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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey mate yep i have one. It was a project of mine couple years ago. I got it to produce hydrogen and made some decent bangs by filling up condoms and putting them over a flame :smoke:

I hooked it up to an old car and it worked i guess but no noticable difference. I have a diesel car that i never felt confident enough to hook it up to. Was bit worried about getting water in my engine and was cautioned by a mate who knows cars inside out to be very careful so as not to bugger up the timing...but i have a bubbler/spark aresster now that wont let water in. I will get around to putting it on my daily drive one day. :smoke:


The Voice of Reason
Not to be unkind but you have a pattern here of sticking to the mainstream political agenda almost to the point of dogma.

I have a pattern of sticking to what the overwhelming preponderance of verifiable evidence points toward. That mainstream politicians often use the same criteria, is coincidental to my views.

but just for the record, I am against geo engineering, and think most everything we do to try and fix whatever harm we cause only causes more harm. The best thing mankind can do for ourselves and our planet is to lessen out impact whenever and wherever possible.


Active member
yesterday there was high humidity, and thus persistent contrails.

I've been watching contrails in the sky for dam near 40 years... as air traffic has increased, and the atmosphere's ability to hold moisture increases (due to global warming), there will logically be an increased number of contrails with a persistent duration.

Yesterday they were spraying all day! My friend came by in the late afternoon and pointed it out to me. Chem trails in the south west. Streak after streak. He always has his eye on the sky and sees a lot of s- that I don't. I don't know what to make of it myself. I just tripped when I saw this tread and my bud was telling me about it the night before. He said he woke up to tic tac toe grid patterns later it was parallel lines.

How do you know what the humidty is were skidbone lives?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I am sorry but one look at Johnnybuds photos is really all you need.

Well that coupled with all the vids, eyewitnesses and patents...

Alex Jones' new doco will be the difinitive article.



They spray here at my house every day(Nor CA) I really miss getting the good california sun :(


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Funny. You aren't remotely convinced by my 'demonstrations' and I am not at all convinced by yours.

Seems like our impasse is massive.
Not really, I don't find observations by normal people all that convincing, people see all sorts of things, like yeti, ufos and ghosts, none of which have much solid evidence behind them.
Any way to turn this discussion productive or proactive?

Can't use photographs like the one above.
Sure you can, but you can't convince me that it isn't a contrail in high humidity conditions (occam's razor) without a sample of it..
Can't use the readily available (i.e. quick google) information on precipitate samples and analysis of those samples, as the people involved in the chemtrail phenomenon are not credible...
You can show me all the precipitate samples you want, but you need to show me that there's no possibility it came out of a factory smokestack, or any other normal non conspiracized pollution producer..
The idea that the deployment methodology might be as simple as the regional use jet-fuel-'additives' has been rejected (why again?)...
1. They'd be spraying the airports with an awful lot. 2. NASA's patent speaks of separate systems, and nozzles.
Maybe a video of a barium nozzle in action be sufficient, or do you need to see one for yourself? Here's where I should link to one... but the first page of google only shows enema bags, and I don't think that'll convince you...
No, but it does bring to mind a few analogies.
So you tell me: what is your criteria for evidence?

Photos of the distribution mechanisms, or samples of the contrails showing foreign materials.

Simple, not impossible to obtain (if they exist) and much more convincing than 100000000 photos of contrails.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Head and Ixnay,
Did you watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"I'll bet you didn't. What about the u.n. meeting banning chemtrails which has been spoken of many times and linked by elmanito(thanks?) Is the u.n. also making this up and confused.None of us are real scientists , but the leaders of the nations in the u.n. employ real scientists to study things like this.They have decided to ban them, so they must exist.GF and Ix , you can you can throw up tons more long winded confusion which you consider facts, but you need to give up this arguement.You are trumped by the u.n.It's a done deal lets move on.Subversive individuals have been put in place throughout history to undermine peoples efforts to understand the truth.Long winded arguments based on the same so called "facts" that we are already bombarded with through the mainstream media is teaching nothing, and I feel, holding back the potential of this discussion to move to a higher level.I could turn on any mainstream media outlet and get the same opinions you guys express.Head and Ixnay, why dont you start your own thread, and call it "chemtrails are fake" , or something.

The UN was responding to a global warming mitigation strategy, which would have been to spray reflective particles in the upper atmosphere to obviously reflect sunlight, and reduce the warming effect. Other similar schemes to increase cloud cover, were proposed.

The UN said they didn't think it was a good idea at all, and in fact, made sure to prevent anything similar done in their name.

The fact that they banned something that was proposed doesn't mean anyone is using them.. same sort of reasoning behind banning biological weapons, and hydrogen bombs.. because these things are feasible, there needs to be legislation ensuring that there remains no grey area regarding their use.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
The patent clearly mentions testing of the devices ixnay. Therefore, I conclude, this activity has occured. To what extent I have no idea.
Yes, to track air curents, they sprayed things like barium, and every idiot who's ever been to an air show has seen the colored smoke trails.
The UN banning them adds further proof. The documentation outlining the concept has been around for ages I'm not chasing more research for anyone though, blind is blind there is proof on the table that:

UN has banned the use of this technology.
Two US patents exist for the technology.
The technology has been tested.
The UN has banned biological weapons use, patents exist for it, it has been tested.

Your point?
Proof of God in an equation. Riiight. This would be worldbreaking news and every scientist under the sun would be redoing the equation for themselves to see for themselves. Nobody would let that lie. Rome, Islam, Christiandom. That's the bigass answer to the oldest question, show proof, show this research and equation or STFU.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Chemtrails are only a hoax to those without the faculties to understand them. its easy to discard anything you dont understand but when you begin arguing they dont exist at all, well you paint yourself into a deep corner based on a guessmatch, not facts. To argue chemtrails are actually contrails simply illustrates a lack of physical scientific understanding and almost humorous ignorance. FYI weather modification has been in military use for a long time.

Contrails? LMAO, you dont understand physics at all.

While you just post photos without knowing what they are.

First two are air to air refueling pods (you know, so a plane doesn't have to land on long flights.. especially spy planes)

The tanks in the planes are filled with water, as they use it to change the balance in the plane, while testing the reactions of the software. It's part of every single plane that gets approved by National and International flight regulations, they have to go through tests like this to prove their safety.

The tubes you see stuck out are pitot-static tubes, and air sampling tubes from a DOE register air sampling plane..

The hazmat sign was added later..

Check the original:


Seems you don't understand what the hell you're posting either, mr glass house.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I am sorry but one look at Johnnybuds photos is really all you need.

Well that coupled with all the vids, eyewitnesses and patents...

Alex Jones' new doco will be the difinitive article.


Except if you actually know anything about planes and aviation.

Well that and 99 cents will get you a coffee at 7/11.


Active member
Did you watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"I'll bet you didn't.


Active member
"Not really, I don't find observations by normal people all that convincing"-ixnay
? Normal people? What?

There are scientists in the movie discussing the topic.There are really no factories in Shasta, Hawaii , or where I live.

This thread is based on topics in the movie ,so maybe you should watch it before being so convinced. Did you look at the clip I posted that shows the different airplane exhaust comparisons.

There is tons of evidence, which some seem to ignore. I see this everyday , and humidity has nothing to do with it.

If this phenomenon is simply contrails affected by high humidity , then how can you explain that, on the same day some planes show a short trail that dissapears , some show nothing at all, and some criss cross the sky with trails that don't ever fade away.


Active member
Imagine, if we were allowed to pollute the ground with the equivalent of emissions that these planes do in my area, then all of our streets as far as the eye can see would be covered in a endless mass of pollution. No matter what it is to believed to be, there is something being sprayed from planes that completely covers the sky , almost everyday in many places. Now, how could this be allowed to happen?

Please watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Did you watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"I'll bet you didn't.

After 5 minutes, I had a big red palm print on my face, and really had no desire to continue in the same vein of horrible handheld videocam footage with crappy text effects.

Plus it's divided into 20 odd pieces on youtube, even less enticing.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
"Not really, I don't find observations by normal people all that convincing"-ixnay
? Normal people? What?
You know whose observations about strange clouds might be of interest? Meteorologists, and people who know something about weather, and weather patterns.
There are scientists in the movie discussing the topic.There are really no factories in Shasta, Hawaii , or where I live.
There are scientists who think lots of things, they're human too. The whole wonderful thing about airborne pollution is it can travel long distances.. see the chernobyl disaster for a few helpful hints about it.
This thread is based on topics in the movie ,so maybe you should watch it before being so convinced. Did you look at the clip I posted that shows the different airplane exhaust comparisons.
With no baseline or indication of weather conditions, humidity, plane height, or information to prove your hypothesis.
There is tons of evidence, which some seem to ignore. I see this everyday , and humidity has nothing to do with it.
Anecdotes are not evidence, the plural of anecdotes is not facts. Your observations are not evidence.
If this phenomenon is simply contrails affected by high humidity , then how can you explain that, on the same day some planes show a short trail that dissapears , some show nothing at all, and some criss cross the sky with trails that don't ever fade away.

There are an awful lot of planes in the air nowadays, many more than when I was a kid, and this means that routes are fuller, and planes need to fly at different heights to avoid collisions.

Google Occam's razor, it'll possibly clue you in as to why I'm so skeptical.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Imagine, if we were allowed to pollute the ground with the equivalent of emissions that these planes do in my area, then all of our streets as far as the eye can see would be covered in a endless mass of pollution. No matter what it is to believed to be, there is something being sprayed from planes that completely covers the sky , almost everyday in many places. Now, how could this be allowed to happen?

Please watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"

Imagine, if we were to waste our time on conspiracy theories instead of occupying ourselves with actual proved threats to our environment, freedom and liberty. People are being arrested for growing plants, factories are dumping toxic chemicals and radiation into the air we breath and water we drink, policemen can shoot innocent people and get off with bare minimum sentences. Now how could this be allowed to happen?

Please stop wasting your time on conspiracies, and do something to help fix the very obvious mess the first world is in.


hey ixnay sorry if someone asked you this already, but what about the planes at extremely low altitudes that still have trails coming off them, I am talking stuff that gets in the air and does not really go away, its there all day just kinda getting bigger, takes an entire day to dissipate or move somewhere else

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