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Getting 1 Pound per plant outdoors

try comb

Active member
Most guerillas cant build such a contraption in the wild Aeroguerilla. LOL, you clearly dont have any bear around your neck of the woods! I do

Where are your smart pots after a thunderstorm hits them with a 60 mph wind and some hail? I cant imagine a large plant with enough weed growing on it to produce a lb not being so top heavy as to upturn any pot during that storm. Large plants planted in-ground often get blown over in the wind. I use 5' rebar stakes and sometimes they get bent.
Dont animals dig out the dirt and eat it for the nutrients?

Those plants dont/wont have a lb of weed on them.

you are a joke........do everyone a favor whos learning and dont post your terrible excuse for good advice.


Active member
Most guerillas cant build such a contraption in the wild Aeroguerilla. LOL, you clearly dont have any bear around your neck of the woods! I do

Where are your smart pots after a thunderstorm hits them with a 60 mph wind and some hail? I cant imagine a large plant with enough weed growing on it to produce a lb not being so top heavy as to upturn any pot during that storm. Large plants planted in-ground often get blown over in the wind. I use 5' rebar stakes and sometimes they get bent.
Dont animals dig out the dirt and eat it for the nutrients?

Those plants dont/wont have a lb of weed on them.
NOOOOOOOOOO bears thats some funny shit try 2-3 bears per sq, mile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Its back to that experience thing Thc. You see, Early girl is a single stem plant that wont top. If topped, its just that tall now but it wont branch out. "flo" is another such plant with phenos that wont branch if the plant is topped. There are others. Did you read the part about problems that arise when plants that are forced to carry much more vegetation than they were designed for?

As for the organics, if one has the capacity to use them, then lb can be achieved, but for more than a few plants, or when you cant tend to the plants more than ever couple of weeks, organics cant really compete. Plus, many animals eat soil to get the nutrients that arent available from eating plants. They hunt for such soil and to put it in a planting hole is disasterous around here.

When Tasty asked the question, my answer was based on the simplest, easiest way to get 1lb of weed from 1 grow hole. Yes, there are other ways it can be achieved, but NO, there are not easier or more effective methods of getting a lb than the way i told Tasty to do it. .
WHAT A ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I grew monsters in organics feed just one time when I mixed my soil thats it ,3 miles by boat pluss a hike man you are realy shouldnt talk about what you dony know!!!!!!!!



Well-known member
WHAT A ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I grew monsters in organics feed just one time when I mixed my soil thats it ,3 miles by boat pluss a hike man you are realy shouldnt talk about what you dony know!!!!!!!!


Nice garden and huge pots you must feel pretty secure in your spot to put the time and energy into the few plants I see in this pic.

Do you take down the pots every year after you are done? Not worried about hunting season?

Maybe it’s your property??

Whatcha watering with a gas powered pump?

No fear of rippers?? The ground around those plants is absolutely bare one of my plots (24 plants) was found this season because of excessive foot traffic.

T-shirt and jeans what!!!! Man that must be nice to water your plants in civilian gear dude I wish I have to be head to toe in camo.

No backpack??? I have to have a full backpack loaded down with supplies because I never know what’s around the next bend could be leaf spot, insect infestation, mold you name it. My back hurts just looking at that pristine plot.

So 3 miles in a boat then you hiked all that in short sleeves wow really sweet I would look like a bloody mess if I took 3 steps into my growing environment.

You can tell a lot from one pic and hell I am probably 100% wrong but that don’t look any guerrilla grow I have been part of.

If i could grow like that I would but unfortunately like most other growers especially new ones that’s not an option. If I were to give advice to a new grower who posted a (How to grow 1 lb plants.) it wouldn’t be giant monsters in pots that cannot be moved. This is something for the more experienced grower or one who back yard grows not a guerrilla.


Active member
Nice garden and huge pots you must feel pretty secure in your spot to put the time and energy into the few plants I see in this pic.

Do you take down the pots every year after you are done? Not worried about hunting season?

Maybe it’s your property??

Whatcha watering with a gas powered pump?

No fear of rippers?? The ground around those plants is absolutely bare one of my plots (24 plants) was found this season because of excessive foot traffic.

T-shirt and jeans what!!!! Man that must be nice to water your plants in civilian gear dude I wish I have to be head to toe in camo.

No backpack??? I have to have a full backpack loaded down with supplies because I never know what’s around the next bend could be leaf spot, insect infestation, mold you name it. My back hurts just looking at that pristine plot.

So 3 miles in a boat then you hiked all that in short sleeves wow really sweet I would look like a bloody mess if I took 3 steps into my growing environment.

You can tell a lot from one pic and hell I am probably 100% wrong but that don’t look any guerrilla grow I have been part of.

If i could grow like that I would but unfortunately like most other growers especially new ones that’s not an option. If I were to give advice to a new grower who posted a (How to grow 1 lb plants.) it wouldn’t be giant monsters in pots that cannot be moved. This is something for the more experienced grower or one who back yard grows not a guerrilla.




I work smarter not harder.I make my own pots lugged all the soil in my self and tend them 1 time a week pots where 150 gallon to 50 gallon and yes 1lb of a 50 gallon is a could do .But you better have your shit togeather.And go organic.Dig holes screw that!


Active member
realy man If you want to get 1lb per plant dont be lazy!!!!!!!!!
get or make 50 gallon smartpots put on the edge of a bog facing the sun rise so the plant has sun on it all day have the sun goto the plant and set behind it.have the pot setting in at least1 inch of water.Do a organic soil mix NOOOOO blood or fish stuff animals will be all over it.put the bigest tomato cages you can find over the plant ,veg it indoors for 2-3 months,Now the hard part strain!!! That can take the humid air of the swamp ,you dont want bud rot.I got a great strand this year but if you have to buy one I had good luck with GHS WW mabe 10% mold dun 7 Oct.I will say this compost,peat,perilite,chicken shit,azomite,dolimite lime.kelp meal,steamed boone meal,1 table spoon each per gallon of mix.peat 30%compost30%perilite30%10%worm shit cook 3 weeks.
Some thing in side me says Im wasting my time with this info becouse people will say AHHHH to much work,time and money but I realy want a pound NAAAAAAAAAA.I realy domt like lazy ass people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tiphat:


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Thanks brother for enlightening these fools are job is done here. itching for that 600gal next year 10lber all day baby


Well-known member
realy man If you want to get 1lb per plant dont be lazy!!!!!!!!!
get or make 50 gallon smartpots put on the edge of a bog facing the sun rise so the plant has sun on it all day have the sun goto the plant and set behind it.have the pot setting in at least1 inch of water.Do a organic soil mix NOOOOO blood or fish stuff animals will be all over it.put the bigest tomato cages you can find over the plant ,veg it indoors for 2-3 months,Now the hard part strain!!! That can take the humid air of the swamp ,you dont want bud rot.I got a great strand this year but if you have to buy one I had good luck with GHS WW mabe 10% mold dun 7 Oct.I will say this compost,peat,perilite,chicken shit,azomite,dolimite lime.kelp meal,steamed boone meal,1 table spoon each per gallon of mix.peat 30%compost30%perilite30%10%worm shit cook 3 weeks.
Some thing in side me says Im wasting my time with this info becouse people will say AHHHH to much work,time and money but I realy want a pound NAAAAAAAAAA.I realy domt like lazy ass people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tiphat:

Very nice description of how you do these smart pots but I did want to comment on your "dig holes” comment.

So you can get 1 lb/plant in a 50 gal pot (and “your shit has to be straight” I think you said) and you visit once per week, just using your words here.

I can dig 10 holes 1ft deep x 2ft wide in early spring in about 1.5 hrs depending. I can start my seeds in the bush (May 15th) no carrying in clones or veging them for 2.5 months (your words not starting shit just pointing out facts).

June 1st I can put my ten (12 inch fem seedlings) in the holes and harvest the same time as you Oct 1st or earlier depending on strain (you did mention strain selection was important i noticed). I visit my plots every 2-3weeks and I can pull 1/2 lb easy per plant so that’s 5 lbs in less time and work.

So to be honest from my standpoint/opinion I work smarter not harder.

Also you didn’t tell me if you tore down the smart pots and if so how do you keep the soil for next year?? Do you have to carry soil in every year ??I don’t want to start shit, not my style, but how is this smarter not harder than what I am doing.

I can have 4 plots of 10 plants in the same time and work that you have there. The reason that people usually use your methodology is because they are in a med state and can grow only a limited amount of plants or its there own property and they can use machinery to do the work. Hauling in 50 lbs of soil for one plant is extreme if you think about the ROI (Return on investment) is not there if you do the math but maybe i am missing something but I dont see it.

I guess the question should be why are you growing 1lb plants??? The ROI isn’t there unless you meet one of the two criteria I have called out. I was friends with Fast Pine and he grew in the ground in the desert (clay not sand) with less work I really don’t get it and I say that with no animosity.


i dig both big plants and lots of small plants. for some people in harsher climates and not much space to preveg indoors it makes more sense to do what hamstring suggests and aim for more plants , 1/2 lb each would be ideal. i might try a couple 100 gals this summer tho to compare . should have room to veg em out.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
yea just fill the smartpot with 5 plants and you will still get serious weight. instead of vegging one for months earlier


Good points all hamstring, you can add one more too... your plants have a MUCH better chance of making it to harvest. Go back an look at the large smartpots sitting out in the open, no wonder they almost all were taken. All that work and expense for nothing... but who amongst us that 'know' didn't see that coming? easy


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The smart pots look like they work great and I can tell you guys put a hell of alot of work into em. But why not camo them better? Would scare the shit out of me to go and have a huge fucking pot sticking out like a sore thumb. Anyone that walks by would see em no doubt about it.. It's something I wouldn't want to take the risk with.
realy man If you want to get 1lb per plant dont be lazy!!!!!!!!!

Damn that's the best thing that's been said yet. Strain this, strain that, container this, soil mix that........

Blah, whatever, that shit matters but not as much as one thing. There isn't no way you're getting a LB (Guerilla anyways) without doing some serious fucking labor. And when you are tired, and it's whicked shitty out, and you just don't have it in you, and you don't wanna even get your pack ready, fix your transportation, run to the store and get those supplies, then head out into that shitty weather and go through a bunch of bullshit that drains you, oh well. You better buck up and get that shit done or you ain't gettin' that pound. You're either coming out as a whiney bitch with nothing to show, or one tough mother fucker with abs of steel and a shit ton of good.

I'm still sticking by my containers suck comment though.


Well-known member
Good points all hamstring, you can add one more too... your plants have a MUCH better chance of making it to harvest. Go back an look at the large smartpots sitting out in the open, no wonder they almost all were taken. All that work and expense for nothing... but who amongst us that 'know' didn't see that coming? easy

Thanks and not to mention that a pot that big is a hole you cant move it so what do you really have but a permanent fixture or "A Hole in the ground". So if you really analyze it by growing in containers that large you are taking away one of the aspects that people use containers for and that is to be able to move the plant.

Aeroguerilla mentioned putting several plants in one large smart pot WHY?? Why not put 5 plants one each in 5 five-gallon containers so you can move them the weight should be close to equal. Large pots equal large plants no doubt about but what is the reason. I liken it to driving a Hummer to go get groceries yeah you can do it but its mostly for show. Don’t get me wrong big plants show well but don’t smoke any different.


Large pots equal large plants no doubt about but what is the reason. I liken it to driving a Hummer to go get groceries yeah you can do it but its mostly for show. Don’t get me wrong big plants show well but don’t smoke any different.

Agree again, there's a time and place for everything and huge smartpots with bales of mix isn't a viable (or smart) guerrilla option. If you really want to grow that way then move to a med state and do it right.

Sure you can grow 3-5 lbs in one 200 gallon smartpot sitting right out in the middle of some low foliage field (if watered, fertilized, supported, trellised, maintained, etc)... but if in the end someone else gets your stuff then your total yield was "0 lbs" (and perhaps worse). You can go broke real quick with that strategy... easy.

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i also agree,if my garden looked like maina's i wouldn't harvest the first gram.i don't understand why u would use those big ass pots for guerilla growing in remote areas.they are eye catchers for sure.they would easily be spotted from above in the areas i grow in.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
you guys just follow my outdoor guerilla thread next year. im going to show you the biggest outdoor harvest you have ever seen. 100 200gal smart pots 50 spots of 2. i want at least 3lbs per plant no less... and i will only visit these plants once a month


you guys just follow my outdoor guerilla thread next year. im going to show you the biggest outdoor harvest you have ever seen. 100 200gal smart pots 50 spots of 2. i want at least 3lbs per plant no less... and i will only visit these plants once a month

I hope you show us all wrong. Good luck... easy.