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GCG and Boobs's 2012 NorCal Organic Outdoor: The Foothill Fetish



thanks guys.

samson, I don't think I'll do any more support... the cages inside of them will be enough
High boobs! I'm sitting here looking at your work, and I'm just going to say that I agree with samson. Get some Hortonova or similar and just wrap them with it. I've spent too much time picking dirt out of beautiful buds, and I've learned at least this much--an ounce of Hortonova is worth a pound of good weed.

I plan to try to stretch the season this year. I've never taken them past the third week of October, so we shall see how well that works out. I plan to make hoo
houses over the beds.


child of the sun
yeah, hortinova sounds like a good idea... but my house is stocked up, I haven't left in two weeks and won't be leaving for another month! cabin fever eh... :tumbleweed: anyways, what I'm saying is I don't think I'll be able to go out and get any. hopefully I don't pay too heavily for it, only really three of the plants could benefit from it anyways.

here's some shots from this afternoon, GCG tells me some of his are beefing up more than mine, he get's way more light than me... maybe he'll come take the camera from me soon.


here's the GDP that I haven't showed any pictures of, she's closest to my bed so I wake up to her aroma every morning.

Bubba OG


And here's a shot of most of the garden.

I have seen lots of guys talking about using all kind of sprays in the large plants thread to combat bugs... I haven't used any of that stuff, and have no problems with anything here.

here's a little update on water usage and all of the products I did use this year.

water usage: ~6775 gallons (~300 gallons of that was compost tea,) breaking down to apx 400 gallons each (20 gal of compost tea.) there were 2 rains, and I also did 10 foilar sprays.

stuff used: Xtreme gardening CalCarb & Azos, VAM Endo mix, Premade tea kits from microbeorganics, one application of mycostop early on after cooler period, PPD, Cytoplus, EJ Grow & Catalyst, Lithovit and I top dressed the Lavender w/ some Dr. Earth 5-5-5.

I did a deep watering today, and if the nights start cooling off I'll be able to slow down the waterings here on out.
As flowering continues on it becomes more and more obvious the bubba og and platinum are the same plant. Not surprised as its from the same source. Everyday I'm wondering more and more about the hindu kush being the same as well. Time will tell. Nice update, I woulda' grabbed the camera, but when its obvious I was at your house for 20 minutes and you don't come out of your bedroom to at least greet me, I assume you are having special boobs time. :p That or your narcoleptic self nodded out per usual.


Active member
Looking great gentlemen, what a great and sunny season we are having. I'm growing bigger, thicker buds than I have in past seasons. Farmers almanac says its going to be a long hot summer, and my plants are tending to agree. Big fat buds, but strains that were showing signs of being done this time last year, still have no signs of finishing. Im just going to let them go. All except the boost, who is going to die a week from today. I'm feeding her water and molasses every night at dusk, probably 10 gallons.


Active member
As flowering continues on it becomes more and more obvious the bubba og and platinum are the same plant. Not surprised as its from the same source. Everyday I'm wondering more and more about the hindu kush being the same as well. Time will tell. Nice update, I woulda' grabbed the camera, but when its obvious I was at your house for 20 minutes and you don't come out of your bedroom to at least greet me, I assume you are having special boobs time. :p That or your narcoleptic self nodded out per usual.

This pisses me off more than anything!! Lable your shit people, damn!! Last year I got around 15 clones from the same guy and I think he was right on 5/15, so frusterating. Not to mention the ones that were not correct was crap I didn't want from his lineup. At least all your kush is some kind of kush. I have Og kush last years that turned out to be a purple Thai cross and Agent Orange that turned out to be god knows what...


child of the sun
This pisses me off more than anything!! Lable your shit people, damn!! Last year I got around 15 clones from the same guy and I think he was right on 5/15, so frusterating. Not to mention the ones that were not correct was crap I didn't want from his lineup. At least all your kush is some kind of kush. I have Og kush last years that turned out to be a purple Thai cross and Agent Orange that turned out to be god knows what...

agreed, hopefully someday when genetics is further along we can develop some kind of nomenclature system and really have a better idea of lineages.

GCG had something like you're talking about happen to him recently, got clones from some dude labeled the same... labeled as just 'OG Kush' I think, anyways... turned out there were two phenos... neither anything like OG Kush, lol. I think there were some death threats involved shortly after, not sure... lol! sorry to bring that back up GCG, I know how much it bothers you :laughing:


Active member
Boobs excellent work on the plants, you're going to have a bountiful harvest for sure. I would've had a similar run this year, had it not been for a nosey maintenance man calling the fuzz and I had to destroy most of them. GCG any plants harvested yet? I'm anticipating my remaining 3 girls to be finished within the next 3-5 wks. I won't be yielding mega pounds like you guys, but a little over a half a pound is still respectable in my eyes for only 3 lil' girls..



Well-known member
Garden is looking Superb!

Might have to drop by real soon. :)
Keep It Green Up the on tha hill fellas.


Active member
And once again thanks for the invite, here are some close-ups.. These are not the greatest pics. They're taken with a camera phone, until I can come across a digital cam.



They look fantastic, boobs. Order the Hortonova online, from PVFS. It's what I would do, especially since shipping on it will be reasonable.

I am now wondering if it's just too late for me to begin my prophylactic spraying (Spinosad alternating with a Bt product). Every year I lose some of the very best buds to caterpillars. Every. Fucking. Year! C'est la vies, I'll begin spraying tonight, and will continue every two weeks thereafter as I should have been doing since late July.
<smacks forehead>

Labeling disasters are just that! Disasters! I agree with the laments.
Hello everyone!!! Things are progressing as expected.

GanjaRebelSeed greenhouse, plants are startin' to bloom nicely now.

Sensi Star

SourD Twins



Nice update ... Boobs if ya have the means I'd spray the bt, the cats can be a nasty surprise at the end.
ManySplifs - No harvest of anything full season yet. Still a couple weeks for the earliest stuff minimum. I like to let stuff ripen up more than most if the weather permits.


Active member
How are your 5 g's? Everybody I know growing that strain is almost ready to harvest. One person has already pulled half a plant.