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Get Baked and Go Fishing


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Trout season opens april 1st here ... can't freakin wait :woohoo:
then its on to Bass season !!!
gonna be a great spring this year ... i can see it already :dance013:
Trout season opens april 1st here ... can't freakin wait
then its on to Bass season !!!
gonna be a great spring this year ... i can see it already :dance013:

Did you open it? You have nice spots there.. Planning to visit someday :dance013:

This was our 420 and last ice fishing day at the same time. Couldn't walk to the right spots, because the ice was too weak. We have floating suits but safety first as always :shark:


Happy 4:20 day to all danky fishers! :woohoo:


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
Hi Fols,
I got so sick once from going fishing and getting baked!
I was piking on the Fens with a pal, who'd brought some particularly arse-kicking White Widow. (2004). We'd had a quiet day with no runs but we were there for 3 or 4 days so no problem. We bivvied up for the night after setting our dead-baits and settled down with a cuppa and a fat one. Well, a couple of jovial hours pass and we are properly blocked - giggling and shit when I get a run on one of my rods. Chaos ensued with me flapping like a good 'un and my pal being no help at all as he's falling about laughing. I sort my shit out and eventually land a fine 29lb beauty. Shw was well hooked however & trying to get two sets of razor sharp trebles out of her mouth was an experience I'll never forget. Anyway, one way or another I hadn't gloved-up to re-bait, or handled some guts or something somewhere in the blundering procedure. Rolling & licking Rizzla transfered whatever nasty little bugs were on the fish - to my mouth. I was ill the next morning with a slamming headache, which I feared was only gonna get worse. So we packed up & came home. Just as well, coz I was as sick as a dog for about 4 days afterwards.
Never want to experience that again so if you're handling dead baits & fish generally - wash your hands before you skin up!
Stay safe

vStagger Leev

The Rainbow trout are ON in the PacNW, headed to the Crooked River in Central OR this weekend, should make for some good fishing! Also BIG browns in that area... :joint: SL


last week watched an amazing sight.
was jigging down the coast. got onto a school of barely legal kings 650mm. they were hot. late arvo bight after bagging on flathead (25 fish each x 3) threw one back and a black marlin (assume its a black as of the shallow water and other hook ups and sightings along the coast) 500lbs plus just fuckin ate that fish right at the side of the boat like a fuckin dolphin does. Majestic.
Utterly unbelievable.
Pure fucking goose bumps.
Fishing went pretty quiet after that. We only had 50lb jig sticks and 30lb bottom rigs for flats plus 8 lbs light spin for squidlies and bonito. Im not that stupid. I never want to tangle with a marlin on inappropriate gear. Some fela went 10 3/4 hours on a big black (called for a blue but blacks are the ones that jump at the boat) in a similar area and had to cut the line due to darkness and a front moving in at 40 knots.

also jumbo southern bluefin tuna (sbt) been getting caught every day in western victoria and south east tasmania. fish from 75 - 140 kgs. we call em barrels. little ones are super common. fill your boat in a few hours. big ones rare and precious. we dont get to fish for them til mid june and they dont hang around long. one weather system, and you miss them and their gone.


Hell yeah its time to fish, I usually rig up and do some dabs before the walk to the river, and roll a joint or two to pass time while I watch.

I landed a handful of little brookies and browns yesterday and had a big bow break me off.

Only problem w/ getting stoned. I left a zipper open, and dropped my fly box. Oh no all winter of tying flies. Took the pups on a walk and found it!!!

Tight lines
Nice fishing hype going on and summer´s coming, absolutely perfect! We have a nice archipelago very close to us. This years plan is get to know how beautiful is it and what kind of and how many fishes it will keep in that sea.. :tiphat:

Here's yesterdays photo what it can be after 2,5 hours! White fish yamm..



some very good pics in here.i haven't had the time to do any fishing yet but once i do i will get some pics up.enjoy your weekends


todays catch

todays catch

Had a few minutes to hit a few runs on the blue this morning. Here's a couple pics of the winner!!!

I tricked this one into eating this hot spot pheasant tail.

Tight lines!


Thanks bro...it came from one of those spots that looks prime, but never produces...until today!


Nice fish, JimmyR...and everybody! Just nailed this guy an hour ago....Largemouth, 5 1/2 lbs.

Edit: Awesome pic, Mr. Tasuri...

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