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Gay porn actor dies after trying to swallow drugs and chokes on them when tazed-video

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I wasn't saying that a policeman should just attempt to do something that he hasn't been taught how to do.

Do you suppose that it's possible to train somebody to do a tracheotomy on a struggling man? I don't. Even if I had training to do it, there's no way that I'd even consider it. What's the difference between this surgical procedure and an execution? -millimeters!

Btw, I appreciate the passion. I'm just saying let's channel it realistically. The root problem here is the oppressive law -not the servants that we employ to enforce it. :good:


Do you suppose that it's possible to train somebody to do a tracheotomy on a struggling man? I don't. Even if I had training to do it, there's no way that I'd even consider it. What's the difference between this surgical procedure and an execution? -millimeters!

Btw, I appreciate the passion. I'm just saying let's channel it realistically. The root problem here is the oppressive law -not the servants that we employ to enforce it. :good:

True, if the man they are trying to help is resisting them then it makes it difficult. But if they weren't cops I bet he'd chill the fuck out! lol. In all seriousness, though, the real problem is the law that these men are enforcing upon the rest of us. Sometimes I feel like they (the policemen) have dogs in the fight, though. Whether it be because they don't understand or respect pot culture, or any other culture for that matter, but you're right in that it doesn't help to point fingers. It really all comes down to addressing the source. I can only hope that I live to see a great change of global perception in my lifetime.


Is it the kids fault? Or is the fault on scaremongering? I would personally never attempt to swallow a bag of weed, I'd just dump it somewhere.

If the police were "scaremongering" he wouldn't have drugs on him to begin with because... he would be scared. He knew they were illegal, that is why he tried to swallow them, not the law's fault.

the legal system needs to take some responsibility for enabling this kind of fear to flourish.

You're right, they should make it legal to beat women. If the man was just allowed to beat the woman in peace, the cops would have never been called in the first place and his poor, innocent life could have been saved. :rolleyes:


If the police were "scaremongering" he wouldn't have drugs on him to begin with because... he would be scared. He knew they were illegal, that is why he tried to swallow them, not the law's fault.

You're right, they should make it legal to beat women. If the man was just allowed to beat the woman in peace, the cops would have never been called in the first place and his poor, innocent life could have been saved. :rolleyes:

None of that made sense. You misunderstood me, I think.

The police aren't the only thing that is scaremongering, it is also the system of laws that scaremongers. The very existence of these laws puts unnecessary pressures on society.

Sorry that I assume that because the man tried to swallow a bag of pot it means he was scared of being caught with it. He must have just been hungry.

And why would they make it legal to beat women? Wtf? I never said anything about beating women.

Sorry, yes he was "beating" a woman. But I said that that is what he should have been charged with. I'm not saying he is a victim for being apprehended for assulting someone, not at all. And to what extent was he "beating" her anyways? Was it pushing? Punching? Pulling hair? These things are important.

The whole thing is fucked up. We need better laws, we need less laws, we need to educate the world. Welcome to an endless pit.


Well-known member
By itself, the pot would have warranted misdemeanor possession.

In Florida 20 grams or less is a misdemeanor, and the gay porn star most likely would have received nothing more than a ticket for the weed.

Thrashing about a girl in public is not only stupid, but a felony.

If he was going to eat evidence to avoid serious charges, he should have tried to eat the girl.

Beating Girl = Felony, and
20 grams or less = Misdemeanor.



Feel for the guy his actions were stupid, the law saying that tasering is a no-action move is bullshit, and the cops I won't speak on hate em so my opinion will be biased.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Thats why you dont swallow plastic bags. Sucks it went down like that, I feel bad for him and his family..... but its a simple case of natural selection.


That was absolutely horrible and heart wrenching to watch.

What the fuck are these pigs trained for if they can't clear a fucking airway or perform a trac? I had to be certified to do that shit to pass the 11th grade!!

Disgusting. Cops, kids should have to watch how daddy was a do nothing coward who panicked while violating someones civil rights.......

Hope that pig chokes on his pork chop and all the pot heads at the restruant watch his fat ass gasp for air.

You had to learn how to perform a tracheostomy to pass 11th grade?? Wow !! I guess medical school and a surgical residency are just a big waste of time.
I don't want any cops hacking away at my throat thank you very much!!


Jeez, you would think a gay porn actor could swallow a bag of weed no problem.
WOW, there are some seriously ignorant people on here. This man LOST HIS LIFE. DEAD, gone forever, over a bag of weed. Have some compasion. At least for his family.
In Florida 20 grams or less is a misdemeanor, and the gay porn star most likely would have received nothing more than a ticket for the weed.

Thrashing about a girl in public is not only stupid, but a felony.

If he was going to eat evidence to avoid serious charges, he should have tried to eat the girl.

Beating Girl = Felony, and
20 grams or less = Misdemeanor.


I disagree with "most likely would have received a ticket". I know 10+ people in FL who have been arrested for anywhere from a few roaches to 14g. Most were between 3.5-7g.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I disagree with "most likely would have received a ticket". I know 10+ people in FL who have been arrested for anywhere from a few roaches to 14g. Most were between 3.5-7g.

Do you live in Florida? You may get arrested for the time being but its still a misdemeanor. Believe me I know being a resident and having friends in the same position. I got off with a ticket for speeding when i had 9g's on me. He didn't even write me a ticket for possesion just for the speeding i had actually done. Cop's just don't like bullshit, if your honest and to the point they become easier to deal with. Its may be stupid to tell the cops you have weed on you but when their gonna search you and give you the run around anyways.

He would've got a misdemeanor for the bud however you look at it, as long as its less than 20g's. The other charges aren't as easy though.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I think cops have always gotten a perverted thrill out of using excessive force. The typical profile of a cop is a bully, arrogant, and a know-it-all piece of shit. Look at how much fun they have with dogs, tazers, tight hand cuffs and just the way they finally beat someone up after a high speed chase. I hate most cops and those that I don't hate seem to get run off the job. They are just thugs that have the backing of the public out of fear.

my two cents

And the typical stoner is a fat lazy slob that lives in his mom's basement with no motivation, amirite?

There are assholes in every profession on the globe, but that doesn't mean all, or even most, are assholes.

Generalization is bad.

What did you see as excessive force here, by the way?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Ya wanna know where I think the problem stems in this situation??? His fear. It was his fear of what he thought would happen to him, if he had gotten caught with that bag. People shouldn't have to be so afraid to have a little herb on them.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Ya wanna know where I think the problem stems in this situation??? His fear. It was his fear of what he thought would happen to him, if he had gotten caught with that bag. People shouldn't have to be so afraid to have a little herb on them.

100% agree... The law killed him, not the law enforcement officers.
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