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Ganja's Ganja Growing Adventures


Cannabis 101
You gonna love Mr.nice SSH one of my all time favorite smokes :) awesome bro keep it up
all the best to you and your fruits.


hey ganja d..congratulations to your legal status and much less worries!!! i wish you the best for your future projects and look really forward to the strawberry cough x nl mhh nice one...kepp up the good work ...cjah


Active member
Looking good brother! Been off the net for a minute with real life needs but always a pleasant surprise to pop in and see new threads kicking off. That's a pity about those Federation Cottons-----I was looking forward to seeing those finish out, but what can you do. Beans be beans sometimes. Still gotta great stable going though so should be good times regardless. Look forward to the updates!


nice soil beds gd. im sorry that cotton candy didnt pop. i was excited as hell when i saw that in your beanstash. oh well, you cant complain with all those other crazy flavors huh? best of luck to you brother.

Ganja D

Thanks guys,yea i'm bummed about the cotton candy too but I'm going to start another round of crazy seeds in about a month.
I'm gonna take some pictures in a bit,got a lot going on right now. Just got some Mr.Nice moms,and blue dreams that will be moms.
Headband is in early flower,a bit behind from some setbacks with power outages and temp fluctuations but they're happy now.
I'm going to water/feed the soil rooms and moms then I'll try to put up some pictures.

Ganja D

Been busy like a mofo up in this. Finally getting everything situated and settled.


Chemdog x Sour d mom

Seedlings finally transplanted and happy.

Here's a sneak peek at a Head Band girly sleeping,early in flowering.

Time to get back to it,let's do it!


Active member
Lookin good man, those seedlings are gonna be a fun adventure----new beans are the best. Glad to see duct tape still works for any job, even labels! You like workin with the mesh netting vs the plastic trellis for your indoors or was it just an around kind of thing?

Ganja D

It just happened to be around. I prefer the hortinova plastic.
Cleaned up all the moms and took a round of clones. Hit up the headband with some high p,starting to come together in there.
Seedling are doing ok,the room is staying too humid and they were maybe slightly overwatered by me. Taking a bit to dry out but it's almost a good thing that they're starting slow. It'll be better timing for them to be outdoor monsters.
Things are growing!

Ganja D

Really excited I just got this Double Strawberry Diesel clone back in my life. Started the seed in 07 or 08 and a friend was cool enough to hold it for me until I could care for her again. Fucking awesome plant,very good bud/leaf ratio. This picture was from a crop that it wasn't even done right. To this day I've never seen a bud sparkle like this when grown proper.

Been busy growing weed. Getting excited about the outdoor season. It's just crazy.

Ganja D

head band flowering. Had a few setbacks from power outages etc,so a little behind,but all good now.

Some moms and seedling of different strains.


Killer queen redux roots


Ganja D

I forgot all about this thread. If you want to check out what I've been up to I guess check out my thread in the outdoor section.
Here's a pic of some headband about 3 week in. Sorry for the hps.

Here's a picture of my Double Strawberry Diesel clone in a temp greenhouse waiting to go outside. There's a picture of the bud dried and cured grown indoors a few years ago a few posts back on this page. Check out the sturcture of this plant.

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