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Genetically Engineered Cannabis


Anyone who is truly interested in cannabis biotechnology would do well to read the paper at this link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/14571756/The-Biotechnology-of-Cannabis-Sativa

It's excellent, though it might contain terminology that would be foreign to those without a background in horticulture/biotech. My opinion is the cannabis SHOULD be genetically modified. The catch, though, is that folks like those that post on this site should be the ones doing it. NOT big companies like Monsanto. The key is such: if enthusiasts create superior genetics to Monsanto's, then Monsanto has no market.

It is possible to do this type of work at home. Certainly, tissue culture can be performed in the home now. You can get plasmids for Agrobacterium tumefaciens online which contain your genetic info of choice. Home biotech is now a real possibility. We should take charge, here, and be responsible people.

Genetically modifying cannabis can be done responsibly, especially since cannabis is dioecious and we generally are only concerned with growing out the ladies. We can keep the modified genes from spreading pretty easily.

I mean, genes are all made out of the same shit. It doesn't really matter where the genes come from. If you do a bit of research, I do believe you will agree.

This tech can be valuable in the hands of the benevolent and devastating in the hands of the corrupt. Lets get the jump on the evil people and do it ourselves.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride

Uneducated stoners genetically engineering herb in their basement doesn't sound like the safest thing to me. These mega corporations have been fairly careful about letting stuff escape and they haven't been perfect. I don't want transgenic organisms running wild in the feral populations growing on the sides of roads.


Really, I was meaning the more well trained members of this community. It is clear, by reading the threads here, that many folks that post here have formal training in these fields. Even saw mention of a dude with an M.A. in this thread I believe. I am advocating that competent individuals undertake this stuff, definitely not those without the proper know-how. I'm just sayin', it's gonna happen eventually and I would like people running the show that are in this thing for the right reasons. Not trying to start an argument, I think we're both in agreement that this sort of thing should be very well controlled.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Have you seen the one with the mouse running around with a marijuana bud growing out of it's head? LOL LOL peace out Headband707:jump:


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Really, I was meaning the more well trained members of this community. It is clear, by reading the threads here, that many folks that post here have formal training in these fields. Even saw mention of a dude with an M.A. in this thread I believe. I am advocating that competent individuals undertake this stuff, definitely not those without the proper know-how. I'm just sayin', it's gonna happen eventually and I would like people running the show that are in this thing for the right reasons. Not trying to start an argument, I think we're both in agreement that this sort of thing should be very well controlled.

Okay, I posted this earlier and for the life of my can't figure how it'd be against the TOU...

I think the deeper you look into it the less educated you will find these 'breeders' to be. Chimera is ONE classically trained lover of cannabis and hyb was another. But he gets banned just for posting a visitor message to me. Besides that no one else would have a freaking clue what to do with that paper. And the more I think about The Biotechnology of Cannabis Sativa the more irresponsible I think it was to release to the community at large. Good thing there's mostly only lazy stoners around us who will do little more than use it as a coaster on the coffee table.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
GITT, I think when you make references to this community and insult the members collectively & repeatedly the people in charge of running this site do not take kindly to it and it's one of the reasons many of your posts along with Chimera's have been removed along the way in this thread. I would highly suggest if you plan to continue to do so then you in your own famous words can "GTFO". ;)


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Gypsy wanted to give hyb his own area where he would be mod. Can I get that same deal? The breeder lab is full of bad info. Give me a forum this soapbox keeps getting corrupted.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
And what qualifications do you have for that endowment other than having grown out some of Chimera's SOL remixes, for that matter have you actually even done any breeding other than in a concept in your own mind from what you read in a book?


Genetic Resource Management
Come on now.... what other members are allowed to troll productive and informative threads with impunity?

Not a single worthwhile contribution from this guy in this thread.

Posting valuable and accurate information seems like a wasted venture at this point...



The Tri Guy
Chimera, I'm assuming that the treatment of these haploid pants to revert the cells into diploid cells can only affect new growth. That's a fair assumption to make wouldnt you think?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Chimera, you two started posting AFTER I was already active in this thread and talking about artificial seeds in relation to them being genetically engineered items & which I still think are a very bad idea. We are all entitled to our opinions here that is what makes this forum head and shoulders above the rest out there this is not just yours & GITT's.

Now you have GITT saying he wants his own forum and to be a mod, etc right after some of his deragatory posts were removed so I think his ego is really going to his head at this point now whether he likes it or not it is not okay to insult this entire community as basically being idiots. If I cannot voice my opinion in opposition to that and the other many active members here cannot do so then this forum would be a place for communists and business would slow down very quickly so I hope you are not suggesting such.

I personally have helped to support this website & it's continued operation along with helping many many members here with useful information related to real world applications. I also contribute heavily on this forum to assist people in the quest for Cannabis suitable for medical usage to relieve their suffering & pain. I give valuable input relative to the successful growing of our favorite plant, I plan to continue to do so. :tiphat:

I also appreciate your input and knowledge you surely have much to contribute on the technical side of this matter genetically speaking. :canabis:
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fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Artificial seeds are not necessarily GE.

this is the type of response to expect in my forum where you would never have to go.


Genetic Resource Management
Chimera, you two started posting AFTER I was already active in this thread and talking about artificial seeds in relation to them being genetically engineered items & which I still think are a very bad idea.

Again, your claims are not supported by reality... go back to the first page and look who posted first- you or I. You immediately began trolling me talking about artificial seeds (again, yet another topic you know absolutely nothing about) ... I'll call myself an authority on that subject and justified to say so as I was the first and ONLY person to successfully apply the concept to cannabis.

You talk about how many posts myself and gitt have had removed... all the while failing to mention that you, the troll of the thread, have had more posts removed than any other single poster participating... again dotting each post with negative, untrue comments about me. I've little time to waste.. I'm trying to help people understand difficult concepts, and set inaccurate information straight... and it's more than annoying to try to do so with your bullshit posts, that offer absolutely NOTHING of value to the discussion.

You seem to think you can post anything on the internet and it is automatically true... it happens over and over with you... not to mention you directly contradict yourself with information you have posted in other threads.

You show all the signs of being a stalker - compulsiveness, obsession, failure to grasp reality... and you obviously have an axe to grind and keep trying to grind it in various threads.. and to be honest I've had enough of dealing with you. If that is how the mods want this forum to run that is their choice, but I won't be part of it.

GMT, I am sorry but I'm done with this discussion until the mods start respecting the TOU we all agreed to when joining this site. To do otherwise is just wasting my time which is very valuable to me.

I also don't "have Gitt" saying ANYTHING. I don't know him from Adam, and he is I assume a grown adult and free to make his own choices and conclusions, none of which are fostered or created by me. If you have an issue with him then take it up with him. I'd be surprised if you have anything to offer though soon if you don't change your trolling ways....



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
GITT, you can easily create your own user group about breeding which you have the ability to moderate. It is very easy to do so using the user group function and you can allow people to join freely to listen to your condescending ramblings about how everyone has no idea what they are doing.

Chimera, lol. Okay I admit it I am secretly deeply in love with you please don't leave me I need you to hold me. You started the negative bullshit on this forum in the thread about What happened to Breeder Steve where you took issue with me for defending him since he was not here to defend himself which says alot about you, it's obvious you are a bully with a big ego. I'm sure the moderator staff gladly will now just cave in to you holding your forum input here in this rambling thread over all our heads unless I "get in trouble" for not being one of your sheeple. Sad you resort to such immature tactics, peace to you dude. :canabis:
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fuck the ticket, bought the ride
I was the one who asked for mod. And I was pissed at hyb for not using that opportunity. Stop derailing threads with nothingness. Your internet drama is insignificant.

Give me a 'condescending forum of doom' is that too much to ask?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I was the one who asked for mod. And I was pissed at hyb for not using that opportunity. Stop derailing threads with nothingness. Your internet drama is insignificant.

Give me a 'condescending forum of doom' is that too much to ask?

I don't think that is really in line with the kind of forum Gypsy wants running here in IC but hey maybe you should ask him I am sure he will just love the sound of a "'condescending forum of doom" but hey at least you are honest with yourself about your intentions with it! :wave:


The Tri Guy
well I'll leave my assumptions up on the paper rick posted in the hope that someone will find it interesting enough to comment on.

After being treated, only the new growth on the haploid plants in question would become diploid. A diploid plant treated in the same way would have new growth become tetraploid yet would still only generate haploid cells at the breeding point. Since a male using the "master chromosome" treatment effectively kills the females haploid dna info, a female treated in this way would give birth to seeds that only contain haploid cells of her origin. Therefore would be "feminised haploid plants". To get the original code into a line of regular seeds, would require the use of only the male plant's treatment of the "master chromosome treatement" though, as only he will posses the ability to pass on both male and female haploid dna (on a 50:50 basis/ratio). His offspring then needing to be treated with the doubling chromosome treatment, and bred together in order to generate the new "clone seeds".

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