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does anyone have this problem....it takes so much food just to stay from being hungry. i have to eat so much all the time, it's hard to keep up, and it's actually hard to gain weight in muslce...not sure what do to besides....eat MORE...which is kind of unbelievable. i've always wondered, i eat so much, does the fat go to my arteries or what...i guess i eat healthy so i dunno


pmsskg said:
I can see what your saying, I have a extremely high metabolism but then again I eat like 4 meals a day. Just eat good stuff high in protein. Eggs, bread, chicken, pasta, etc. Also if you want to gain weight do this for your upper body its all you need. I have gained 15lbs since doing this and I just continue to get more ripped. 20x4 push ups with 30sec-1min break in between. Then do 20x4 crunches same break in between. Do not alternate push ups and crunches it will just make you more tired than if you do each exercise by its self. Then work your way up to 20x4 2 times a day, then when you can 3 times a day. Think about it, its a prison workout system. How do you think people who go to county get so big? No exercise machines in county.

hope this helps
cool....but ive always thought i have heard of people doing 100s of crunches/pushups with no real gain, but then again, that was from infomercial idiots, so who knows!


EatCannabisRaw said:
id never go near that, what's wrong with just eating healthy, meats proteins and plants...all these powerbars and pills i see, fuck that,!


Nothing wrong eating meat bro,hell it's 2008,Stand tall and tell everyone you just love eating meat!!
start by waking an sleeping at the same time everday an you body will start to get back on the right track, an then eat right an exercise an youll be normal again.
First off I would suggest eating a large breakfast and then a smaller lunch and a = size dinner to that of lunch. Don't eat anything after 8, this is important, your body isn't going to burn the calories if your sitting on the couch, so eat your bad foods if your going to at all earlier in the day. Run 1 mile a day, it takes 10 minutes, its not a fun 10 min a day but its awesome feeling after you do, weight training is awesome way to get in shape, I love it.

drink water!!! its pure its from the earth its what makes life work.


islandgrow said:
First off I would suggest eating a large breakfast and then a smaller lunch and a = size dinner to that of lunch. Don't eat anything after 8, this is important, your body isn't going to burn the calories if your sitting on the couch, so eat your bad foods if your going to at all earlier in the day. Run 1 mile a day, it takes 10 minutes, its not a fun 10 min a day but its awesome feeling after you do, weight training is awesome way to get in shape, I love it.

drink water!!! its pure its from the earth its what makes life work.

running for 10 minutes will help you burn some calories but in order to really get the most benefit out of cardio you have to do it for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week. you can burn calories in 10 minutes but it really takes at least 20 to give your heart a good workout. and obvioulsy you don't have to be running the entire time, most people can't run for 20 minutes without stopping if they are just starting to run/workout. you could even walk or do anything just as long as you keep your heart rate up above the target heart rate, which you can find on the internet. it differs depending on your age


red meat = bad
white meat = good

i dont even go near red meat if i can help it.


journies -
the point of warriordiet.com.... is to undereat for most of the day, then overeat for a 4 hour period of time at night when you are done with the day and can relax.

Undereating on raw fruits and veggies (with appropriate recovery meals if you do exercise) speeds detox during the day. Also it keeps you in a warrior-like fight or flight type of hormonal system... burning up fat during the day.

At night you go into muscle building mode and eat your big meal...after a workout usually (how it works out time-wise).

this cycling of eating habits I have found is very good for you. Hunter Gatherers probably didn't have 3 square meals a day...hell not even 5 or 6 like people think is the right way to go now. How the hell is your digestive system supposed to clean itself out with a food intake like that? How are you supposed to detox?

lol... it took me all one day to switch to warrior style. i love it. its seriously so easy...keeps you alert during the day too. its not like your fasting during the day, just undereating. You have to check out the site/book to really understand it. I think the biggest problem with america is we eat too much and too often.

You just know intuitively that is not the way to go. The body needs breaks from food intake.


That sounds like the dumbest thing to do, ever. The key is to eat many small portions throughout the day, much like the nomads probably did - the ones were involved in the vast majority of human evolutionary time.

I bet many nutritionists would think that's a horrible diet. Maybe I'll ask one and get back to you.

Again, where's your scientific backing? I'd assume you'd do some rather than just listen to those people tell you it's good.
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undereating IS eating small little meals during the day. not meals...but little snacks essentially. raw fruits and veggies and their juices. they help detox and help with enzyme loading...

it seems to me that gatherers/hunters would eat little bits of wild things they found as they worked. but i could see them hunting a big kill and then eating it at night in safety near a fire.

It may not be the only way to go...but I could see how doing this at least a few times a week even would be really good for your whole system.

Look into the benefits of fasting. Detoxing...etc...
The book could really answer your questions.... I think he has done some research. Many "nutritionists" are shit. Seriously... I've been studying nutrition for over 13 years. Many of these so called nutritionists were just idiots who took a few classes in college...ate up whatever the books told them...and now all of a sudden they think they know everything.

But the truth is they are building their foundation of nutrition on a tiny stick...instead of a well-rounded real world approach to nutrition. Nutrition isn't just about what you eat. Its about when you eat it. Its about how your digestive system will soak up that food. Which actually involves even things like your mind and attitude about the food.

Who gives that food item A has 200 mg of B12...if you digestive system is in such a state as that food item is passing through that it only wants to digest 10 mg of that b12? Just because you put something in your mouth does NOT mean that your body will absorb it.


Your body gets hungry for a reason. It says "I NEED FOOD." This is why we don't skip lunch. I NEED food every 3 hours or my stomach feels like it's eating itself away. I'm not fat, and in shape, as well. When your body gets hungry it eats protein, not TOXINS. Fasting doesn't magically get rid of toxins in your body. That makes no sense and again I ask you to present the scientific evidence, not some company that is trying to sell you their gimmick.

Nutritionalists have more on you at this point because you can't tell us how your method is scientifically backed.

Nutritionalists don't just tell you "eat this because it has this vitamin" they tell you do create a good environment for your body through multiple sources of HEALTHY FOOD. NOT fasting! Once you eat healthy food, you don't have to worry about your body not working well.
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Old Soul

Active member
I think the warrior diet is a very good one but it depends on your body type if it will work for you. There are three body types, I forget the technical names but the first is lanky, tall, high endurance, very high metabolism with a need for more carbohydrates. The middle one is the warrior, a mix between the two, medium build, good muscle tone and endurance. This body type metabolizes fats a little better. This is the body type that should utilize the warrior diet. I am this body type and it does work. The last body type is large frame, slow metabolism, very strong with lower endurance. This body type needs to eat a higher protein diet as it's metabolism is slower and cannot metabolize fat and carbs as efficiently.

The key is listening to your body. Knowing what it does after you eat a certain way or certain foods. This is how I found out that a warrior diet would work better for me even before they came out with it. I have been eating that way for a long time because my body runs way better like that. Your diet should be how you eat, not a way to lose weight. That is what exercise is for. Most people don't even necessarily need to lose weight but just redistribute that weight into muscle and this will transform the rest of your figure. With all the different body types, it should not be about how much you weigh, but how you look.



old soul good points...and journies i see what your saying.
i don't think warriordiet.com is all abouts selling their warrior bars or what not. those are just there for good recovery meals that fit what he says recov meals should be of. not necessary at all.

journies u sound really uptight. maybe because u quit smoking from that study idk. chill out

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