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Getting into shape

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Feyd said:
Anyone have any cheap but healthy recipes (that do not involve cannabis) that I could replace my shitty eating habits with? I'll bite the tiny little bullet and buy better food if I have to, but if I can save a few bucks here and there I'd love to.

This may be an option for you. The supermarkets around here sell roast chickens for $6.50. They're small but big enough for two people or 2/3 meals for one person. Also buy a Caesar Salad kit for $2.50.

So, you add some of the chicken (usually one of the breasts) to the salad and, voila, chicken caesar salad. Put it in the fridge until tomorrow, or a quick lunch for work. Chicken and potatoes/rice/veggie of choice is your supper. If you really want to be fugal you can make soup stock from the carcass. Add noodles and some veggies and you got a great chicken noodle soup.

Total cost: $9 for chicken and salad
$6 for pototoes and noodles/rice and veggies

So, for $15 you can eat for 2-3 days, pretty much the same as fast food, but I would say a lot healthier. That is, if you like chicken.


sunshine in a bag
"You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later."

meh, tried to hit all of you giving advice or support, and then those of you who I could not give anymore to because I had to spread some around, but I thank you all equally, regardless!


Yea, Im startin my workin-out and eating better startin tomm. since Im goin to the bahamas in april. Gonna cut back my soda intake and only drink diet or zero ones, and only 1 or 2 oreos a night. Damn I love oreos!!

I cook alot and rarely eat fast-food. I will be eating alot of peanut-butter, tuna fish and chicken, beef. I also like to eat waffles with some low calorie syrup after a good workout to treat myself. You just gotta find out was good and pretty easy for you.

Main thing is to reduce calories and ramp up excercise ie running, lifting, stairs, crunchs, pushups, pullups. Also, alot of people burn out on eating "well", so allow yourself somethings you crave every week. If u dont want to go out and buy free weights just get some plastic bags and add cans of beans or whatever you can find around your house.

Don't think of it as a diet but as a lifestyle change.

You can do it, just gotta stick with it!!



Fat will not turn into muscle! You will burn the fat for energy and build new muscle tissue with the protein and other nutrients you consume.

Nothing better than exercise and good nutrition as mentioned by others in previous posts. NO CHIPS NO CHIPS NO CHIPS!!!!

Get after it as we all know you will and that you will succeed!!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Go look at bodybuilding.com if you want tips on how to get in better shape. Of course you're not looking to be Mr. Olympia, but you can learn a lot from guys who are muscular yet very lean (high muscle to body fat ratio i.e. being in shape).

Even if you're not a steroid abusing meathead, don't be afraid to lift some iron at the gym. Everyone's gotta start off somewhere, and free weights, specifically compound exercises (squats, deadlifts, power cleans etc) will stimulate more of a testosterone and growth hormone response from your muscles than isolation exercises will.

I'd keep cardio and resistance training (weights) on separate days. Cardio impedes muscle building from weights - but it IS good for your lower body and lungs and heart!

Eat 5-6 small meals a day with protein. More and smaller meals w/ protein means you're feeding your body with enough to build muscle yet not enough to build fat (when you eat an excess of calories your body stores them as fat).
This will be easier if you cook at home. Get a big bag of frozen or fresh chicken breasts; grill or bake them along with some rice and you've got meals for a few days. Of course you're not going to eat chicken and rice 6 times a day but you get the picture, eat foods that are as unprocessed as possible. Try to stay away from fast food and heavily processed food (chips, cookies, frozen pizzas, hot pockets etc). You'll cheat but when you do don't let it get out of hand. Have that frozen pizza when you get the munchies but next day get back to eating more healthy.
My two cents.



New member
There was a tv show on last night talking about how the UK is getting fatter and the only way stay in shape was calorie restriction.

One thing that really surprised me was that if you eat 70 calories (which is one biscuit) over your daily calorie requirement you would put on 71 lbs in 10 years!

They said that obesity just kind of catches up with you but you can see why if 1 biscuit a day can put on that much weight over 10 years.

After the above was explained to me I now realize that I massively overeat and need to stop otherwise I will be obese in 5 years so time to get my shit together, excersize and eat properly.

They also said that a meal should be 1/2 veg, 1/4 carbs and 1/4 protein which mine are not.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Here is what is working for me:

Slow down when you eat, enjoy the food. If you eat slower you will notice when you get full and stop eating when you are. Drinking a glass of water/tea before you eat will make a small meal feel larger.

Walk. That's all, walk 30 minutes a day. No gyms or weights.

Get hungry. If you eat small meals you will get hungry. Only eat when you are hungry. I used to eat many meals out of sheer boredom or habit. Only eat when you are hungry.

Pinch your belly. Before you eat that ho-ho, grab a little chub to remind yourself why you don't want to eat that snack. Once you are reminded, go grab something to drink instead, it will fill you up too.

After 30 days or so of that add something else to the "plan" like pushups or hindu squats. If you can't get out and walk, do these, they will kick your ass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPSVpo4mzNI

"If you can't take 15 minutes a day for your health, then you really need to re-evaluate your life." - some dude


omg at 20 you can get in shape FAST! hmm....6'4 20 year old male I assume...yummy!

This is something I know a little about!!!
(buy a heart rate monitor, you can get em for under 50 bucks and it's a great tool to know what your body is doing. )

You needa get in there and get your heart rate above 130 to burn calories and above 150 to put on muscle. Don't matter at this point what kind of exercise, just get your ass moving. You've done all the research to be here, do some research on how to take care of that wonderful body you were gifted.

Cut out ALL fast food and junk! You know what junk is. Doritos, cereal, mcdonalds, sugar, and soda. Your dinner plate should be half veggies. Cut up a bag of califlower, broccoli and carrots. Dip em in ligght ranch if you have to, but you can grab real food when you get the munchies. Grapes work well as something to just grab that you dont have to cook. Keep some lean lunchmeat around. Turkey breast. Drink as much water as your body can hold!

Good luck! I got my krew down here in texas moving and eatin better. Some of my guy friends are getting lazy smoking joints all day and messing in their garden. I bet with some exercise and changes in your eating habits, you'll be a stud!!!!!!


I agree with 420inprogress, if burning fat is what you want to do, the bench press is not needed, maybe a few light free weights but nothing major that is for bulking up. Maybe get a bench press for after you go do cardio. Once again think natural running, swimming, and climbing. They are all full body workouts. The bench press and all those workout machines merely isolate a group of muscles when the natural running, swimming, climbing are full body work outs. Especially climbing and pullups are great for the whole upper body


Oh and another key thing is more weight/less reps = more mass....Less weight/more reps= cut and definition.
no...muscle definition is a product of your body fat percentage, lighter weights with more reps is just gonna build endurance, it wont effect your definition. you wanna usually stay in the 6-10 rep range in my experience, you will just have to find out what works for you. but remember, it takes TIME to really see results and find out what works best for you, you arent gonna add 50 lbs onto your bench in 2 months so make sure you are in for the long haul. once again, recomend bodybuilding.com, im sure you dont wanna be a competitive body builder but it makes sense to maximise your routine based on the most knowledgable people there are. Another thing, dont listen to other people at the gym, friends, ect. about workout info, it is alot like the herb world, everyone thinks they know everything but all they do is transmit false information, ppl at the gym love to act like fuckin scientists but they generally have no idea what they are talkin about, these are the big guys who you see doing bicep curls and bench every day with tiny ass legs, no back, ect.

got carried away there, just do research on the web just like you would when you first learned about growing and most likely found out that almost everything you thought you knew about bud was bullshit, same will apply to working out.

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Pink said:
omg at 20 you can get in shape FAST! hmm....6'4 20 year old male I assume...yummy!

This is something I know a little about!!!
(buy a heart rate monitor, you can get em for under 50 bucks and it's a great tool to know what your body is doing. )

You needa get in there and get your heart rate above 130 to burn calories and above 150 to put on muscle. Don't matter at this point what kind of exercise, just get your ass moving. You've done all the research to be here, do some research on how to take care of that wonderful body you were gifted.

Cut out ALL fast food and junk! You know what junk is. Doritos, cereal, mcdonalds, sugar, and soda. Your dinner plate should be half veggies. Cut up a bag of califlower, broccoli and carrots. Dip em in ligght ranch if you have to, but you can grab real food when you get the munchies. Grapes work well as something to just grab that you dont have to cook. Keep some lean lunchmeat around. Turkey breast. Drink as much water as your body can hold!

Good luck! I got my krew down here in texas moving and eatin better. Some of my guy friends are getting lazy smoking joints all day and messing in their garden. I bet with some exercise and changes in your eating habits, you'll be a stud!!!!!!
Cereal is junk food? I eat wheaties every day, they give you fiber, do you consider that junk?


Alright, I'll give you that. Most 20 year olds wouldnt touch wheaties. I was more talking bout sitting in front of the xbox with a big bowl of capn crunch. Cmon stoners you know who you are!

I eat that Kashi stuff, I thought that might have ben a lil on the froo froo side.....good catch


sunshine in a bag
Yea, I eat honey nut cheerios and raisin bran crunch

how does sleep play a role in weight loss? im just gonna assume that more time awake = more energy consumption

i woke up at 5:45 today, which is abnormal, going to make it a habit


Active member
I decided to get into shape too. I just got myself an exercise bike the other day and I plan to go to the gym once a week to build the upper body up a bit. I'm actually underweight, but my body is all muscle and it's endurance-wise where I'm in a lousy shape (and I'd also like to kick my friends' ass in wrestling someday, but shit how expensive the gyms are here).

Add a bit of cross country skiing to the mix, if the weather permits.

I plan to bike 4-5 days a week, 30-50 mins at a time with proper muscle care and proper food.


Active member
Being fit is a lifestyle decision, not a diet. Most of these responses are horrible. However, your looking for workout advice on a forum for stoners... Check out www.musclesci.com, and http://forums.steroid.com/.
There's lots of steroid stuff, but there's also lots of natural stuff. Stoners shouldn't judge anyway imho.
Anyway, throwing yourself on a diet to lose a couple pounds is a horrible idea, because as soon as you come off, and return to your normal habits, you will rebound, putting on all that fat again.
Should you lift weights? YES! Muscle burns calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. The more calories you can burn, the more food you can eat without getting fat.
CARDIO IS KING of weight loss. 45 mins on an empty stomache first thing in the morning is the best, keeping your pulse around 120-130. This is more of a speedwalk than a jog. Gotta do it at least 5 times a week. Twice a day won't kill ya.
Protien, Carbs, Fats, they're all calories, but they aren't created equal. Protien and carbs each have 4 cals per gram. Fat has 9 cals per gram. So, you can eat 2 grams of carbs or protein, and still have fewer calories than just 1 gram of fat.
So, a high protein (building block of muscle), moderate carb, and low fat diet is what you need to drop fat. Then to maintain you will need to follow a diet of equal carbs to protein, and low amounts of fat.
6 small meals a day keeps your metabolism working all day, as apposed to only 3 times a day. Every day ou need to eat 1g of protein per pound on lean muscle... Drink 1 gallon of water. Take a multivitamin.
I can go on and on... PM me if you have a specific question.


Active member
Feyd said:
Yea, I eat honey nut cheerios and raisin bran crunch

how does sleep play a role in weight loss? im just gonna assume that more time awake = more energy consumption

i woke up at 5:45 today, which is abnormal, going to make it a habit

Sleep is very important. Shoot for 8-10hs. Without that much sleep, your body can't fully regenerate, and stress hormones are elevated. Cortisol specifically, and that helps store abdominal fat.


yea you are kind of right i definately dont have any facts or sources to back that up, im just going by my experience. Id just rather be running, swimming, or climbing outdoors. i push light weights at high reps a couple times a week. and when i say high reps i mean like 13-16. I do occasionally put on the weight for a good heavy workout, i just dont have a desire to get gigantic.


New member
i am in no way what you can consider fat and i wasnt being active either...would just sit around and smoke and eat...i decided i would go to the gym...so i did research found the best deal in my area and jumped into it

its really not that hard if you have the mindset to do it then you can do it, i always used to play sports in high school so i am fairly athletic still but just was a lazy stoner...so now atleast 3 times a week if not every day, i go to the gym after work

i started with running, i know its kind of the girly thing to do at a gym but i want to build my stamina up, yes i still lift but not as much as id like, i can hold of on heavy lifting till i build up my stamina but then again im not going for bulking up, toning and definition is what i want

i can honestly say ive never ran 1 full mile till i went to the gym and depending how i feel after work i have history of kneee problems and whatnot from football injury, i usually run atleast 1 mile if not 2 or more


I can see what your saying, I have a extremely high metabolism but then again I eat like 4 meals a day. Just eat good stuff high in protein. Eggs, bread, chicken, pasta, etc. Also if you want to gain weight do this for your upper body its all you need. I have gained 15lbs since doing this and I just continue to get more ripped. 20x4 push ups with 30sec-1min break in between. Then do 20x4 crunches same break in between. Do not alternate push ups and crunches it will just make you more tired than if you do each exercise by its self. Then work your way up to 20x4 2 times a day, then when you can 3 times a day. Think about it, its a prison workout system. How do you think people who go to county get so big? No exercise machines in county.

hope this helps