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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


In my empire of dirt
I am from a place where the flags look like this, more or less.
View attachment 19007934
It is just less white, you know. None of those examples are any more weird than a man putting on lipstick and dressing out like a woman, cutting his balls off and turning his penis into a ”vagina”.

But more than a mental illness it is a political idea to normalise these things in a society, and it is good of you to admitt to it being a belief because that is what it is: an antihuman religious belief.

I don’t have links but found you one by searching the name,
It is halacha, jewish law. What is the religion of wokery, where does it come from? It traces back to the talmud, the zohar and kabbalah.
so its the jews?!that made people gay
/i thougu they just killed terrorists
yeah, to me thats just a flag,
it just means gay people welcome or they might just like rainbows
i live in a fishing village called san deigo where we have this huge gay community!
its like fags everywhere you look and they even have bars and food places catering to their queer desires!
/not to be confused with the bars and food places catering to the rest of us
but some of the places are cool man and as long as the chef washes his hands after he uses the bathroom i dont mind his ghey hands making my food
but i dont have fag money! im just an old dude just gettin by

/fun story
i used to be a farmer
and i knew a few gays, they loved to buy my fruit
they were what islanders call mahu!
but they always had cash plus they were all mello and often fed me! just fun to be around
ill never forget the first tiem i me tthem

they sniffs product
hmmmmm.... bud! big smiles all around
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Well-known member


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Just to add my voice to the discussion. I too am part of the crowd that doesn't believe in people being born in the wrong body. I will accept there may be hormone imbalances that can mess with how a person see's the way they fit into society but that's a medical issue that can be treated without having to mutilate parts of one's body.

Now that being said, I don't give a damn what lifestyle a person chooses for themselves as long as they don't try to force it on others, like all this nonsense with pronouns. If you want to be called a she when you were born a he or vice versa that's all fine and dandy within your circle but stop trying to force everyone else to play along. If you look like a he or a she when you aren't really, you'll most likely get called by the pronoun you want by people who don't know you but with those folks you're probably better off not telling them what you really are and then expect them to play along. Now if I or others know what gender you were born as regardless of how you look you should just accept that you're going to get mixed results as far as what pronouns are going to get used. You can't really expect people to call you something you are not if they know you're not. Some of them might cooperate with you if they know enough to care about whether it hurts your feelings to be called how you were born. For the rest though you should just leave them out of it rather then trying to convert them to refering to you according to your preference. People don't like being forced into things, even something as simple as what pronouns to use. That's more likely to turn people against you then it is to make your life all butterflies and rainbows. It's kind of like the whole issue between omnivores, vegans and vegitarians If you're vegan you're not going to like it very much if I try to force you to eat meat and neither will a vegitarian appreciate that. Likewise I'm not going to appreciate it if vegans or vegitarians try to force me to not eat meat or meat based products. So the best solution for maximum harmony is you do you and I do me. I can only speak for me but I can promise you that if you don't force me to treat you a certain way we'll get along much better then if you do try to force me.

Now there is one caveat as far as keeping things to yourself if you look like the gender you want to be but weren't born that way, in that one instance socially, you should tell the people you date upfront what you are. People really don't like it if they're getting all into you because they think you are what you look like but then find out when they get romantically involved that you aren't what you look like. If they can't be trusted for you to share that up front with them then you probably shouldn't be getting romantically involved with them. So get that possible end to the relationship out of the way first before anyone gets too emotionally involved. Besides you might be surprised at the results you get. I mean from me and people like me you won't get the results you might want. However, I've seen the issue of trans coming up a lot on YouTube lately and I watch some of the videos out of curiosity and to try to understand people better and I see a lot of Trans women talking about how there are a lot of men who want a partner that looks like a woman but in the bedroom they enjoy having a partner that can perform like a man. So if that's all true you might not get as many negative reactions and rejections as you think.

Now there is one last thing I want to talk about as far as flaunting your alternate lifestyle/sexuality/ sexual orientation. Especially with the Trans community that go all the way with gender reassignment. I'm also seing a lot of videos on YouTube of people who have tried to go down that path and now have very serious regret because they're stuck the way they are now and can't reverse things. Of the ones I've watched they all talk about how they decided to get the surgery because of all the other trans people on social media who make it all sound so wonderful. There was one in particular who not only ended up giving up their old gender and regrets it but there were mistakes made in the surgery that require additional surgeries to correct and this person is having to give up a successful, profitable career/business they built in order to have the freedom and the money to get the corrective surgery. So this person also lost a career/business as well as the equipment they were born with. The point being this person claims to have been heavily infuenced by others who didn't share the whole picture but they made it out like getting the surgery was the solution to the problem for anyone wanting to be trans. There are a lot of young people out there that are on the fence and they're confused and they get led down this false path that doesn't reveal both the good and the bad. The people out there making it seem like, "the water is fine, dive right in" are really doing serious harm to people even if they don't mean to.


Well-known member
Just to add my voice to the discussion. I too am part of the crowd that doesn't believe in people being born in the wrong body. I will accept there may be hormone imbalances that can mess with how a person see's the way they fit into society but that's a medical issue that can be treated without having to mutilate parts of one's body.

Now that being said, I don't give a damn what lifestyle a person chooses for themselves as long as they don't try to force it on others, like all this nonsense with pronouns. If you want to be called a she when you were born a he or vice versa that's all fine and dandy within your circle but stop trying to force everyone else to play along. If you look like a he or a she when you aren't really, you'll most likely get called by the pronoun you want by people who don't know you but with those folks you're probably better off not telling them what you really are and then expect them to play along. Now if I or others know what gender you were born as regardless of how you look you should just accept that you're going to get mixed results as far as what pronouns are going to get used. You can't really expect people to call you something you are not if they know you're not. Some of them might cooperate with you if they know enough to care about whether it hurts your feelings to be called how you were born. For the rest though you should just leave them out of it rather then trying to convert them to refering to you according to your preference. People don't like being forced into things, even something as simple as what pronouns to use. That's more likely to turn people against you then it is to make your life all butterflies and rainbows. It's kind of like the whole issue between omnivores, vegans and vegitarians If you're vegan you're not going to like it very much if I try to force you to eat meat and neither will a vegitarian appreciate that. Likewise I'm not going to appreciate it if vegans or vegitarians try to force me to not eat meat or meat based products. So the best solution for maximum harmony is you do you and I do me. I can only speak for me but I can promise you that if you don't force me to treat you a certain way we'll get along much better then if you do try to force me.

Now there is one caveat as far as keeping things to yourself if you look like the gender you want to be but weren't born that way, in that one instance socially, you should tell the people you date upfront what you are. People really don't like it if they're getting all into you because they think you are what you look like but then find out when they get romantically involved that you aren't what you look like. If they can't be trusted for you to share that up front with them then you probably shouldn't be getting romantically involved with them. So get that possible end to the relationship out of the way first before anyone gets too emotionally involved. Besides you might be surprised at the results you get. I mean from me and people like me you won't get the results you might want. However, I've seen the issue of trans coming up a lot on YouTube lately and I watch some of the videos out of curiosity and to try to understand people better and I see a lot of Trans women talking about how there are a lot of men who want a partner that looks like a woman but in the bedroom they enjoy having a partner that can perform like a man. So if that's all true you might not get as many negative reactions and rejections as you think.

Now there is one last thing I want to talk about as far as flaunting your alternate lifestyle/sexuality/ sexual orientation. Especially with the Trans community that go all the way with gender reassignment. I'm also seing a lot of videos on YouTube of people who have tried to go down that path and now have very serious regret because they're stuck the way they are now and can't reverse things. Of the ones I've watched they all talk about how they decided to get the surgery because of all the other trans people on social media who make it all sound so wonderful. There was one in particular who not only ended up giving up their old gender and regrets it but there were mistakes made in the surgery that require additional surgeries to correct and this person is having to give up a successful, profitable career/business they built in order to have the freedom and the money to get the corrective surgery. So this person also lost a career/business as well as the equipment they were born with. The point being this person claims to have been heavily infuenced by others who didn't share the whole picture but they made it out like getting the surgery was the solution to the problem for anyone wanting to be trans. There are a lot of young people out there that are on the fence and they're confused and they get led down this false path that doesn't reveal both the good and the bad. The people out there making it seem like, "the water is fine, dive right in" are really doing serious harm to people even if they don't mean to.
Well said. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

So Hai

Well-known member
so its the jews?! now that made people gay
/i thougu they just killed terrorists
yeah, to me thats just a flag,
it just means gay people welcome or they might just like rainbows
i live in a fishing village called san deigo where we have this huge gay community!
its like fags everywhere you look and they even have bars and food places catering to their queer desires!
Indeed and you have obviously become demoralized.

11:53 is the definition of queer.

This is queer.

Since you are in support of this jewish queer doctrine, what is your message for all those human beings who have been indoctrinated into believeing the bullshit and put through the abuse (do not bother to call it treament) of hormones and mutilating surgery, only to come to the realization that it was all a bunch of bullshit that have ruined their lives?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Just to add my voice to the discussion. I too am part of the crowd that doesn't believe in people being born in the wrong body. I will accept there may be hormone imbalances that can mess with how a person see's the way they fit into society but that's a medical issue that can be treated without having to mutilate parts of one's body.

Now that being said, I don't give a damn what lifestyle a person chooses for themselves as long as they don't try to force it on others, like all this nonsense with pronouns. If you want to be called a she when you were born a he or vice versa that's all fine and dandy within your circle but stop trying to force everyone else to play along. If you look like a he or a she when you aren't really, you'll most likely get called by the pronoun you want by people who don't know you but with those folks you're probably better off not telling them what you really are and then expect them to play along. Now if I or others know what gender you were born as regardless of how you look you should just accept that you're going to get mixed results as far as what pronouns are going to get used. You can't really expect people to call you something you are not if they know you're not. Some of them might cooperate with you if they know enough to care about whether it hurts your feelings to be called how you were born. For the rest though you should just leave them out of it rather then trying to convert them to refering to you according to your preference. People don't like being forced into things, even something as simple as what pronouns to use. That's more likely to turn people against you then it is to make your life all butterflies and rainbows. It's kind of like the whole issue between omnivores, vegans and vegitarians If you're vegan you're not going to like it very much if I try to force you to eat meat and neither will a vegitarian appreciate that. Likewise I'm not going to appreciate it if vegans or vegitarians try to force me to not eat meat or meat based products. So the best solution for maximum harmony is you do you and I do me. I can only speak for me but I can promise you that if you don't force me to treat you a certain way we'll get along much better then if you do try to force me.

Now there is one caveat as far as keeping things to yourself if you look like the gender you want to be but weren't born that way, in that one instance socially, you should tell the people you date upfront what you are. People really don't like it if they're getting all into you because they think you are what you look like but then find out when they get romantically involved that you aren't what you look like. If they can't be trusted for you to share that up front with them then you probably shouldn't be getting romantically involved with them. So get that possible end to the relationship out of the way first before anyone gets too emotionally involved. Besides you might be surprised at the results you get. I mean from me and people like me you won't get the results you might want. However, I've seen the issue of trans coming up a lot on YouTube lately and I watch some of the videos out of curiosity and to try to understand people better and I see a lot of Trans women talking about how there are a lot of men who want a partner that looks like a woman but in the bedroom they enjoy having a partner that can perform like a man. So if that's all true you might not get as many negative reactions and rejections as you think.

Now there is one last thing I want to talk about as far as flaunting your alternate lifestyle/sexuality/ sexual orientation. Especially with the Trans community that go all the way with gender reassignment. I'm also seing a lot of videos on YouTube of people who have tried to go down that path and now have very serious regret because they're stuck the way they are now and can't reverse things. Of the ones I've watched they all talk about how they decided to get the surgery because of all the other trans people on social media who make it all sound so wonderful. There was one in particular who not only ended up giving up their old gender and regrets it but there were mistakes made in the surgery that require additional surgeries to correct and this person is having to give up a successful, profitable career/business they built in order to have the freedom and the money to get the corrective surgery. So this person also lost a career/business as well as the equipment they were born with. The point being this person claims to have been heavily infuenced by others who didn't share the whole picture but they made it out like getting the surgery was the solution to the problem for anyone wanting to be trans. There are a lot of young people out there that are on the fence and they're confused and they get led down this false path that doesn't reveal both the good and the bad. The people out there making it seem like, "the water is fine, dive right in" are really doing serious harm to people even if they don't mean to.
Does not address intersex - approximately 1 in 2000 births

moose eater

Well-known member
Does not address intersex - approximately 1 in 2000 births
Some reports place the frequency of intersex births at much higher than that; between 1% and 2%.
If in fact phthalates play a role, then it would make sense to see this number fluctuating and growing, too.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Some reports place the frequency of intersex births at much higher than that; between 1% and 2%.
If in fact phthalates play a role, then it would make sense to see this number fluctuating and growing, too.
Yes I'm aware but I chose the lower rate to reduce reactive skepticism. 1 in 2000 is much lower than the rate of the deformity I was born with and there are thousands of us.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Does not address intersex - approximately 1 in 2000 births
No, it doesn't been given the relative rareness of that type of birth I see no need tofor the rest of the world having to conform for just those few.. Now I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say intersex but when I hear that I take it to mean someone that is born with aspects of both genders. Given that such an individual doesn't fit neatly into either of the two major genders I see nothing wrong with such a person picking a gender at some point (preferably in young adulthood after they've had plenty of time to make their choice). I think more people would likely be accepting of someone like that if they explained they were born being neither quite male or quite female. Such a persson wouldn't really be changing their gender fromm their birth gender since they were a bit of both. That's not really representative of someone who feels like they were born in the wrong body since from birth they were never quite one gnder or the other.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes I'm aware but I chose the lower rate to reduce reactive skepticism. 1 in 2000 is much lower than the rate of the deformity I was born with and there are thousands of us.
See now you kind of hit the nail on the head so to speak by using the term deformity. I was trying to avoid that term because many might find it offensive. If you are born deformed in that they would be lacking in the normal form and function of all either gender then corrective surgery in that case is more akin to someone being born with a cleft pallet and then gets corrective surgery to better fit into society. It might seem the same as someone being born male but decides they should have been female or vice versa because people typically wear clothing whicch would hide their physical deformity. If we all ran around in our birthday suits then it would be more obvious that they were just wanting corrective surgery to better fit into society.


In my empire of dirt
No, it doesn't been given the relative rareness of that type of birth I see no need tofor the rest of the world having to conform for just those few.. Now I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say intersex but when I hear that I take it to mean someone that is born with aspects of both genders. Given that such an individual doesn't fit neatly into either of the two major genders I see nothing wrong with such a person picking a gender at some point (preferably in young adulthood after they've had plenty of time to make their choice). I think more people would likely be accepting of someone like that if they explained they were born being neither quite male or quite female. Such a persson wouldn't really be changing their gender fromm their birth gender since they were a bit of both. That's not really representative of someone who feels like they were born in the wrong body since from birth they were never quite one gnder or the other.
Yes I'm aware but I chose the lower rate to reduce reactive skepticism. 1 in 2000 is much lower than the rate of the deformity I was born with and there are thousands of us.
Some reports place the frequency of intersex births at much higher than that; between 1% and 2%.
If in fact phthalates play a role, then it would make sense to see this number fluctuating and growing, too.
@moose eater @Microbeman
i would not call 1:2000 rare! that adds up to pretty substantial numbers
even if it was 1:20,000 that still represent a major portion of the population
(for example the area i live has MILLIONS! of people! ill let you do the math)
/this is something i need to educate myself more on

unfortunately kids are sexualized from birth, girl wear pink and boys blue, what kind of toys you get and what sports you play
i know i treated the girl different that the boys especially when it came to thing like rough housing and sports


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
unfortunately kids are sexualized from birth, girl wear pink and boys blue, what kind of toys you get and what sports you play
i know i treated the girl different that the boys especially when it came to thing like rough housing and sports
That's more of how it was in the past, I mean it still exist some these days but not the way it used to be. In these more modern times the lines have become somewhat blurred. The recent movie Barbie kind of illustrates this to some extent.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
See now you kind of hit the nail on the head so to speak by using the term deformity. I was trying to avoid that term because many might find it offensive. If you are born deformed in that they would be lacking in the normal form and function of all either gender then corrective surgery in that case is more akin to someone being born with a cleft pallet and then gets corrective surgery to better fit into society. It might seem the same as someone being born male but decides they should have been female or vice versa because people typically wear clothing whicch would hide their physical deformity. If we all ran around in our birthday suits then it would be more obvious that they were just wanting corrective surgery to better fit into society.
My deformity is orthopedic - nothing to do with gender - did not say that; for clarity


Well-known member
It is halacha, jewish law. What is the religion of wokery, where does it come from? It traces back to the talmud, the zohar and kabbalah.
The woke are generally following some post modernism bs they don’t even understand. It boils down to their denial of an objective reality. To them everything is subjective.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The woke are generally following some post modernism bs they don’t even understand. It boils down to their denial of an objective reality. To them everything is subjective.
I think the opposite is the case. A post modernist would assert there is no subjective reality in terms of a right or wrong way to live and organise socially. What "objective reality" are you referring? Judeo Christian?