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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


Yesterday they were spraying all day! My friend came by in the late afternoon and pointed it out to me. Chem trails in the south west. Streak after streak. He always has his eye on the sky and sees a lot of s- that I don't. I don't know what to make of it myself. I just tripped when I saw this tread and my bud was telling me about it the night before. He said he woke up to tic tac toe grid patterns later it was parallel lines. :2cents::abduct:


The Voice of Reason
Yesterday they were spraying all day! My friend came by in the late afternoon and pointed it out to me. Chem trails in the south west. Streak after streak. He always has his eye on the sky and sees a lot of s- that I don't. I don't know what to make of it myself. I just tripped when I saw this tread and my bud was telling me about it the night before. He said he woke up to tic tac toe grid patterns later it was parallel lines. :2cents::abduct:

yesterday there was high humidity, and thus persistent contrails.

I've been watching contrails in the sky for dam near 40 years... as air traffic has increased, and the atmosphere's ability to hold moisture increases (due to global warming), there will logically be an increased number of contrails with a persistent duration.

Amber Trich

Active member
I've been watching contrails in the sky for dam near 40 years...

have you seen the grid patterns before? if so when was the first time?



The Voice of Reason
have you seen the grid patterns before? if so when was the first time?

it happens near air force bases when planes are on maneuvers, or during high traffic with delays keeping lots of planes in holding patterns.

I'm not saying nothing has ever been sprayed from airplanes... just that 99.99% of what people call chemtrails are easily explainable contrail patterns.


I'm not saying nothing has ever been sprayed from airplanes... just that 99.99% of what people call chemtrails are easily explainable contrail patterns.

There is a difference between those 2.

Contrails only form at very low temperatures, which are normally found at high altitude.(above 10.000 feet)


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


The Voice of Reason
There is a difference between those 2.

Contrails only form at very low temperatures, which are normally found at high altitude.(above 10.000 feet)


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

the contrails in the pic I was asked about are at high altitude, and it looks like cold weather out, to boot.


The Voice of Reason
Contrails easily disappear while chemtrails stays in the air for a quite long time.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

contrails easily disappear in lower humidity, but persist when humidity is higher.
If a jet is flying through air at altitude with a low humidity, the moist air from the jet engine might produce a slight, short-lived contrail. These short-lived contrails are a sign that the weather will be fair. A thick, long-lasting contrail indicates humid air high in the atmosphere, and can be an early sign of a storm.

How long a contrail remains intact, depends on the humidity structure and winds of the upper troposphere. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for quite some time. On the other hand, if the atmosphere is dry then as the contrail mixes with the environment it dissipates.


Active member
Head and Ixnay,
Did you watch the movie "what in the world are they spraying?"I'll bet you didn't. What about the u.n. meeting banning chemtrails which has been spoken of many times and linked by elmanito(thanks?) Is the u.n. also making this up and confused.None of us are real scientists , but the leaders of the nations in the u.n. employ real scientists to study things like this.They have decided to ban them, so they must exist.GF and Ix , you can you can throw up tons more long winded confusion which you consider facts, but you need to give up this arguement.You are trumped by the u.n.It's a done deal lets move on.Subversive individuals have been put in place throughout history to undermine peoples efforts to understand the truth.Long winded arguments based on the same so called "facts" that we are already bombarded with through the mainstream media is teaching nothing, and I feel, holding back the potential of this discussion to move to a higher level.I could turn on any mainstream media outlet and get the same opinions you guys express.Head and Ixnay, why dont you start your own thread, and call it "chemtrails are fake" , or something.


Active member
Lets just end it once and for all, Chemtrails exist.The nations of u.n. had meeting to ban them , so this proves their existence and danger.Done!Whoever wants to challenge their existence please direct your arguments to the united nations , not here.


yesterday there was high humidity, and thus persistent contrails.

I've been watching contrails in the sky for dam near 40 years... as air traffic has increased, and the atmosphere's ability to hold moisture increases (due to global warming), there will logically be an increased number of contrails with a persistent duration.
aswell,i was out the other day looking up at them "chemtrails" myself:)
i live right near airports so it was very clear visually, to distinguish commercial planes from the other smaller suckers who were crisscrossing the sky leaving ther milky patterns.
i was blown,drinking & kicking it out front at a friends,
so i mentioned it to my buddies and ALL 5 of them could easily ID the planes makings these trails from the commercial guys. Different pattern of flight then commercial air traffic & the all so many commercial planes didnt leave no residue behind.
maybe the humudity wasnt high enough were im @?

those trails by the way, lingered till i called it a night,slowly spreading and dissolving into old milky slurrs.
as for what they are? i have no clue but its clear ther not cause by normal air traffic & obvious the planes leaving them have no clear direct destination.


The Voice of Reason
aswell,i was out the other day looking up at them "chemtrails" myself:)
i live right near airports so it was very clear visually, to distinguish commercial plains from the other smaller suckers who were crisscrossing the sky leaving ther milky patterns.
i was blown,drinking & kicking it out front at a friends,
so i mentioned it to my buddies and ALL 5 of them could easily ID the plains makings these trails from the commercial plains. Different pattern of flight then commercial air traffic & the all so many commercial plains didnt leave no residue behind.
maybe the humudity wasnt high enough were im @?

those trails by the way, lingered till i called it a night,slowly spreading and dissolving into old milky slurrs.
as for what they are? i have no clue but its clear ther not cause by normal air traffic & obvious the plains leaving them have no clear direct destination.
difference in altitude?


The Voice of Reason
Lets just end it once and for all, Chemtrails exist.The nations of u.n. had meeting to ban them , so this proves their existence and danger.Done!Whoever wants to challenge their existence please direct your arguments to the united nations , not here.

Not to stop their current use... to ban their future use.

Believe whatever you want to, but the chemtrail hoax is all based on misinterpretations and poor understanding of observed phenomenon, news events and patents.

Yes the tech exists... no, contrails are not chemtrails and nobody is violating the u.n. ban on using such tech, nor was it commonly in use prior to the ban.

I'll leave this thread to the true believers, I'm done trying to interject reality into this fantasy.


Active member
The patent clearly mentions testing of the devices ixnay. Therefore, I conclude, this activity has occured. To what extent I have no idea.

The UN banning them adds further proof. The documentation outlining the concept has been around for ages I'm not chasing more research for anyone though, blind is blind there is proof on the table that:

UN has banned the use of this technology.
Two US patents exist for the technology.
The technology has been tested.

Proof of God in an equation. Riiight. This would be worldbreaking news and every scientist under the sun would be redoing the equation for themselves to see for themselves. Nobody would let that lie. Rome, Islam, Christiandom. That's the bigass answer to the oldest question, show proof, show this research and equation or STFU.


The Voice of Reason
Nah... I just figure accurate facts pertaining to the topic are welcome in any discussion.

or do you only welcome discussion from people stroking your belief system lovingly with conspiratorial commiseration?


New member
Chemtrails are only a hoax to those without the faculties to understand them. its easy to discard anything you dont understand but when you begin arguing they dont exist at all, well you paint yourself into a deep corner based on a guessmatch, not facts. To argue chemtrails are actually contrails simply illustrates a lack of physical scientific understanding and almost humorous ignorance. FYI weather modification has been in military use for a long time.

Contrails? LMAO, you dont understand physics at all.


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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Gday H3ad. :wave:

Not to be unkind but you have a pattern here of sticking to the mainstream political agenda almost to the point of dogma. Be it global warming, climate change or global climate disruption as it is apparently now called. 9/11 and chemtrails also seem to be beyond question in your eyes... why?

Why do you put so much faith in what we (the true believers)see as a corporate/military industrial controlled paradigm?

In Australia we recently had a union leader Kevin Bracken who bravely stood up for 9/11 truth. He went on live radio and was made out to be a loony. This backfired on the media and turns out he is strongly supported in the community. Now the mass media are doing their best to ignore him and keep on the good fight in Afghanistan. He stands on the SCIENCE. The public are according to a Herald Sun poll 73% behind him and his views. The PM called his ideas "stupid and wrong"....

We are the many. How do we mobilise the majority and stop killing our fellow man in the name of profit, greed and yes, pure evil?

Well I am now into this orgonite thing. Thankyou for turning me onto this 'miracle'... have never heard of it before. $30 bucks from ebay with free postage and I will have some soon....


ps. Isnt it cool how much David Ickes forum looks like icmag!? :smoke:


Active member
Thank you that was extremly intelligent , and spoken eloquently and concise!Thank you for those pictures!
You confirm how I feel.If they can convince us it is not real , then they can keep doing what they are doing!Australia seems to have a huge amount of progressive people!Have you looked into joe cells?