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Get Baked and Go Fishing


Well-known member
nice bluefish! do you smoke yours or ??? i used to fry the smaller snappers, bigger ones went in the smoker. aint been over to Hatteras in years...:frown: loved getting into the 12 to 15 lbers with spoons in the surf.:woohoo:


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I filleted them then we cooked up one fillet when we got home and the other three were brined overnight and smoked today. Yum.
I use a brine of salt and brown sugar with some pepper corns. After an overnight soak I let the fillets dry a bit then hot smoke them over alder chips. I usually make a few fillets with a healthy rub of black pepper on them before smoking. That's pretty good too.Cajun spice is good also. I dont overcook them though as it is best when the fish still has a good bit of moisture in it when finished.
I like it warmed up in a pan with some eggs for breakfast.



if it smells like fish
Wasn't bakedd but went anyhow..ugly stick 8ft Penn pursuit reel 15 lb line...got spooled by monster..quit fishing went home and got online for upgrades..11 ft ugly stick on the way..new reel with 30 lb 240 yards capacity.. 9+1 bearings.....looking for my stored 65 lb braid or back online I will go...yeehaw


if it smells like fish
I had the 10and 14 previously along with all the smaller rods...they got sold cause they were old and used a lot...never had an ugly stick let me down yet..they do tend to be a bit heavy but I have broken lots of other brands that cost more over the years...yeehaw


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Im still using a couple old Lamiglas rods. They are like clubs but have a spine like you read about. I can cast a 2-4 oz. plug a mile with them and they are good for horsing a fish on the beach quickly before a damn seal steals it off your line.


if it smells like fish
I always wanted to eat a seal...mofos have fucked with me for years...even had em try and get in my kayak...yeehaw


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
A friend of mine tried cooking some seal one time. He said it was terrible and made his house smell for about a week.
That was back when they had a bounty on seals. 5 bucks per nose.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I caught a big ole' slammer bluefish a couple nights ago. It was 34-36 inches.
The smaller one hanging off my finger was about 12-14 inches.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Seal population is exploding. Fisherman hate them around here. If they can be harvested sustainably, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to fish for them. Just no clubbing them! I'd sure as hell try it. Would have no friggin idea how to cook it, but saw it on Zimmerns show and it looked like beef almost.

I think seals are also the reason why Great Whites have been returning to New England waters the last few years. Seals are everywhere, especially Cape Cod and the Vineyard area.


Well-known member
I use a brine of salt and brown sugar with some pepper corns.
Try maple syrup instead of brown sugar in the brine, the real stuff not fake. It’s more expensive but worth it.

Here’s a good story. A buddy of mine and I used to wade and fish the rapids in the local river for cats. Float a bobber with a 3-4 foot lead, no weight just a crawler on the hook. This one hot day we got really stoned and were out there for a while and he yells to me “I sure could go for a beer right now.” A few seconds later I look up stream and here comes 2 cans floating toward me. I thought what the f*ck, people littering again. I grabbed them as they went by and it was 2 unopened cans of Rolling Rock, still in the 6 pack rings. I cracked up and yelled over to him “your prayers have been answered.”


Active member
Haha that's an unusual fish story!Or is it a beer story..I miss my little 18 ft Key West fishing boat fishing under the Skyway bridge ,it's unbelievable the way one day and couple bad decisions can totally change ones life.Think before you act kids


Pin fishing just off shore.. And some nice lake fishing the week before.. This summer is amazing already.. Now I just have to find a few catfish holes and I'm all set..


Well-known member
Been catching a few fiddlers on popeyes and mealworms, fishing for bluegills. Also picking up some largemouth at night trolling jitterbugs.


Well-known member
Been catching a few fiddlers on popeyes and mealworms, fishing for bluegills. Also picking up some largemouth at night trolling jitterbugs.

trolling Jitterbugs? really? caught many a largemouth on them, but always casting along banks & aquatic vegetation in farm ponds...


Well-known member
trolling Jitterbugs? really? caught many a largemouth on them, but always casting along banks & aquatic vegetation in farm ponds...
My father was a huge Jitterbug fan, he taught me this method, we used to troll by canoe at night. Many smallies fell to this technique. Now I just use the trolling motor.