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Get Baked and Go Fishing


superzero what are you using to catch those tiny fish? and shouldn't you be hiding those pics? lol :D kidding


Wish I could say I could toke and fish. But I'm the kind of person who has a hard time focusing on what he's doing when stoned. And I am about as serious an angler as you can be. BUT after a good day on the lake, I love swapping stories over a nice packed bowl.

Wish I could post some of my catches here. But all my fish pics also have my face in them. That would kinda be counter productive as far as security goes.

MAN I can't wait to hit the water this year. Winter was too long, and there's only so much you can sharpen your hooks looking out the window and waiting. But I have found a beautiful rod for people who have issues with arthritis or just issues with your wrists and hands. If anyone hits Bass Pro Shops, you can find them pretty easy. Not too sure about the other shops but I would imagine they're all over the place. I use BPS because it's close. The rod style is one that has the handle cork around the reel seat, with nothing but rod blank below it, and the base of the rod has a counter weighted segment. It moves the pivot point of the rod dead center with the reel. With as bad as my wrists are, I can cast with this all day and not even notice. Message me if you want to know the exact rod I use. I don't want to be an advertisement for anything on the board. I just love the thing cause it gives me my whole fishing day back without having to stop and ice my wrist every hour or so.

And whenever I talk about fishing I have to end it like this. Although it goes without saying to real angles. "Anglers with ethics leave only footprints".


A buddy and myself went the other day and in four or five hours caught about 65 lbs of catfish,,,i love to fish and smoke its very relaxing like smoking and golfing,,i am good to go doing either,,,peace
Nice Bass Super, looks like fun. Time to bust out the Senkos huh.

I'll be hitting my bass pond here soon also, I have only caught one LMB this year. I do have some picture updating to do on here, cuz I have caught quite a few others the last few weeks, I just need to edit them.

Happy fishin!

Styles P

a wally eye i caught on sunday in jersey.


south florida snook, tarpon, and peacock bass all day in the canal behind my house. nothing better than smoking a hoosker on the water
A buddy and myself went the other day and in four or five hours caught about 65 lbs of catfish,,,i love to fish and smoke its very relaxing like smoking and golfing,,i am good to go doing either,,,peace

Wow, thats a good years worth of fishing. I used to love fishing for catfish, but haven't been in years. We'd go camping, sleep most of the day Sat. after getting wasted on Friday night, build a fire cook some weenies, get our acts together, and by sunset we were ready to go until sun up Sunday at least. Great times. 10 lbs in a weekend was about our best though, but the freedom was priceless.

I'm a bit lazy. Throw it way out there once and wait for them to come to me. Big carp were fun to catch also, but they weren't the target.


HEY thanks Jed you got to hit them at the right time,,, my buddy is one with nature types and he always catches fish gets a dear turkey whatever he is after heg gets he is an avid outdoorsmen,,,i love when he calls i know we are about to cach some fish,,,this 65 lbs in one day is nothing, there have been days and nights where it took both of us to carry the stringers from the boat, i remember one night we came off the water and on one stringer we had 2 15-18 lbers and about 6 more all over 10 lbs, and another stringer with nothing but 2-8 lbers, major good time was had that night, we couldn't keep our poles in the water lol, you ever get tired of catching fish?, there has been times with him it gets old catching fish and you want to go home but you are stuck til they quit biting lol,,,i mean we have our days when i catch nothing,,,and he catches them all but i am like anyone else on theis thread love to relax smoke and fish,,,peace


Last 2 weeks or so around here..

Last 2 weeks or so around here..

Here's the last 2 weeks around here, even got a rock bass.














fat momma with eggs released ofcourse



nice cat,,,and is that a brown trout? Sweet!!!!! you fishing on a lake or river or both,,,peace


Nice fish again MWG!

We use jighead and grub(artificial chartreuse green color) to catch those Walleye and Sauger where Im at. Sometimes Jighead and live bait(minnows and chubs).

Not sure what MWG uses but thats what we use a little east of the Midwest on the Ohio, if you got any dams near you that you can walk out on to rocks or something, work the jig under and near the rocks, sometimes the mamas will come out and nail em.

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