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George Zimmerman vs. DMX in a boxing match


They did try and get the Game to do this but promoters thought he was too big and had 50lbs on Zimmerman ...tmz reported game is 6-4 with 50LBs on Zimmerman I find that hard to believe.

Believe it - Game is a beast.

DMX on the other hand... hahah about a foot shorter and 100 pounds lighter than him.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wheres kimbo slice when you need him. Seriously tho DMX got this, georgie let a kid beat him so bad he had to shoot him to get him off. lol


Active member
Maybe if Zimmerman kills DMX with a devastating blow we can re-live the whole drama again. "He only fought DMX because he knew he would kill him, and DMX is black so it's a racially motivated murder."

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
DMX is going to go raw on his ass and Chew his face off....

Zimmerman is a fat pig... DMX can whoop his ass blind sided...

Zimmerman without a strap... couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat
Last edited:

Midnite Toker

Active member
I don't need a picture of Zimmerman. Thanks to the media I immedately visualize him in his prison garb orange. But DMX looks like an old gangster in the pic you posted. I mean he's in orange, not a great image. Do you have a pic of DMX when he was say, 11 or 12 years old?
just saying~mT


Active member
fat pigs can absorb lots of body blows from skinny crackheads... he better get in head shots or punch his little crackhead looking ass off and win by the judges by sheer number of punches.. if he goes in jonesin he might win ..jonesin crackheads move like lightning and as much as you punch em they don't stay down lol... don't ask I don't miss florida


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
didnt follow the trial, but i thought he punched zimmerman?

He did and that one simple fact is why Zimmerman was able to walk. The question though is why did he punch Zimmerman? Did he do it because his whole motive for being out that night was to attack Zimmerman? OR did he do it because he felt his life was genuinely threatened by this strange guy yelling from his SUV "Who are you? What are you doing here?" and so he decided to fight rather then flee? If the later then he had the same justification to use deadly force allowed under Stand Your Ground, that Zimmerman had. The reality is, had Zimmerman not decided this kid was walking too slow for a rainy day and looked like he was either high on drugs or looking to rob houses and not called the police or followed Martin, then Martin would have returned home with the skittles and Arizona Iced Tea and the worst thing that would have happened that night is Martin would have gotten high off of the drink called "Drank" or "lean" which is what Zimmerman's suppoters tried to say was why Martin bought what he did.

The thing that really supports that Martin was defending himself is that fact that he allegedly bashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete and threatened to kill Zimmerman. Martin was a teen, in a new and unfamiliar neighborhood where he was sent to stay with his Father. He was already in trouble with the school for suspicion of marijuana use and he had ho history of random attacks of violence. So it just doesn't make sense that this kid attacked with intent to kill a complete stranger, unprovoked. It does however make complete sense if you look at it with Martin feeling threatened. At first Zimmerman was in his SUV and as such Martin would have been unable to tell Zimmerman's height. So he stopped walking along the road and went between rows of townhouses where Zimmerman could no longer follow in his SUV. Against the advice of the 911 dispatch though Zimmerman got out of the SUV and followed on foot. This would likely have made Martin feel more threatened. Perhaps though Martin was now able to see that Zimmerman was not that imposing a person which then gave him the courage to attack rather then continuing to try and evade Zimmerman?

The unfortunate thing here is we only have Zimmerman's version of events to go by and that combined with photographic evidence of his injuries makes it easier for people to believe Zimmerman's account. It's also unfortunate that the American public has become so fearful that we feel the need to be armed with guns and seek to kill people when we are losing a fight. There was a time when people like George Zimmerman would never dare risk the confrontation he created, for fear of getting his ass handed to him like he almost did. A gun can take away that hesitation.

Again though, had Zimmerman just drove by and not judged and convicted Martin at a glance, Martin would likely still be alive and we would not be having this discussion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Honestly, this is a tasteless move on GZs part, using Treyvon's murder to attempt to gain celebrity.

You got that right, puts him even lower then the other recent celebrity boxer we've heard about recently, Nadya Suleman aka "Octomom".



He did and that one simple fact is why Zimmerman was able to walk. The question though is why did he punch Zimmerman? Did he do it because his whole motive for being out that night was to attack Zimmerman? OR did he do it because he felt his life was genuinely threatened by this strange guy yelling from his SUV "Who are you? What are you doing here?" and so he decided to fight rather then flee? If the later then he had the same justification to use deadly force allowed under Stand Your Ground, that Zimmerman had. The reality is, had Zimmerman not decided this kid was walking too slow for a rainy day and looked like he was either high on drugs or looking to rob houses and not called the police or followed Martin, then Martin would have returned home with the skittles and Arizona Iced Tea and the worst thing that would have happened that night is Martin would have gotten high off of the drink called "Drank" or "lean" which is what Zimmerman's suppoters tried to say was why Martin bought what he did.

The thing that really supports that Martin was defending himself is that fact that he allegedly bashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete and threatened to kill Zimmerman. Martin was a teen, in a new and unfamiliar neighborhood where he was sent to stay with his Father. He was already in trouble with the school for suspicion of marijuana use and he had ho history of random attacks of violence. So it just doesn't make sense that this kid attacked with intent to kill a complete stranger, unprovoked. It does however make complete sense if you look at it with Martin feeling threatened. At first Zimmerman was in his SUV and as such Martin would have been unable to tell Zimmerman's height. So he stopped walking along the road and went between rows of townhouses where Zimmerman could no longer follow in his SUV. Against the advice of the 911 dispatch though Zimmerman got out of the SUV and followed on foot. This would likely have made Martin feel more threatened. Perhaps though Martin was now able to see that Zimmerman was not that imposing a person which then gave him the courage to attack rather then continuing to try and evade Zimmerman?

The unfortunate thing here is we only have Zimmerman's version of events to go by and that combined with photographic evidence of his injuries makes it easier for people to believe Zimmerman's account. It's also unfortunate that the American public has become so fearful that we feel the need to be armed with guns and seek to kill people when we are losing a fight. There was a time when people like George Zimmerman would never dare risk the confrontation he created, for fear of getting his ass handed to him like he almost did. A gun can take away that hesitation.

Again though, had Zimmerman just drove by and not judged and convicted Martin at a glance, Martin would likely still be alive and we would not be having this discussion.

100% correct!! Common sense should b allowed to trump law in these types of circumstances...still hard to believe he walked away without punishment.

I haven;t watched any of these matches b4, do they wear those huge gloves like octamom has on? I would rather c them in a bareknuckle boxing match!

I tried to k+ ya HempKat but I gotta spread it around...


Active member
He did and that one simple fact is why Zimmerman was able to walk. The question though is why did he punch Zimmerman? Did he do it because his whole motive for being out that night was to attack Zimmerman? OR did he do it because he felt his life was genuinely threatened by this strange guy yelling from his SUV "Who are you? What are you doing here?" and so he decided to fight rather then flee? If the later then he had the same justification to use deadly force allowed under Stand Your Ground, that Zimmerman had. The reality is, had Zimmerman not decided this kid was walking too slow for a rainy day and looked like he was either high on drugs or looking to rob houses and not called the police or followed Martin, then Martin would have returned home with the skittles and Arizona Iced Tea and the worst thing that would have happened that night is Martin would have gotten high off of the drink called "Drank" or "lean" which is what Zimmerman's suppoters tried to say was why Martin bought what he did.

The thing that really supports that Martin was defending himself is that fact that he allegedly bashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete and threatened to kill Zimmerman. Martin was a teen, in a new and unfamiliar neighborhood where he was sent to stay with his Father. He was already in trouble with the school for suspicion of marijuana use and he had ho history of random attacks of violence. So it just doesn't make sense that this kid attacked with intent to kill a complete stranger, unprovoked. It does however make complete sense if you look at it with Martin feeling threatened. At first Zimmerman was in his SUV and as such Martin would have been unable to tell Zimmerman's height. So he stopped walking along the road and went between rows of townhouses where Zimmerman could no longer follow in his SUV. Against the advice of the 911 dispatch though Zimmerman got out of the SUV and followed on foot. This would likely have made Martin feel more threatened. Perhaps though Martin was now able to see that Zimmerman was not that imposing a person which then gave him the courage to attack rather then continuing to try and evade Zimmerman?

The unfortunate thing here is we only have Zimmerman's version of events to go by and that combined with photographic evidence of his injuries makes it easier for people to believe Zimmerman's account. It's also unfortunate that the American public has become so fearful that we feel the need to be armed with guns and seek to kill people when we are losing a fight. There was a time when people like George Zimmerman would never dare risk the confrontation he created, for fear of getting his ass handed to him like he almost did. A gun can take away that hesitation.

Again though, had Zimmerman just drove by and not judged and convicted Martin at a glance, Martin would likely still be alive and we would not be having this discussion.

I'm in agreement with your conclusion had they both just walked away this wouldn't have happened. But i disagree with your assessment of the principal of self defense.

Everyone no matter where they are has a right to defend themselves how they see fit, killing someone who is assaulting you is not seeking to murder people, its saving your life. I feel the concepts are conflated a bit especially because there is a gun involved and that's what the media concentrates on.

Painting treyvon in a light as being completely innocent is generous ,but might not reflect the whole truth. They both had a history of violence. Also the testimony of a witness for the prosecution rachel jeantel ,revealed that he was making racist comments toward Zimmerman on the phone so it is possible there were many presumptions that night that leaded them to act in violence. There are also text messages where he asks to get guns ,and video's that have been scrubbed from the internet of him refereeing a street fight and get 's involved at some point.

Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

my point is they both were not angels.

I feel Charles Barkley hit it on the head with this one.

Charles Barkley: I agree with the Zimmerman verdict

please remember that this is just race baiting by the media at the request of politicians, they need us to fight each other otherwise we wont depend on them, and their racket of extortion becomes irrelevant.


"The boxing match between George Zimmerman and DMX is not officially confirmed. DMX has promised to 'beat his ass', but no contract or paperwork has been signed or agreed to yet. DMX will release an official statement if and when an agreement is made."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
100% correct!! Common sense should b allowed to trump law in these types of circumstances...still hard to believe he walked away without punishment.

I haven;t watched any of these matches b4, do they wear those huge gloves like octamom has on? I would rather c them in a bareknuckle boxing match!

I tried to k+ ya HempKat but I gotta spread it around...

I doubt they would use gloves like that for Zimmerman, if that fight ever happens people will be paying with the hopes of either seeing George get a serious beat down or in the case of his supporters seeing him prove himself to be a bad ass. Either way I doubt people would be interested in paying if they would be wearing gloves like Octomom wore.

I can't see it going well for George either way though, either he gets beat bad or he demonstrates that he had the ability to defend himself against an unarmed teen all along which would make people hate him and see him as a murderer even more then they do now.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm in agreement with your conclusion had they both just walked away this wouldn't have happened. But i disagree with your assessment of the principal of self defense.

Everyone no matter where they are has a right to defend themselves how they see fit, killing someone who is assaulting you is not seeking to murder people, its saving your life. I feel the concepts are conflated a bit especially because there is a gun involved and that's what the media concentrates on.

Painting treyvon in a light as being completely innocent is generous ,but might not reflect the whole truth. They both had a history of violence. Also the testimony of a witness for the prosecution rachel jeantel ,revealed that he was making racist comments toward Zimmerman on the phone so it is possible there were many presumptions that night that leaded them to act in violence. There are also text messages where he asks to get guns ,and video's that have been scrubbed from the internet of him refereeing a street fight and get 's involved at some point.

Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

my point is they both were not angels.

I feel Charles Barkley hit it on the head with this one.

Charles Barkley: I agree with the Zimmerman verdict

please remember that this is just race baiting by the media at the request of politicians, they need us to fight each other otherwise we wont depend on them, and their racket of extortion becomes irrelevant.

I never said Treyvon was an angel but let me ask you this, how many teens have shown an interest in guns (especially when the threat of being shot by one is as high as it is these days) how many teens get in street fights? The answer quite a few, are they all violent thugs deserving to be shot if they're winning a fight? OR is the more reasonable and likely answer that they are just behaving like many teens do because they see this kind of behavior glorified on TV and in computer games?

The problem I got with how Zimmerman conducted himself is that he created the situation. If you suspect someone is acting strangely because of drugs and/or up to criminal activity you don't follow him off the beaten (no pun intended) path into a poorly lit area to confront him. Just like you wouldn't walk into a bar full of Hell's Angels and spit in the face of the biggest meanest looking sonnuvabitch in the place and not expect your life to be in danger. When you do that you remove yourself from the protection of Stand Your Ground or other self defense laws. Those laws are meant to protect individuals who are minding their own business and someone comes along and attacks them unprovoked. If you read the actual law it clearly makes the distinction you can't provoke the fight that ends up making you feel endangered enough to use deadly force and be covered by the law. Really and truly from all the evidence presented Treyvon was the one who should have been protected under Stand Your Ground. He was staying in the neighborhood he was in, so he wasn't trespassing. He went to a nearby store and purchased not stole some items and was walking home talking to a girlfriend on the phone. Then suddenly he is being stalked by some older stranger yelling at him from an SUV and when he tries to evade him by going where the SUV can't follow, his stalker got out of the SUV and continued pursuit. There is no evidence Treyvon was high on drugs or casing houses like Zimmerman thought. So Zimmerman's whole reason for doing everything he did that night was based on his own unjustified personal opinion. He had no prior knowledge of Treyvon so all that stuff about Treyvon and guns, Treyvon and fighting, Treyvon and Drugs, Treyvon and stealing, is all irrelevant hearsay and had absolutely zip to do with what happened the night Treyvon was killed because Zimmerman knew nothing about any of that. Hell he didn't even know Treyvon was living in that community legally which kind of destroys the image Zimmerman supporters like to paint of George being a dedicated neighborhood watch captain patrolling the streets and keeping the neighborhood safe.


Pleasantly dissociated
dmx got scared and canceled, he knew ZIMM was gonna beat his ass like he owed him money !


Active member
I never said Treyvon was an angel but let me ask you this, how many teens have shown an interest in guns (especially when the threat of being shot by one is as high as it is these days) how many teens get in street fights? The answer quite a few, are they all violent thugs deserving to be shot if they're winning a fight? OR is the more reasonable and likely answer that they are just behaving like many teens do because they see this kind of behavior glorified on TV and in computer games?

The problem I got with how Zimmerman conducted himself is that he created the situation. If you suspect someone is acting strangely because of drugs and/or up to criminal activity you don't follow him off the beaten (no pun intended) path into a poorly lit area to confront him. Just like you wouldn't walk into a bar full of Hell's Angels and spit in the face of the biggest meanest looking sonnuvabitch in the place and not expect your life to be in danger. When you do that you remove yourself from the protection of Stand Your Ground or other self defense laws. Those laws are meant to protect individuals who are minding their own business and someone comes along and attacks them unprovoked. If you read the actual law it clearly makes the distinction you can't provoke the fight that ends up making you feel endangered enough to use deadly force and be covered by the law. Really and truly from all the evidence presented Treyvon was the one who should have been protected under Stand Your Ground. He was staying in the neighborhood he was in, so he wasn't trespassing. He went to a nearby store and purchased not stole some items and was walking home talking to a girlfriend on the phone. Then suddenly he is being stalked by some older stranger yelling at him from an SUV and when he tries to evade him by going where the SUV can't follow, his stalker got out of the SUV and continued pursuit. There is no evidence Treyvon was high on drugs or casing houses like Zimmerman thought. So Zimmerman's whole reason for doing everything he did that night was based on his own unjustified personal opinion. He had no prior knowledge of Treyvon so all that stuff about Treyvon and guns, Treyvon and fighting, Treyvon and Drugs, Treyvon and stealing, is all irrelevant hearsay and had absolutely zip to do with what happened the night Treyvon was killed because Zimmerman knew nothing about any of that. Hell he didn't even know Treyvon was living in that community legally which kind of destroys the image Zimmerman supporters like to paint of George being a dedicated neighborhood watch captain patrolling the streets and keeping the neighborhood safe.

Age or race is no excuse too many people abrogate personal responsibility if you are old enough to know right from wrong you are responsible for your actions.

Also about fighting, my own personal view is that self defense is the only justifiable use of force.So that being said, my opinion depends on if they start the fight, weather they deserve to get shot or not, but getting into disputes will always leave the possibility of death gun or no gun.

The stand your ground law would have favored treyvon IF he didn't assault George. He should have kept walking there was no reason to confront this guy, especially if like you state picking fights with unsavory characters isn't the best idea this should still hold true for treyvon and a racist screaming from the truck.

I believe these two morons were destined to meet ,the media race baited the whole thing and now its a emotional and political debate for people who refuse to look at the facts.

I wish they would cover ALL police shootings in the news, where the cop walks free.

Question : if it was a official state sanctioned murder would it have been such a big deal ? my instincts tell me no since it happens all the time and for less of a reason.

LAPD Execute Man in Street, Cleared of Wrongdoing

Fullerton Police Lawyers: Kelly Thomas Killed Himself
His line--delivered without cracking a smile--was that an "overexerting," 37-year-old Thomas beat himself to death by struggling with concerned, compassionate officers.

Kelly Thomas Beating - Full Video


Active member
Cancelled do to either the promoter doing a reality check or most likely just the promoter pulling his head out of his ass. He did say some things are just more important than money. I just couldn't believe this Jerry Springer shit had so much interest. Once again, just proves...people are crazy.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Age or race is no excuse too many people abrogate personal responsibility if you are old enough to know right from wrong you are responsible for your actions.

Also about fighting, my own personal view is that self defense is the only justifiable use of force.So that being said, my opinion depends on if they start the fight, weather they deserve to get shot or not, but getting into disputes will always leave the possibility of death gun or no gun.

The stand your ground law would have favored treyvon IF he didn't assault George. He should have kept walking there was no reason to confront this guy, especially if like you state picking fights with unsavory characters isn't the best idea this should still hold true for treyvon and a racist screaming from the truck.

I believe these two morons were destined to meet ,the media race baited the whole thing and now its a emotional and political debate for people who refuse to look at the facts.

I wish they would cover ALL police shootings in the news, where the cop walks free.

Question : if it was a official state sanctioned murder would it have been such a big deal ? my instincts tell me no since it happens all the time and for less of a reason.

LAPD Execute Man in Street, Cleared of Wrongdoing

Fullerton Police Lawyers: Kelly Thomas Killed Himself

Kelly Thomas Beating - Full Video

I'm not saying age or race is an excuse, I'm saying that the irrelevant information you point to as to why Treyvon was no angel is true of many, many, many teens. Haven't you heard the stories of teens commiting random acts of violence to homeless people? Or the latest trend being dubbed "The Knock Out Game" where groups of teens hang out in public and randomly suckerpunch unsuspecting strangers that walk by. Usually people that would not likely fight back such as women or the elderly. Also a high if not majority percentage of gun violence is committed by teens typically related to gangs and often in schools. Point being that to say that an interest in guns and some talk of possible fights somehow justifies what happened to Treyvon is the same as saying being a teen in today's world is justification for killing a teen. Again though it is irrelevant because it had nothing to do with that night. Treyvon did not go out seeking to fight George Zimmerman that night and despite inquiring about guns he didn't have one, at least not that night. He was simply walking home after having made a legal purchase at a local store and was talking to his girlfriend on the phone. He was not actively on drugs at that moment (although tox reports did find thc in his system but as we all know that doesn't mean he was high at that time). He was not casing houses that anyone can prove. In short he was doing absolutely nothing wrong. Everything that happened that led to his death happened simply because George Zimmerman made a lot of unfounded judgements about who Treyvon was and what he was doing, based solely on his opinions of people and things leading him to far exceed his role as a "neighborhood watch captain" and against the advice of the 911 dispatch, by taking matters into his own hands by confronting Treyvon while armed. Had Zimmerman done what is clearly defined by the neighborhood watch organization and or what the 911 dispatch advised. Then Treyvon would likely be alive today or at least would not have died at the hands of George Zimmerman.

As for Stand Your Ground, you have a strange idea of the law when you say it could only cover Treyvon if he continued to run. In order for it to come into effect for anyone you clearly have to stop running, hence the name.

As for taking personal responsibility I find it strange that you don't apply that evenly. You don't seem willing at all to expect George Zimmerman to take any responsibility for causing the confrontation that led to Treyvon's death. You seem to feel it's all on Treyvon for deciding to Stand His Ground against a would be pursuer. He did try to evade him but Zimmerman followed. Even a bunny rabbit will turn and fight if it feels cornered.

The problem with the whole thing is all we really have to go by as to what exactly happened that night is what George Zimmerman tells us. The next best person would be the girlfriend who was not actually there and was disconnected while Treyvon was still alive. Her account was that Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him and Zimmerman responded by asking what Martin was doing there. Then she said it sounded like the phone fell to the ground and she heard Martin saying "Get off!, Get off!" and then the phone went dead. Of all the other "witnesses" none were even sure who the victim was and who was yelling for help. Given the next best account from the girlfriend, it sounds like Zimmerman may have tried to lay hands on or grab Martin which if he did in fact do that Martin was fully justified in attacking Zimmerman, especially since Zimmerman never identified himself as a person with any authority to stop and question him. For all he would have known Zimmerman could have been some sort of sexual predator attracted to black teenaged boys. Zimmerman could have at least said he was the Neighborhood Watch captain even though they have no authority to stop and question anyone.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Cancelled do to either the promoter doing a reality check or most likely just the promoter pulling his head out of his ass. He did say some things are just more important than money. I just couldn't believe this Jerry Springer shit had so much interest. Once again, just proves...people are crazy.

According to the story at the link below it was likely more public pressure that got the fight cancelled then it was the promoter having a sudden change of heart. He even went as far as pointing out how wonderful a human being he is by saying nobody else would give up the payday this fight could have been.

What impressed me was there was enough outrage that they had actually gotten over 100,000 signatures at change.org for the fight to be stopped. I think that even beat the previous record held by the petition to deport Justin Bieber, as far as how quickly the minimum number of signatures need for action of 100,000 was reached.



Active member
I'm not saying age or race is an excuse, I'm saying that the irrelevant information you point to as to why Treyvon was no angel is true of many, many, many teens. Haven't you heard the stories of teens commiting random acts of violence to homeless people? Or the latest trend being dubbed "The Knock Out Game" where groups of teens hang out in public and randomly suckerpunch unsuspecting strangers that walk by. Usually people that would not likely fight back such as women or the elderly. Also a high if not majority percentage of gun violence is committed by teens typically related to gangs and often in schools. Point being that to say that an interest in guns and some talk of possible fights somehow justifies what happened to Treyvon is the same as saying being a teen in today's world is justification for killing a teen. Again though it is irrelevant because it had nothing to do with that night. Treyvon did not go out seeking to fight George Zimmerman that night and despite inquiring about guns he didn't have one, at least not that night..

Originally Posted by HempKat View Post
I never said Treyvon was an angel but let me ask you this, how many teens have shown an interest in guns (especially when the threat of being shot by one is as high as it is these days) how many teens get in street fights? The answer quite a few, are they all violent thugs deserving to be shot if they're winning a fight? OR is the more reasonable and likely answer that they are just behaving like many teens do because they see this kind of behavior glorified on TV and in computer games?

OK, I do think you were referring too teens doing dumb teenager stuff,you did it again in this post. My point was being a teenager is irrelevant he's responsible for his actions despite whatever the rest of the world is doing or think is hip.So I think we actually agree here,im going to stop talking about what he did in the past.
The knockout game is a great example of how self defense is warranted guns or no guns. Although treyvon was not looking for a fight he did turn around to confront Zimmerman and punched him first.This is my understanding of the event taken from another forum. I think the distance he walked to his dads apartment before turning is debatable but a moot point.

He was simply walking home after having made a legal purchase at a local store and was talking to his girlfriend on the phone. He was not actively on drugs at that moment (although tox reports did find thc in his system but as we all know that doesn't mean he was high at that time). He was not casing houses that anyone can prove. In short he was doing absolutely nothing wrong. Everything that happened that led to his death happened simply because George Zimmerman made a lot of unfounded judgements about who Treyvon was and what he was doing, based solely on his opinions of people and things leading him to far exceed his role as a "neighborhood watch captain" and against the advice of the 911 dispatch, by taking matters into his own hands by confronting Treyvon while armed. Had Zimmerman done what is clearly defined by the neighborhood watch organization and or what the 911 dispatch advised. Then Treyvon would likely be alive today or at least would not have died at the hands of George Zimmerman..

Correct me if im wrong ,but isn't that the job of neighborhood watch ,to look out for suspicious people ? and from the looks of things on the map they really were not that close to each other before the physical altercation he could of made it inside.

As for Stand Your Ground, you have a strange idea of the law when you say it could only cover Treyvon if he continued to run. In order for it to come into effect for anyone you clearly have to stop running, hence the name..

Well he shouldn't have turned around to go toward Zimmerman too.The law states it covers people who have a legal right to be there,i'm not sure if visiting is a legal right to be on the property but ill go with it for now.Then Zimmerman ,I have to question how the watch program works, like if he had a designated time to patrol or they just report stuff when they see it,because they live around there. If he did have the right to be there then they are both covered.

It would seem they both were covered,the error would be turning around to assault someone instead of going inside.

Title XLVI

Chapter 776
776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—

As for taking personal responsibility I find it strange that you don't apply that evenly. You don't seem willing at all to expect George Zimmerman to take any responsibility for causing the confrontation that led to Treyvon's death. You seem to feel it's all on Treyvon for deciding to Stand His Ground against a would be pursuer. He did try to evade him but Zimmerman followed. Even a bunny rabbit will turn and fight if it feels cornered..

This is not entirely accurate. See my previous comment and map.

The problem with the whole thing is all we really have to go by as to what exactly happened that night is what George Zimmerman tells us. The next best person would be the girlfriend who was not actually there and was disconnected while Treyvon was still alive. Her account was that Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him and Zimmerman responded by asking what Martin was doing there. Then she said it sounded like the phone fell to the ground and she heard Martin saying "Get off!, Get off!" and then the phone went dead. Of all the other "witnesses" none were even sure who the victim was and who was yelling for help. Given the next best account from the girlfriend, it sounds like Zimmerman may have tried to lay hands on or grab Martin which if he did in fact do that Martin was fully justified in attacking Zimmerman, especially since Zimmerman never identified himself as a person with any authority to stop and question him. For all he would have known Zimmerman could have been some sort of sexual predator attracted to black teenaged boys. Zimmerman could have at least said he was the Neighborhood Watch captain even though they have no authority to stop and question anyone.

Your right they have no authority so the only thing they can do is profile. Maybe your beef is with neighborhood watch.There is going to be someone else doing that job.