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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
This movie sums up the reasoning behind a lot of these topics we are discussing.
The Codex Alimentarius =
international harmonisation(globalization)
abolition of organic farming
introduction of gm food and livestock
removal of all ingredients labelling
restriction of all natural remedies
This is all in play already,also the u.s. did not agree to the u.n. chemtrail ban.

Yep seen all these videos, been following it for a long time now, all the crappy government and NWO shit, its such a load of crap and alot of people cant come to terms with what is and is going to happen, the "web of life" is crumbling, and thats exactly what they want humanity to turn to these "leaders" in the times of need when food becomes scarce because the earth has rotted so much to there wrong doing.

Due to the law of cause and effect(karma), Im sure they cannot do so much harm without the earth itself fighting back in someway. Read the chanting growers group in my sig, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
To much money leeds to Greed, to much Greed then leads to ignorance.
They are far past greedy and ignorant, wanting to control the whole of humanity and have tabs on everyone/thing, its diabolical the way the current world is run.
When's the revolution? I'll be there. Too bad we'll all be nothing but a bunch of 'domestic terrorists' and quickly taken care of in the name of homeland security.


Active member
I've invented an aluminium cranial shelter casing so they can't detect me. And then I squint, stick my fingers in my ears and hum.


Well-known member
Good vibes!Learning a lot as this builds.Ixnay , what your describing is a condensation trail, they disapate, chemtrails span the sky.Try "what in the world are they spraying", lots of info.3rdeye thats affirming to know the codex is real and in action,it is kinda apparent in the world.Stocking seeds is a good deal, we got a bunch of heirloom stuff going,it's nice.Just saw Ickes interview with credo mutwa. David Icke has about 300plus page discussion on orgonite. And I just watched a biography on tesla , and he tapped an energy that could be broadcast and used freely with no wires.His backer was jp morgan , he pulled the plug could cause there is no money in limitless free energy.he was using a giant tesla coil.joe cells seem to have similar results,the inventor was threatened death,to him and his family. keep it coming.Good reasoning.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
You have every right not to believe but basing your argument on nothing more than guessing simply isn't going to win an argument.

You have yet to see evidence? That is telling. Considering the fact that so many respected scientists are going out of their way to offer evidence and talk about this issue illustrates an interesting relationship between your inability to seek evidence and your ability to dismiss it.

I have yet to see any evidence of planes with large tanks of aluminum (and whatever else) compounds strapped to them (some photos would be nice), I've yet to see an measurements of these so called chemtrails demonstrating that they're anything other than water vapor plus byproducts of burnt diesel fuel. I've yet to see anyone offer evidence that chemtrails are what they are other than "when I was a kid, they didn't stick around so long" and other anecdotes.

I've yet to see anyone demonstrate that the compounds found in the soil, in trees, in the air, etc are directly related to something that no one has yet proved are actually existent. There are plenty of proven fonts, industrial pollution, agricultural and others as well. There are pesticides sprayed from planes, sprayed from trucks, sprayed by people, but to be in any way effective, they're not applied from 10's of thousands of feet up.

I'm not denying the high concentrations of these elements, and I'm not for them being this high either. What I'm against here is people ignoring regular pollution because of some conspiracy theory.

Talk about pollution,about dangerous levels of heavy metals, about it being everywhere, about it killing living things, but don't yack about chemtrails, as it deals a very heavy blow to your credibility, even when the rest of what you're talking about is extremely valid and of high importance.


Sorry if I'm turning this into a debate over the idea, I just thought I'd chat a bit.

I've always been a little skeptical of the chemtrail thing as well. I mean, there's some good points made in theory, but I haven't seen hard proof. I know both commercial pilots and aviation mechanics, and I've never heard of any special tanks or switches to turn off the spraying of a special compound when the president is in L.A.

Some questions

1.Why is it mostly talked about in North America?
It also seems like such a North American based idea. I've traveled the world a lot, I don't live in North America, and I've hardly heard anything elsewhere. Is it ignorance? Or maybe it's a combination technological modernization with a lack of trust towards the government which creates a fear in people. Unfortunately, this is really common in North America.

2. Why are the people that are supposedly responsible for creating it are spraying themselves.

3. In the theory, is it being sprayed in only populated areas? Or everywhere?

Amber Trich

Active member
TAG! I love you guys!

so i have most definitely seen planes pulling things behind them like trailers. coming out of the trailers were streams of thick cloudy substance spanning from horizon to horizon. they fly grids in the sky with these things.
sorry, no pictures but its definitely happening. i see it over the maine skies all summer long. ive seen planes spray stuff that causes a black shadow to arc the sky like a dark rainbow.


Well-known member
Thanks Amber!Ixnay and Kubar, glad you are skeptical, good to question everything, but you guys should make a little more effort checking out all sides of the story.Watch the movies and check out some links posted in this thread.Ixnay you have strong opinions and only half of the story.Predjudice is judging without knowledge.What you know and believe is the commonly accepted view held by and fed to the masses.Why would you see these planes,do you work in an airport, or military airport?"

I've yet to see anyone demonstrate that the compounds found in the soil, in trees, in the air, etc are directly related to something that no one has yet proved are actually existent. There are plenty of proven fonts, industrial pollution, agricultural and others as well. There are pesticides sprayed from planes, sprayed from trucks, sprayed by people, but to be in any way effective, they're not applied from 10's of thousands of feet up.

"Ixnay, why would anyone demonstrate these things to you?Not everything is done in the open.Do criminals tell banks, we're about to rob you and have been doing it for a while?Tons of evidence including pics and docs.I posted a nasa document on it(a link),the u.n. has been documented meeting on this and movies have been linked , do the research, before you try to argue.Kubar this is world wide,but maybe more in america , the u.n just agreed to some kind of ban and the u.s. did not agree to it.Old news if you would read this thread.2?3.populated areas and farmlands and forest.Hawaii is being targeted,Shasta co.ca.,all over ,people chime in about your area.They stopped for 3 days in my area,now they are at it again.A warm 3 days , after weeks of spraying and abnormal cold.These particles simply block the sun.Think about it!I've talked to pilots who I know and they are ignorant or in denial.If someone wants to argue about this stuff, please look at both sides first. The rabbit hole is deep...


The Voice of Reason
There have been contrails as long as there have been jets, they are nothing new and are not chemtrails.

The condensation trail left behind jet aircrafts are called contrails. Contrails form when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. The mixing is a result of turbulence generated by the engine exhaust. Cloud formation by a mixing process is similar to the cloud you see when you exhale and "see your breath".

If you are attentive to contrail formation and duration, you will notice that they can rapidly dissipate or spread horizontally into an extensive thin cirrus layer. How long a contrail remains intact, depends on the humidity structure and winds of the upper troposphere. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for sometime. On the other hand, if the atmosphere is dry then as the contrail mixes with the environment it dissipates. Contrails are a concern in climate studies as increased jet aircraft traffic may result in an increase in cloud cover. It has been estimated that in certain heavy air-traffic corridors, cloud cover has increased by as much as 20%. An increase in cloud amount changes the region's radiation balance. For example, solar energy reaching the surface may be reduced, resulting in surface cooling. They also reduce the terrestrial energy losses of the planet, resulting in a warming. Jet exhaust also plays a role in modifying the chemistry of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. NASA and the DOE are sponsoring a research program to study the impact contrails have on atmospheric chemistry, weather and climate.

Persistence of contrails is neither an indication that they contain some kind of chemical, nor that it is some kind of spray. As a matter of fact, sailors have known for years to look specifically at the patterns and persistence of jet contrails for weather forecasting. If a jet is flying through air at altitude with a low humidity, the moist air from the jet engine might produce a slight, short-lived contrail. These short-lived contrails are a sign that the weather will be fair. A thick, long-lasting contrail indicates humid air high in the atmosphere, and can be an early sign of a storm:

From SAIL Magazine's Sailing Tip of the Week:
Continuing Good Weather:Clear, light blue to dark blue. Bright moon. Jet contrail disappears
immediately or doesn't form.
Possible Change:Large halo circling moon or sun. Jet contrail lingers thickly before falling apart.

Several scientific studies are also being conducted with respect to contrail formation and their climatic effects. "Cirrus clouds affect Earth's climate by reflecting incoming sunlight and inhibiting heat loss from the surface. Ordinarily, cirrus clouds are only weakly influenced by most ground-based human activities, because of their high altitude. However, increasing levels of high-altitude jet air traffic may alter the regional climatic effects of cirrus because aircraft condensation trails (contrails) often produce new cirrus, which could differ in their radiative properties."

For example, SUCCESS (SUbsonic aircraft Contrail & Clouds Effects Special Study) is a NASA field program using scientifically instrumented aircraft and ground based measurements to investigate the effects of subsonic aircraft on contrails, cirrus clouds and atmospheric chemistry.

Another project called AEAP (Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project) consists of two major efforts to assess the effect of aircraft on the atmosphere. The objective is to develop a scientific basis for assessment of atmospheric impact of subsonic and supersonic aviation, particularly commercial aircraft cruise emissions.

Most of these studies are designed to assess the environmental impact of jet contrails – their effects on clouds and formation of clouds, and their chemical compositions. Below are specific links to several sites on the study of aircraft contrails:


The grounding of planes for three days in the United States after September 11, 2001 provided a rare opportunity for scientists to study the effects of contrails on climate forcing. Measurements showed that without contrails, the local diurnal temperature range (difference of day and night temperatures) was about 1 degree Celsius higher than immediately before;[6] however, it has also been suggested that this was due to unusually clear weather during the period.[7]
Condensation trails have been suspect of causing “regional-scale surface temperature” changes for some time.[8][9] Researcher David J. Travis, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, has published and spoken on the measurable impacts of contrails on climate change in the science journal Nature and at the American Meteorological Society 10th Annual conference in Portland, Oregon. The effect of the change in aircraft contrail formation on the 3 days after the 11th was observed in surface temperature change, measured across over 4,000 reporting stations in the continental United States.[8] Travis’ research documented an "anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature change".[8] The diurnal temperature change (DTR) is the difference in the day's highs and lows at any weather reporting station.[10] Travis observed a 1.8 degree Celsius departure from the two adjacent three-day periods to the 11th-14th.[8] This increase was the largest recorded in 30 years, more than "2 standard deviations away from the mean DTR".[8]


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Thanks Amber!Ixnay and Kubar, glad you are skeptical, good to question everything, but you guys should make a little more effort checking out all sides of the story.Watch the movies and check out some links posted in this thread.Ixnay you have strong opinions and only half of the story.Predjudice is judging without knowledge.What you know and believe is the commonly accepted view held by and fed to the masses.Why would you see these planes,do you work in an airport, or military airport?"
I have strong opinions, because I'm sick of people who don't know their ass from their elbow telling me that wi-fi gives them a headache, when their microwave uses the exact same frequency (as does their cordless phone) and at much higher broadcast power. I'm sick of people who think a bunch of anecdotes added together somehow become fact, for example in the first 5 minutes of that don't talk about the weather "documentary", I'll try and watch the rest when I can find some way to tie my hand to my desk to prevent permanent facepalming..
I've yet to see anyone demonstrate that the compounds found in the soil, in trees, in the air, etc are directly related to something that no one has yet proved are actually existent. There are plenty of proven fonts, industrial pollution, agricultural and others as well. There are pesticides sprayed from planes, sprayed from trucks, sprayed by people, but to be in any way effective, they're not applied from 10's of thousands of feet up.

"Ixnay, why would anyone demonstrate these things to you?Not everything is done in the open.Do criminals tell banks, we're about to rob you and have been doing it for a while?
Ah yes, the giant conspiracy theory hook. How many people fly planes? How many people work at airports, how many work on airplanes? How hard would it be for any of these thousands, if not millions of people to get photos of all this mysterious equipment installed in planes, and what of the people who installed them?

That's the question that gets me, how do you keep all of those people quiet?
Tons of evidence including pics and docs.I posted a nasa document on it(a link),the u.n. has been documented meeting on this and movies have been linked , do the research, before you try to argue.
Not tons of evidence, tons of anecdotes. The UN has met on subjects like Intergalatic diplomacy, doesn't mean aliens are waiting outside until we figure out whether or not they like butter on their toast. I'd like to read the nasa document though, which page was it on?
Kubar this is world wide,but maybe more in america , the u.n just agreed to some kind of ban and the u.s. did not agree to it.Old news if you would read this thread.2?3.populated areas and farmlands and forest.Hawaii is being targeted,Shasta co.ca.,all over ,people chime in about your area.They stopped for 3 days in my area,now they are at it again.A warm 3 days , after weeks of spraying and abnormal cold.These particles simply block the sun.Think about it!I've talked to pilots who I know and they are ignorant or in denial.If someone wants to argue about this stuff, please look at both sides first. The rabbit hole is deep...


Well-known member
Good to have you!I'll check some of your links, but please look into the info I have presented too.Nice info on contrails, but they are totally different.I have said before that contrails dont span the sky like chemtrails the difference is obvious.This stuff is sprayed from special nozzles and equipment.Please look at both sides before you try and argue.I'm not going to post long rebuttals, as I am not into convincing anybody of anything, but more encouraging people to look into and research this if you like.Please watch the movie"what in the world are they spraying," if you want to debate chemtrails.Sometimes the truth seems so ridiculous ,it is hidden in plain sight.
85% of the people are ignorant of the truth.10% know the truth and use it against the 85% to manipulate.The remaining 5% are the poor righteous teachers who teach the truth.


Well-known member
Ixnay, you're talking a lot and saying nothing.Nothing but commonly held views that offer nothing new,nothing contsructive.I think you are too closed minded to learn anything new, or be open to the concept that are other explanations than what you believe/ have been told.Stop wasting my time til you look at the bigger picture and have something constructive/instructive to add.To me you represent how easily people are fooled and buy into the lies they are fed.Maybe Present some info instead of just arguement based just on your "expert" opinion.


Ya alright, it could be true it could be false. Just don't get so worked up about it being the truth because you might die of placebo effect-itis.

As mentioned before, SOLUTION is the keyword. What exactly can be done about this? Pretty much nothing, but revolution. Are you ready to revolt? People can hold signs out front of the coffee shop saying "stop controlling our weather" all they want, but that isn't going to change the New World Order's mind. Public awareness is one thing, but the average joe has a lot more things on his mind than chemtrails. What is priority? I wish for it to be health, but the way this system works, it isn't. It's money. Before anything can be done about what the "world government" is doing to us and our planet, the perception of the majority has to be changed first. That in itself is the bigger task, which will probably not be accomplished by human, but by the earth (a big f*ckin natural disaster).


Well-known member
I like what your saying, "it could be true it could be false."Thats open minded.Good points.I feel both sides need to looked at in depth to come to an informed decision, with anything in life.


Fuck Entropy.
I've seen chemtrail grids.

I've seen them change the weather.

I've seen chembusters blow them up.

I looked for the pics, but came up dry.

So my first hand accounts aren't evidence? Okay.

(Additives can go directly into fuel. Like lead in old internal combustion engines. Doesn't necessarily require a secondary applicator. If aluminum, or any of the other shit is 'necessary' in jet fuel, who is going to notice or question? Is a mechanic or pilot going to make the connection between fuel additives and the HARP system requires heavy metals in the air for total weather and mind control...)

Just to be clear, that contrails can have certain characteristics in common with chemtrails, does not mean that chemtrails do not exist.

(I mean this gently: I find it mildly ironic that members of a community that goes to great lengths to control our local environment for our personal agenda is close minded to the possibility that others do the same on a different scale...)


Active member
I prefer it if both sides have their say. I as a scientist in training want to hear what everyone has to say whether it opposes my views or not. I'm wrong about as often as I'm right. This is how we learn. Also, we need to have understanding of each other, diametrically opposed or not, ixnay is a member who gives a shit. not some corporate demon or one of their henchmen. Rejecting people outright for thier opinions does nothing for the concept of uniting man vs corporate skullduggery.

More solutions. Copy all natural remedies to a master file and keep them on a detachable memory stick. Pass copies to every smart person you know. Medical marijuana, vitamins, minerals, herbs, mycomedicinals. We mustn't lose this information to corporate vaults. They wILL get good natural remedies and convert them to synthetic shit for a hundred times the price of the superior natural counterpart. I can ELIMINATE colds and flu virus with 6 grams vitamin C per day. ELIMINATE! I can reduce and even eliminate hepatitis B from the liver using Nasturtium officinale in conjunction with other diet (grown in a very clean aquaponic environment). Try telling that to drug companies. We had a guy DYING of 'swine flu'. His family had to get a lawyer to force them to administer vitamin C. He came out of his coma and lived.

People who know no better are not the enemy, they are part of a potentially HUGE pool of supporters.

With or without chemtrails the agenda for removing health products like vitamins minerals and herbs - making them illegal or useless has already begun. Be smart, be vigilant.

Monsanto lost a lot of ground in it's stocks this year. It's time now to really put on the pressure, stop buying anything even remotely tied to them and tell your local retailers and friends and neighbours what is subject to boycott and why.

Imagine being reliant on criminals for all of your needs. Oh wait, we are.


Fuck Entropy.
Imagine being reliant on criminals for all of your needs. Oh wait, we are.

We are dependent on criminals.

To think otherwise makes us criminals.

But all my favorite people are criminals.

You know, like Robin Hood and Rosa Parks.

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