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Germinating Problems


New member
My seed is germinated but is well out of the shell and has started to sprout leaves, my question is: whether or not it is too late to plant it in soil (I did this afternoon).

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
it is too late to plant it in soil (I did this afternoon).
this is the easiest method to planting seeds i have ever come across, so far over 90% germination rate. I do not touch the seeds at all, only help them if they need to get the shell off the sproat. it has worked extremely well on 3 different occassions.
No it is not to late to plant it. Some times there is a thin film over the leaves you may have to pull off when sproating from seed.

Think Green

Active member
You'll wanna keep only the top of the soil moist for the first week at least. If you water heavy, your lil plant will have no need to drink that much. Likely to cause proplems. JMHO
yea, use spray bottle. make the nozzle squirt a gentle stream around the circumference of the pot. water the edges only. make the roots find the water around the edges. i do this with great success every time. after the roots have filled in somewhat nicely, i wait till it needs a thorough drenching after a weeks time. the soils dry, somewhat rootbound & easier to re-pot at this point with minimal stress. when removing the original rootball, i always tickle the edges & bottom to promote easier root growth in the new home. also, never increase pot size drastically. it can be done, but usually causes roots to be concentrated in certain areas moreso than others. uniformity is key in root mass. goodluck.

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