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Get Baked and Go Fishing


Active member
Thanks Super Z.
It don't look like your doing to bad yourself.Your bass are getting bigger.
I still haven't had a chance to do any trout fishing, but since I'm temporarily suspended from my job:biglaugh::woohoo:I';m gonna be doing some next week.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
wish it was, from a small lake i first ever carp fished at,

It is a very nice condition fish, not fat at all like a lot of UK lake fish.. or is it just those waters that get baited constantly.....

My friend just had a 31 from the river the other day, as well as some 20's, he went home a very happy boy :)


whats up every one hope all is good!well i was not able to make it to the lake i was sick as hell and ended up in the er.so whenever i am feeling better i plan on going


i blaze and fish streams and rivers around everyday it's nice not too many wild trout around here, though they stock the hell out of everything.


went to the local river today..

saw some stuff..


smoked some stuff..

put a crawler on a hook with a slip bobber..about 3' down..
caught this one first..

then this one..

then....this monster showed up..
couldnt land it...snapped my line.
it was huge..!

i'l be going back to the same spot tomorrow..
ive seen some nice size bass floating around.
take it easy...:joint:


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Nice fish Super...

Those smallmouth do give a nice battle.

Nice catfish too ido....

Thanks for the pictures.



i'l be going back to the same spot tomorrow..
ive seen some nice size bass floating around.
take it easy...:joint:[/quote]

hell yeahgo back,,,and get that catty on the bank,,,nice pics bro,,,peace

nice super yo are lucky to ge tto fish so much,,,peace


damn nice fish guys.i think my girl and my buddy's girl want to go fishing with us so i'll pics up of my catch and of the lake.have a great day every one



this thread is so informative and fantastic... what beautiful shots guys it takes me right out there with you

thanks all for posting all the different strange and interresting fish :yes:

major reptrain to all :D


Me and my boys use to go fishing and hit the gravity right out of the lake.. Thats how we use to do it..


k-pax:i forgot about doing that bro ,that was fun.or the day i was rocking rolling and almost hit dick head with that big ass rock,lol


the weather around here has been so shitty for such a long time, i descided to run to amsterdam in the middle of the fishing season .. got sunburned there in some fantastic summer weather.. so i descided to bring the sun home with me, and now the season is on for real :D:yes: got home last week

here ya go, some coalfish, doesnt really qualify as sportfishin here because they are too common and too easy to fish. they come into the fjords in spring in the millions and make it look like the sea is boiling in a real feeding frenzy which lasts for about 2 months. bigger deep sea cod of over 25 kg follow them into the fjords, but these are harder to catch from shore.

there are places tho where its so instantly deep off the shore that the big fish come all the way up to casting distance certain places.

pictures are taken at 70 degrees north, at about 01.00 at night. the infamous arctic midnight sun....

you see that fucking fish farm out there? if anyone ever tries to place them anywhere close to you.. then bring dynamite and go fishing there is all i gotta say about them!!! fkn criminals!!!

arctic spring baby blueberries

coalfish... we caught dozens, i took pic of these hehe

think the biggest was about 3kg or so

now if the weather holds, ill head for the mountain trout shortly :wave:


Nice pics. Even if they are too easy, its still got to be a little fun to catch them.

I'd be trying for the bigger cod in the deeper water. You could get out far enough to get into them with a kayak. Kayaks are great for fishing. Guys run them in the oceans all the time.

Does anyone yak fish where your from?

I've been working so much I havent had a chance to get out and do any fishing. Sucks, but I need the money badly.

the weather around here has been so shitty for such a long time, i descided to run to amsterdam in the middle of the fishing season .. got sunburned there in some fantastic summer weather.. so i descided to bring the sun home with me, and now the season is on for real :D:yes: got home last week

here ya go, some coalfish, doesnt really qualify as sportfishin here because they are too common and too easy to fish. they come into the fjords in spring in the millions and make it look like the sea is boiling in a real feeding frenzy which lasts for about 2 months. bigger deep sea cod of over 25 kg follow them into the fjords, but these are harder to catch from shore.

there are places tho where its so instantly deep off the shore that the big fish come all the way up to casting distance certain places.

pictures are taken at 70 degrees north, at about 01.00 at night. the infamous arctic midnight sun....

you see that fucking fish farm out there? if anyone ever tries to place them anywhere close to you.. then bring dynamite and go fishing there is all i gotta say about them!!! fkn criminals!!!

arctic spring baby blueberries

coalfish... we caught dozens, i took pic of these hehe

think the biggest was about 3kg or so

now if the weather holds, ill head for the mountain trout shortly :wave:


there are quite a few kayak enthusiasts here, all kinds of crazy sportfishing actually.. spearfishing etc. but ill be honest ive been out in some tiny ass boats with my crazy family on the north sea.. and ive been scared straight let me tell you. its a very dangerous bit of sea, and you need the right equipment etc... we have plenty of tourists "go under" every year... plenty!

so me personally i prefer the mountain lakes and the pelagic fish .. trout, salmon etc.. solid ground with a rod and a reel :D

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