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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


el dub

silver surfer: Sorry. Watched the linked vid and it didn't alter my belief system much. Learned much more from the cut and paste above that post, imo.



Rising ph in Mt. Shasta soil and the elimination of soil bacteria from the nonstop spraying of aluminum particles.39,000 ppb of aluminum in arizona air.Dying trees with silver bark from aluminum poisoning.Coconut trees in Hawaii that the bark can peeled off with your hands.Does anyone notice the chemtrails? Aluminum resistant seeds from monsanto ready to save us.The destruction of organic farmers.No more blue skies.They spray nonstop in my area crisscrossing the sky till they look like clouds.No one seems to care or notice?This is real.What can we do?Blanketing us in aluminum,barium, titanium , strontium, magnesium and maybe more.What orgonite?Does it work?Just saw the movie "What in the world are they spraying?" I figured people here would be interested.Lets discuss it!



The Voice of Reason
Ah nothing like a good ol copy and paste H3ad? :smoke:

Riddle me this... the UN slaps a ban on geo-engineering with a technology that doesnt exist?
He says right before he posts a video he did not make...
Heres an interesting video. Taken just after chemtrail spraying on 8/11/2010. Shot in high quality infared. Showing VERY fast moving objects invisible to the naked eye. http://yfrog.com/4zufosnov82010z

I think you will find your belief systems crumbling just as the USA's economy does the same.

The whole climate change thing is under serious scrutiny also... about time :smoke:

O how the mighty are fallen.


The more scrutiny climate change is under, the more undeniable AGW will become. :wink:


The Voice of Reason
Look at the pictures on this page: http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect14/Sect14_1.html

Here is information about Aluminum in the enviro: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp.asp?id=191&tid=34

and... This Review of the Film:
This weekend the Atlanta History Center (AHC) has the dubious distinction of hosting the world premiere of “What in the World are they Spraying?” This is a film about condensation trails - or, as the conspiracy crowd likes to call them, “chem-trails.”

In real life, where I like to reside, con-trails have a perfectly rational explanation. Like dew, foggy mirrors in the bathroom, clouds and other well understood physical phenomena, condensation trails are caused when atmospheric conditions allow water vapor emitted from the exhaust of jet engines to precipitate out into a visible linear cloud-like trail in the sky.
However, in the murky world of conspiracy theorists, these con-trails become “chem-trails” and represent deliberate dumping of mysterious substances into the atmosphere. The makeup and purpose of these “chem-trails” vary from one conspiracy to the other and I’ve seen them alleged to be drugs to pacify, drugs to engender violence, chemicals to mind-control the population, and lately as materials to change the weather and terra-form the planet.

That’s a bold and incredibly inconsistent blend of claims with little more than anecdotes and rants as an evidential basis. If chemicals were being dropped onto us to mind control us they would have to be measurable amounts and would be turning up in water samples. The claims that the chem-trails are being used to terra-form are similar to global warming claims except instead of the weather-changing being the byproduct of established science, the claims have more to do with rogue nations or billionaire industrialists trying - in mad-scientist fashion - to stop global warming or attack another country’s agricultural capabilities.

In short, like most unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, they’re full of thrilling ideas with nothing to back them up.

But what irks me is that the filmmakers are using the Atlanta History Center to host their premiere. To find out if the AHC actually endorses “chem-trail” conspiracy theories, I reached out to their public relations department. I talked with Leigh Massey, director of Marketing & Communication, and she explained that the event is a private rental. It is not affiliated with the Atlanta History Center.

In other words, the AHC does not endorse the filmmakers any more than it would endorse a wedding held at the site.

I checked with the AHC’s guidelines for event-rental, and didn’t see anything in the documentation that limited or affected the content of the information being presented at the event. It looks like if you rent the center, you’re welcome to talk about whatever you like. That being said, I wish the AHC would have shown a bit more discretion. In the future, I hope they would consider not renting to people whose agenda includes unsubstantiated historical claims and ridiculous comic-book villainy on the part of world governments.

The unfortunate fact is that credibility leeching happens all the time. Using the National Press Club to give your UFO talks doesn’t mean you're making real news. Giving a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial doesn’t mean you’re an important patriot. And showing your conspiracy film at the Atlanta History Center does not make it historical fact. But this would be a much different article if the producers had rented The Plaza, for example, for their screening. That’s a venue perfectly suited for science-fiction - and I would have been writing this article as an FYI instead of an OMG.

The film “What in the World are They Spraying?” premieres October 23 at 8:00 pm at the Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta GA 30305. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. But hopefully some informed representatives from the scientific community will be there to either ask sensible questions, or provide sensible answers.


The Voice of Reason

sac beh

You mean another Jet Contrail mistaken for a missile launch?

Makes sense to me.

“The aircraft is flying towards the observer; the air over the Pacific is clear, so the contrail is visible all the way to the horizon. This creates the optical illusion of a rocket flying up, rather than the actual situation of an airplane flying horizontally,” Pike tells Danger Room. “The object generating the contrail is moving too slowly to be a rocket; the contrail is not expanding as the ‘rocket’ gains ‘altitude’ — which would be the case as the exhaust plume expanding into less dense high altitude air.”

MIT astronomer Jonathan McDowell tells New Scientist pretty much the same thing. Although he does note that the Navy owns a missile target and launch facility at nearby San Nicolas Island.

This wouldn’t be the first time a plane was mistaken for a missile. On New Year’s Eve, an aircraft was photographed above San Clemente, California, looking eerily missile-esque. In December, 2008, there was a similar case of mistaken identity when a plane flew near the coastal town of Carmel.

“The short explanation is that we don’t see a lot of jet contrails head-on, especially from the vantage point of a helicopter. So, it looks like a missile to everyone else,” writes Danger Room alum (and New America Foundation analyst) Jeffrey Lewis. “But it probably isn’t.”

He adds, “That would explain why no one else in L.A. saw a missile launch other than the helicopter crew — or, rather, why everyone else from every other angle saw a typical jet contrail — and why [America's missile-warning system] didn’t light up like a Christmas Tree.”


sac beh

Also notice how its very hard to judge distances in that video because you've removed the visible light spectrum. So while you're seeing birds that you might not otherwise see with the naked eye, you don't have anyway to judge where they are between you and the clouds.

The video is funny though, listening to the grown man shit himself with wonder over seeing clouds and birds...


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Birds dont move that fast horizontally and dont disappear mid flight.

Cameraman who filmed “mystery missile” describes spectacular sight
November 9, 2010 | 3:06 pm

The KCBS helicopter cameraman who captured the footage of the "mystery missile" launch offered more details about the dramatic video he shot Monday evening.

Pentagon officials said they continue to look into what they have called an "unexplained contrail." Each branch of the military has denied involvement.

Cameraman Gil Leyvas shot video of a luminous point hurtling through the sky followed by a long vapor trail. He said he was aboard the television station's helicopter shooting footage of the sunset over the ocean about 5:15 p.m when he noticed the spiral-shaped vapor trail and zoomed in to get a better look.

The onboard camera showed a plume twisting up from the horizon and narrowing as it climbed into the sky near Catalina Island, about 35 miles west of Los Angeles, he said.

"Whatever it was, it was spinning up into the sky kind of like a spiral," and was easy to distinguish from condensation trails from jets, he said. "It was quite a sight to see. It was spectacular."

-- Tony Barboza

The pentagon calls it unexplained. The camerman says easy to distinuguish from jet con trails...

The UN bans chemtrails, which you say do not exist.

Doesnt add up.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
The UN banned geoengineering procedures which involved spraying substances to reflect or intercept sunlight. The most logical delivery method is from planes. Just because the tech exists to do something, doesn't mean that that something is being done.

Chemtrails have been theorized to be mind control chemicals, to sedate or enrage the population, chemicals to destroy agriculture, geoengineering experiments or procedures, things done by the government, things done by rich individuals, or by secret organizations like the Masons, etc.

You're not even consistent.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Well I am consistent in believing it to be weather manipulation. The eyewitness' state that the day becomes cloudy and cooler. They cant all be making this up. Many people can see if a plane is flying grid patterns. The videos show the patterns of criss cross skies that over the space of a few hours blanket the sky...

You are right that they could be birds in that vid. I have personally seen a ufo however that definately wasnt a bird :smoke:

I would love to believe these kind of things dont happen. But history has shown there to be many secret experiments carried out on populous areas and troops, prisoners etc


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Who knows if they're making it up, or just misinterpreting things, or it's just a coincidence.. a couple days ago, in about an hour's time, the temp here dropped about three+ degrees, and it became cloudier.

I say they just need to spend a year or two in england, then they'll understand just how damn quickly weather can change. :)

Planes can fly in criss cross patterns, if you think about it, it makes sense from an air control standpoint, planes flying in the same direction at the same time are going to be separated by the air traffic controllers, to avoid collisions, and especially keep them seperated on busy routes (and on radar screns). There are also things like holding patterns, and other reasons for planes to be following similar but only slightly divergent routes..

As for the clouds spreading, if there's a consistent wind at that height..

I agree that experiments were done, but I've never seen anything of this sort of scale.. things were done in subways, on military bases, in prisons.. but here we're talking nationwide, and if it's to be believed, on a global scale.
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Active member
The UN banned geoengineering procedures which involved spraying substances to reflect or intercept sunlight. The most logical delivery method is from planes. Just because the tech exists to do something, doesn't mean that that something is being done.

Chemtrails have been theorized to be mind control chemicals, to sedate or enrage the population, chemicals to destroy agriculture, geoengineering experiments or procedures, things done by the government, things done by rich individuals, or by secret organizations like the Masons, etc.

You're not even consistent.

What you are describing in the first paragraph, are chemtrails.

The UN banned geoengineering procedures which involved spraying substances to reflect or intercept sunlight.

= chemtrails

If you guys are saying that what I saw on the news last night outside L.A. ( said to look like a missile) , is birds, then I say you really need glasses.

sac beh

If you guys are saying that what I saw on the news last night outside L.A. ( said to look like a missile) , is birds, then I say you really need glasses.

The LA "missle" was a plane, the "UFO's" in the home video likely birds.

Some Network Reports Look Silly After it Appears ‘Mystery Missile’ Really Isn’t

Why do some insist on the least obvious and reasonable explanations for things, rather than the explanations that have evidence to back them up? This whole thread is weird in that way..


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
What you are describing in the first paragraph, are chemtrails.

The UN banned geoengineering procedures which involved spraying substances to reflect or intercept sunlight.

= chemtrails

If you guys are saying that what I saw on the news last night outside L.A. ( said to look like a missile) , is birds, then I say you really need glasses.

That's such a cop out.

The ideas about chemtrails have been about since the 90's (if not before), and I assure you, no one was talking about geoengineering at that time.

Besides, one needs only to take a look at any site about chemtrails to see as many ideas about what's being sprayed as there are ways to fold a tinfoil beanie. How are you so sure that you know what's really going on?

el dub

ixnay: Can't you remember when you were young and still knew everything?


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