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Get Baked and Go Fishing


You are lucky to be able to fish for salmon. Our government here messed up the eco system by pumping too much water out of the river, damning up rivers, and a number of other problems. The salmon population is almost extinct. I'm pretty sure the season will be closed again this year... Just puts more fishing pressure on all the other species which in turn makes their numbers go down too... Lets Pray for better fishing days ahead...

Its hard to believe NY has better fishing for salmon and steelhead than california and some places do. THe government screwed everything up.

Lake ontario and some lakes near it used to have huge populations of atlantics, but they were wiped out hundred years or more ago. Now they have small stockings of them, but very few return. I've gotten 3 total in 16 years of fishing the tribs of that lake.. Since the alewifes moved/got introduced into the lake the atlantics eat them and have trouble reproducing because of something in the alewifes. Some enzyme or something in them screws up the atlantics natural repo.


beautiful fishing everyone specially the fly fishing photos I really dig them :) thanks for sharing I love fishing!


Dug up some more pics to share from last season and the one before...

pic 1 is the salmon river during the salmon run.. Not too bad crowd wise that morning actually..

pic 2, same river, winter steelhead

pic 3 a friend baiting up from a nice snowy day steelhead fishing

pic 4... my old driftboat...Lost due to a dwi... Drinking screws your life up..


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Some more pics, hope none are repeats.

pic one steelhead and centerpin float rod combo

pic 2 jig caught coho salmon

pic3 friend with big smallie from the yak

pic 4 friend fighting a fish from the yak


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High ArticSun,

I have been lucky enough to go fishing for Salmon in the Lagen [no o-over-A on my keyboard...] as well as fly fishing for Sea Trout around Stavern and Tjolling, really beautiful places and times I will never forget.

Recently I have been out with some friends down on the Ebro after Wels Catfish... the one night I was busy elsewhere, a friend from the UK had a 170LB fish getting on for 3M long.... =P I am going to get out there again and hope I get something worth posting this time, other than 1001 Mosquito bites on my butt....

hope you had good times in norway, next time you should try up north :) best of luck on your trip hope you catch something

Thats exactly what i figured the deal was. THe atlantic fishery is the holy grail of salmon and the fly fishing snobs control.

I fly fish from time to time, but get turned off buy it from some of the attitude that comes with the territory....

there is quite abit of the classic fly fishing snobbery, this is where the english lords come to fish. but trust me the locals up here they use big spoon lures and lol at the tweed crew hehe.

when it comes to salmon fishing the trick is to know the psycology of the salmon. since they dont feed in the rivers, they dont eat anything they only bite because they are territorial and want to protect their spawning grounds.

the most efficient way of catching them is using big silver colored lures that mimic or looks as much as a small salmon as possible. nothing pisses a big salmon off more then a smaller salmon.

a trick here locally is to take a dinner spoon and cut half of the shaft off it, drill a hole and attatch a hook.

i do think fly fishing is an artform and i do appriciate dry fly fishing on sunny days myself... ALOT. i especially respect the knowledge the guys that go looking for insects and tie their own flies have. its priceless knowledge.

but as for flyfishing for atlantic salmon, thats just pure snobbery because the salmon doesnt eat flies or river insects. but if one has no choice, id go for a silver colored fly on a black canvas.

a good fly fisher is a deadly fish hunter, very efficient, but its a trout thing imo. and wetfly fishing is just more efficient with intermediate sinker bombs.

thanks for the pics of the river nosaint. i especially like the winter pics :D


I'm no hardcore fly fisherman by any means, but i do some... You can get some salmon to hit flies swinging them, but its a lot of casting for a few hooks ups, but when they do hit, they smash them. You have to get on the fresh fish to really get into any that want to hit.

I'm friends with multiple guides on the local rivers here. They do best for legal hookups back trolling hotshots or flat/quickfish.

We get them at night fishing floating eggsacks off bottom or trolling glow in the dark spoons off the mouth of the river.

For the most part the majority of the salmon "caught" in rivers here are either lined or lifted(snagged). Its a huge problem in great lake tribs.

Most of the atlantic fishing here(at least in Ny) is inland lake run atlantic salmon that average 2-6lbs. A double digit(10+) is big.

If you can find unmolested salmon in deep or estuary type water sometimes you can have really good days fishing skein under a float. But those days don't happen a lot. Again, I'm talking all chinook or coho here.

Salmon and steel are my specialty. Little trout just arent the same anymore..Sure its fun, but I want fish measured in lbs not inches...

hope you had good times in norway, next time you should try up north :) best of luck on your trip hope you catch something

there is quite abit of the classic fly fishing snobbery, this is where the english lords come to fish. but trust me the locals up here they use big spoon lures and lol at the tweed crew hehe.

when it comes to salmon fishing the trick is to know the psycology of the salmon. since they dont feed in the rivers, they dont eat anything they only bite because they are territorial and want to protect their spawning grounds.

the most efficient way of catching them is using big silver colored lures that mimic or looks as much as a small salmon as possible. nothing pisses a big salmon off more then a smaller salmon.

a trick here locally is to take a dinner spoon and cut half of the shaft off it, drill a hole and attatch a hook.

i do think fly fishing is an artform and i do appriciate dry fly fishing on sunny days myself... ALOT. i especially respect the knowledge the guys that go looking for insects and tie their own flies have. its priceless knowledge.

but as for flyfishing for atlantic salmon, thats just pure snobbery because the salmon doesnt eat flies or river insects. but if one has no choice, id go for a silver colored fly on a black canvas.

a good fly fisher is a deadly fish hunter, very efficient, but its a trout thing imo. and wetfly fishing is just more efficient with intermediate sinker bombs.

thanks for the pics of the river nosaint. i especially like the winter pics :D


ill not get into what i think about flyfishing only, catch and release salmon rivers... just lets not :D hehe

the mountain trout here is just as big as the sea run trout many places. we definately measure weight and not lenght on them. they stay fat the whole year.

BTW.. FINALLY the weather turned and the sun returned, i didnt waist the oppurtunity!!!!

the catch .. loads of coalfish, and 1 small seasonal river trout on his first sea run, got washed out from the river to the fjord during the rain. plus a nice
seatrout, prolly a 2 yearold. 1-1,5 kg somewhere around there.

btw we're fishing these seatrout in the ocean not in the rivers, same with the salmon. mostly tourists fish for pelagic fish in the rivers. catching them in the ocean they not only taste better but it requires much more skill and local knowledge on where to find them.

its the most "sporty" fishing imo. trout in the ocean

(from left to right: 1coalfish, 2small river trout washed to sea this season, 3trout which has lived in the ocean for a year aka seatrout)


MMMhhh Trout. Nom Nom Nom. Went out yesterday but only caught Chub and bluegill sauce.

Anybody surf/pier fish out there? Help me out w/ a reel/rod combo? I'm going to be in SC and near Cape cod for a combined 3 weeks this year and would like to do a little fishing, in and around rivers and from the beach. May possibly be going out w/ a family friend on a boat in cape cod. If we run into some big stripers or blues he's got plenty of heavy gear to use.

I was looking at Cabelas salt striker/whuppin' stick combo which is about $60, fairly cheap. I don't want to spend a fortune, but want something I can use a few weeks out of the year to have fun with. Would a 7' or 8' rod w/ 15 - 20# be ok? Will the extra foot really make a difference if I'm fishing from the beach? The 7' appeals to me because an 8' rod kind of seems like a PITA to use in a river or from a dock (Maybe I"m wrong? Don't really have experience using big/salt rods).

This will be the first time fishing in SC, but I've caughted scup and little snapper blues dicking around in Mass. when I was younger. I'm just afraid a 7' rod will be severely inadequate to use from the beach (as far as getting the line out there past the surf). Not looking to land huge stripers (although that would be a bonus), just something to catch blues, scup, flounder, dog fish, or whatever bites.

Any suggestions?


North to Alaska!!! Hell anywhere with big fish, good people and good smoke!! I can;t wait to book my trip to kenai, been looking forward to it, planning it for a long time now.. I love fishing for trout.(looking forward to getting my 1st golden this fall in nor-cal)
I have caught some nice trophies in my day, the biggest being a 10.10 lb 26" rainbow.. was an amazing catch, and even better it was caught on a lure in front of a shoreline full of bait-fisherman :)

I have never fished for salmon but i am very excited to try it out and everything i have heard about kenai makes me anxious to be able to get up there..

Also on a side note, i will be taking my son fishing this summer for the 1st time.. we are both excited, and i cannot wait to see his reactions when he actually catches one.. I have been looking forward to this day from the moment he was conceived..


I'll offer what advice I can. I get to NJ about once a year to fdish for stripers. Been using this combo in the 10' 14-30# line range. Mine is about 5 years old and slightly different, but it works fine for my yearly trip. I use this rod to fish clams on the bottom for stripers and have a 7' ugly stick freshwater rod i use to cast for the blues with. It works pretty good and wont break the bank. Never hooked anything over 20lbs unfortunately, but believe it would be just fine..

I'm 6 hours from the shore and bought that cabelas combo for the same reason you don't want to spend a lot.

I think the stripers will be farther north anyway, so you could probably go a little lighter on the rod. I believe there are lots of redfish in the nc/sc area. Would love to get in on them. I was in alabama fishing the guld 3 years ago using my 6'6" freshwater spinning rod catching flounder and ladyfish. Had a ball with it. Use what ever you got and have fun. Just dont get saltwater in your freshwater reel or its toast. Will ruin it over night almost. If you do rinse the shit out of it and hope for the best. I killed my 150$ stradic in bama. Went fished, then went to eat and started drinking, forgot all about my reel. Never rinsed it off/out and it now barely spins. Ended up tossing it out.

MMMhhh Trout. Nom Nom Nom. Went out yesterday but only caught Chub and bluegill sauce.

Anybody surf/pier fish out there? Help me out w/ a reel/rod combo? I'm going to be in SC and near Cape cod for a combined 3 weeks this year and would like to do a little fishing, in and around rivers and from the beach. May possibly be going out w/ a family friend on a boat in cape cod. If we run into some big stripers or blues he's got plenty of heavy gear to use.

I was looking at Cabelas salt striker/whuppin' stick combo which is about $60, fairly cheap. I don't want to spend a fortune, but want something I can use a few weeks out of the year to have fun with. Would a 7' or 8' rod w/ 15 - 20# be ok? Will the extra foot really make a difference if I'm fishing from the beach? The 7' appeals to me because an 8' rod kind of seems like a PITA to use in a river or from a dock (Maybe I"m wrong? Don't really have experience using big/salt rods).

This will be the first time fishing in SC, but I've caughted scup and little snapper blues dicking around in Mass. when I was younger. I'm just afraid a 7' rod will be severely inadequate to use from the beach (as far as getting the line out there past the surf). Not looking to land huge stripers (although that would be a bonus), just something to catch blues, scup, flounder, dog fish, or whatever bites.

Any suggestions?


Yeah. In juneau you can snag fish. That gets really fun Snaggin the silvers.. And those fish dont let you just reel them in. They Really fight!


Yeah. In juneau you can snag fish. That gets really fun Snaggin the silvers.. And those fish dont let you just reel them in. They Really fight!

Its more fun when you get them in the mouth than in side. You can control them better and its easier on the fish. If your going to snag at least line them. Lighten up your leader to some 8-10lb line with about 4' from your splitshot to hook and you can pop them in the mouth all day long. Its not fair to the fish, but its better for them than ripping hooks into their sides.


hey guys, just came down from a rather wet and cold 2 day trip in the mountains. the fishing was teh suxxx.. i caught 2 small mountain trout, about 500-600 grams i suppose.

ill upload pics asap :D


hey guys, just came down from a rather wet and cold 2 day trip in the mountains. the fishing was teh suxxx.. i caught 2 small mountain trout, about 500-600 grams i suppose.

ill upload pics asap :D

Glad someone is out fishing. Its summer and i haven't been out since april. Between working overtime and watching the baby because the g/f insist's on keeping a job that requires here to work every saturday and usually half a day sunday even though its her day off is screwing me out of my fishing season.

Dying to get the kayaks out for some pike fishing.


Glad someone is out fishing. Its summer and i haven't been out since april. Between working overtime and watching the baby because the g/f insist's on keeping a job that requires here to work every saturday and usually half a day sunday even though its her day off is screwing me out of my fishing season.

Dying to get the kayaks out for some pike fishing.

ive been thinking for quite a while about getting myself a kayak to go lake fishing with... but then again theres alot of things i want hehe

ill make a nice picture report for ya nosaint from my trip so you can go virtual fishing with me :D

the pics turned out allrite it seems, just sorting through em right now.

btw, im heading up on a larger lake in a very good area where we have a motorboat available, this lake holds some monster trout and charr. lets hope for some bad weather this time, maybe that helps. :D (jinx)

there is a high mountain pike lake up there which holds some fkn huge pike, noone fishes them around here they dont think they are edible. these pike have a fantastic coloration, and is something about the lake because there is no pike in any other lakes in this county. its a 3-4 hour hike up there, i might make the trip if weather permits. the lake is at 2000feet+ elevation at 70 degrees north so its not exactly hospitable conditions as you will see from the pics from this weekends trip at 1000feet above sealevel.

last time i was there the largest we landed was 5kg, whats that like 10lbs? but we didnt have steel ends to the line at the lure so we lost literally dozens of lures to much bigger fish.

fk im drifing, :yeahthats

cant wait to get out there again :D


ive been thinking for quite a while about getting myself a kayak to go lake fishing with... but then again theres alot of things i want hehe

ill make a nice picture report for ya nosaint from my trip so you can go virtual fishing with me :D

the pics turned out allrite it seems, just sorting through em right now.

btw, im heading up on a larger lake in a very good area where we have a motorboat available, this lake holds some monster trout and charr. lets hope for some bad weather this time, maybe that helps. :D (jinx)

there is a high mountain pike lake up there which holds some fkn huge pike, noone fishes them around here they dont think they are edible. these pike have a fantastic coloration, and is something about the lake because there is no pike in any other lakes in this county. its a 3-4 hour hike up there, i might make the trip if weather permits. the lake is at 2000feet+ elevation at 70 degrees north so its not exactly hospitable conditions as you will see from the pics from this weekends trip at 1000feet above sealevel.

last time i was there the largest we landed was 5kg, whats that like 10lbs? but we didnt have steel ends to the line at the lure so we lost literally dozens of lures to much bigger fish.

fk im drifing, :yeahthats

cant wait to get out there again :D

www.kayakfishingstuff.com Tons of yak fishing info on that site. You wont regret a yak to fish from. I love mine.. Its way better than any canoe. You can go alone or with people and fish where you want to fish. No having to listen to the other persons opinion of where they want to fish..lol Much more stable too. Its all you and dont have to worry about the other person rocking the boat.

Pike are very edible. Fisherman here eat them all the time.

One trick if you have no steel leaders, make a leader out of heavier mono. Saltwater guys do it all the time. Make their leaders from 20-40lb mono to keep the fish from biting them off. It works.

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