case I get to see her every other week) :wallbash:

Cozy Amnesia

I'll just tell her that they died and that I'm not growing anymore.


Active member
lol I probably shouldn't give advice in this thread but......

what's the point of going out with a chick that only wants you for your money or drugs or whatever.

If you actually liked her then mabye try quitting your job or ask her to quit? It'd kind of be hard seeing her everyday , um with your boss, can't really get over someone when you see them everyday.



Roll up, roll up, roll up!...Who wants the first shot? C'mon, everyone's a winner!



Best thing you can do is act like u could care less. She just loves the fact that you are pining over her. If she thinks you don´t care one way or the other it will eat at her. Just have fun and fukum. To hell with your ¨¨ friend. Did he know you were dating her before she started working there. U also need to quit doing coke with this asshole. U kinda sold yourself out for some blow if u ask me.

Get over it already she just ain´t worth it.

Hope it gets better Bro.

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stoned agin ...
im beginnin to believe the 2012 thread ... theres a cosmic shift goin on, yummy gave good relationship advice LOL :D

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