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General Advice for Young Folks



The only thing you should ever tell a cop is "you can talk to my attorney I have nothing to say to you"


Active member
The only thing you should ever tell a cop is "you can talk to my attorney I have nothing to say to you"

this is the worst advice in the entire thread :laughing: what happens when you get pulled over for speeding? Do you crank NWA and scream "fuck the police"? :laughing:


Kiss My Ring
embrace intelligence, seek it out.
don't let the past cripple your future & be aware the future will one day be your past.
freedom means you control you.
shun pettiness
culture a sense of humor

'great minds speak about ideas, average minds speak about events, small minds speak about other people'


remember that it was somebody with no idea what he was doing that built the ark, and a bunch of highly qualified professionals who built the titanic ...... always give 100%, listen to what the boss/customer wants, pay attention to the details, and you will do just fine


Active member
Screw every woman who will have you. You´ll regret it if you don´t, believe me. When you turn 40 you´ll become a lecher and then you´ll start grieving over the all the putang you missed just by being choosy.

lost in a sea

please have higher standards than the generations that come before you !!!

dont aim for greed or material possesions,, the lady in red will never give you substance,,,

humanity is slouching bigtime and only loving, caring, intelligent humans will keep enough order to stave off these wolves,,

you have the greatest task there could be,,, to fight for good,,

the war against us all is on,, another spanish inquisition,,

whether this goes even more backwards and turns into fully blatant feudalism and another dark ages only the next generations will decide,,

the beast will scream every last profanity to scare us from finishing the job and killing them off (the cabal) and it will try and secrete every sweet noise it can to try seduce us and keep us anaesthatised like zombies until we finally just rebalance this horrible bind humanity has been leveraged into,,

history tells the future,,

believe and have hope,,,

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Lots of good advice. Here's two thoughts.

"Don't get too high with the highs or too low with the lows."
"The last person to fuck me hasn't been born yet"

Both of these come from my friends father who has been a bit of a mentor to me as well. I agree with the going to school to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer. Those are about the only professions worth going to school for. Otherwise I'd recommend that you learn a trade and make your own business. If you make what's in your head valuable, you might not get killed if the world goes to shit. People always need doctors, engineers, mechanics etc....

If there is something you're upset about. Stop and think for a moment. Is there something you can do about it. Then go do it. If not then let it go and move forward. Whenever something happens I don't get bent about it. I just try and visualize the solution and next step. I also think it's important to accept responsibility for the whole of your life and experiences. More than likely you can look back and find a point where you chose the path you were on. Where you made a choice that put you where you were. Own it.

Best of luck. The world is definitely not getting easier. There will be more and more global competition. The boom is over in America. That's why lots of people are moving abroad.

So maybe it would be wise to learn several foreign languages. Portuguese, Mandarin, Spanish, are all good choices.


Active member
are there any "young folk" reading this stuff?

solid 'advice' is to learn;
growing food on a postage stamp
how to store that food
how to kill, clean, preserve, store wildlife/game
how to forage for food

live simpler with less $FRN$ use than you do now
acquire a rifle/ammo.....learn it well...store it away from your home(obvious reasons)

understand your place on this planet is WITH nature not with TV/Ipad

why this list? you'll wish you had if you didnt in the near-term future....

understand the world you live in as truthfully as possible because most of what we/you are told is bullKAKA


Learn how to burp a baby
Save 10% of everything you make, and keep it
Grow a garden or houseplants
Tell your parents/spouse/kids you love them - every day
If you give your word - keep it
Get a dog
Don't be late for appts or work
Ask questions
Get lots of sleep
Drink lots of water

lost in a sea

their is hidden truth behind all "religions" but the devil lies in the organised ones,,

god is in you,, your brain, your DNA,,,

christ/krishna conscious was an awakening that happened 2000 years ago during a period of cultural recombination when the truth was made nearer to whole again,, since that time forces have perverted the image and point of true knowledge itself,,

so understand that you are immersed in very old and clever symbolism, allegory and numerology,, whether you like it or not,, and the aim of hiding the truth behind souless idol worship and desire (a manifested alien greed) is to create generations of nihilist, androgenous depressed humans with no desire for spiritualism, family structure or any morals,,, ie cultureless and dumbed down,,

listen to every arguement and take everything you hear with a pinch of salt,,

look for the liars in this world,, the manipulators and the cheats,, shine a light on them if you want a better future,,


May your race always be in your favor
Here's what I learned in the last 63 years.
1. the last 30 years flew by, you won' believe how fast it went, prepare for the future.

2. Take care of your body, it's the only one you have. start now so when the years of number one happen you won't be fucked up.

3.Really, pay attention to number one you are not indestrucible.

4 One day you wake up and go WTF???? I have 11 grandchildren and all of a sudden I look old in the mirror where'd the years go.