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Ganja's 6/9 Simplicity


What the fuck is up people? Haven't talked to any of you for quite a while. I'm curious who is still around and what yall got going on? Had a lot of life changes in the past year or so but all is well now and I hope the same for all of you. I'm gonna be moving to better legal waters within the next few weeks. Haven't had anything going for months but so anxious to get going. Stepping my game up. Gotta call the electrician first thing at,my new house. Gonna be running 4 solis-tek 1000w. Gonna need a big breaker for those bad boys. I have some good beans ready to go. Reserva og#18's, koshers, Florida lemons (which look fuckin unreal), se incredible bulks (had amazing results with these beans in the past...hoping to find another killer mom), and super lemon haze. Gonna be switching from the 6/9 method to botanicare pbp. I just don't get the taste with general hydro. If the pbp doesn't help with that I'm gonna be going all organics. I'd hate to ditch the coco but I need the taste. I'm to the point where I'll sacrifice a little yield for the smell and taste of some killer organic bud. So yea that's where I'm at right now. Looking forward to hearing from you all.


Oh and don't get me wrong. My bud is pretty fuckin good. But you guys get what I'm saying...especially all who have used 6/9. It grows some killer sticky dank for sure. But the flavor seems to be close to the same for like every strain.


Welcome Back G,

I haven't found that to be the case with my grows using 6/9. Let us know how the PBP works out.


Ripped since 1965
Hey homie, I was wondering where you disappeared to:biggrin: I'm chopping down a new strain every week looking for keeper stains and they all smell and taste different using 6/9. I got testers for my stuff and they report the same thing so it's not just me. That said I'm switching over to new nutes next week, you know the saying- The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence :biggrin: Keep posting mate:tiphat:
Hey homie, I was wondering where you disappeared to:biggrin: I'm chopping down a new strain every week looking for keeper stains and they all smell and taste different using 6/9. I got testers for my stuff and they report the same thing so it's not just me. That said I'm switching over to new nutes next week, you know the saying- The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence :biggrin: Keep posting mate:tiphat:
What are you switching over to stoned?


Ripped since 1965
What are you switching over to stoned?

I bought 5 lbs of Veg+Bloom HD. I'm going to run it through my blumat system. Plants in bloom only. Nothing can beat Maxigrow plus all the additives I use in veg. My seeds and clones have 3 months to veg, almost any nutes would work for me when a plant has that long to veg. They are 5-6 feet tall when I throw them into the bloom rooms.:biggrin: I gotta start restricting their light. I read all 160 pages of that v+b thread . I have no questions, I'm going to try it and see if it lives up to the hype.:tiphat:

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
welcome back GL. im not sold on nutrient salts being what makes things bland as much as environmental conditions. I think the same temps, rh, n types n spectrum of light make strains grow somewhat similar. something to think about besides just nutrients.

as far as nutrients go, I bought a big bag of jacks n cal nit n gonna give that a go. plenty of coir users having success with it. supposed to be super clean, easy n stable.

I did organic for a few years n I definitely had a lot to learn before I was being consistent, but a healthy grown bud with out anything sprayed on it is always better than the same strain that wasn't grown healthy. weather ur growing organic or with nutrient salts.
I bought 5 lbs of Veg+Bloom HD. I'm going to run it through my blumat system. Plants in bloom only. Nothing can beat Maxigrow plus all the additives I use in veg. My seeds and clones have 3 months to veg, almost any nutes would work for me when a plant has that long to veg. They are 5-6 feet tall when I throw them into the bloom rooms.:biggrin: I gotta start restricting their light. I read all 160 pages of that v+b thread . I have no questions, I'm going to try it and see if it lives up to the hype.:tiphat:
No doubt great suggestion. I have 2 going side by side right now maxibloom and v+b regular ro I'm excited to see how they turn out. Why did you choose the HD formula?
come to cali and put some gg#4 cuts in some plastic cigar tubes and send em home :biggrin: .. yo ganja i have never tried the 6/9.. you do the same feeding the whole grow? you totally cut out the grow? never tried but i hear alot of this.what other bottles you like to throw into the mix these days.Get a new journal going man.
only 2 waterings a day in flower with 2 gallon fabric pots? I run 2 gallons as well and if i dont feed 3-4 times a day in flower they get pissed. I start out with 2 feeds a day in veg after letting them establish roots in the 2 gallons

Just put these GG4 girls in today......will be flipping in about 5 days

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Soon they should turn into

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Keep up the great work Ganja! Wish I got spears that big on mine!

those are some nice gg#$ girls:yes:


come to cali and put some gg#4 cuts in some plastic cigar tubes and send em home :biggrin: .. yo ganja i have never tried the 6/9.. you do the same feeding the whole grow? you totally cut out the grow? never tried but i hear alot of this.what other bottles you like to throw into the mix these days.Get a new journal going man.

Bro I'll give you my address...send me some cigar tubes lol. The 6/9 produces some sticky dank big donkey dick buds without a doubt. From what I understand the original recipe was 6/9 from start to finish. After some runs I have tweaked mine a bit. I throw in roots excelurator, diamond nectar, kelp, and that's about it. I go 3/4.5 til the first set of true leaves pop then 6/9 until the start of the second week of flower. Then I start messing with the 6/9 ratio. I go as far as 10ml micro and 15ml bloom. Highest ec is usually around 1.4. It def works wonders. I'm currently house hunting but when I get shit up and running I'll def start a new journal. Should be interesting. Og#18, super lemon haze, and incredible bulk next run. Gonna throw in some of the freebies I got as well and see what I get out of them. Got these dna florida lemons I'm really anxious to see. So yea in the next month or so I hope. What's up with that gg lol
Bro I'll give you my address...send me some cigar tubes lol. The 6/9 produces some sticky dank big donkey dick buds without a doubt. From what I understand the original recipe was 6/9 from start to finish. After some runs I have tweaked mine a bit. I throw in roots excelurator, diamond nectar, kelp, and that's about it. I go 3/4.5 til the first set of true leaves pop then 6/9 until the start of the second week of flower. Then I start messing with the 6/9 ratio. I go as far as 10ml micro and 15ml bloom. Highest ec is usually around 1.4. It def works wonders. I'm currently house hunting but when I get shit up and running I'll def start a new journal. Should be interesting. Og#18, super lemon haze, and incredible bulk next run. Gonna throw in some of the freebies I got as well and see what I get out of them. Got these dna florida lemons I'm really anxious to see. So yea in the next month or so I hope. What's up with that gg lol

I just got the glue cut a few days ago so give her some time and let her enter college before we sign her up for the gangbang lol:wahey: .I really wanna try that 6/9 soon bro thanks for the tip on that ,im all about those donkeys.You using powdered kelp or liquid?I like that roots excelurator What coco you usually run? on sale stuff or you got brand loyalty? I got a pack of greenhouse Superlemonhaze never ran that.i popped a single holy grail from my pack the other day cause i was talking with cocosativas i think on a thread.i always wonder about the freebies i got some never popped but this spring i wanna outdoor all of their single asses.glue all day bro i havent ran cant wait:dance013: .


I use powder or liquid...whatever I can find at the time. I use canna or h&g coco. That's just what my store carries and easiest for me to get but IMO...coco is coco. As long as you rinse the shit out of it no matter what brand you should be fine. I've used both canna and h&g without rinsing and was fine but I def wouldn't recommend doing that especially with cheaper or.off brands. I've used silica in the past as well but didn't really notice a difference between using it and not. Maybe it helps with extreme heat or something but my ladies don't get subjected to that so I just don't use it anymore. I have learned the most important thing to worry about is your environment. That will add more quality and weight than anything else you can do. Drop a shit load of light on your women, good base feeds, proper environment...WIN!