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I think this is like the pepsi and coke fight. But the truth is that pot has like 1500-2000 chemicals in it and not alot of people know what they do, so who knows what herb works better than the other one. I am a good old fashion stoner, I like herb because it gets me high. I do have alot of family that uses for med uses,wich i know without it they would suffer. But to have an argument about herbs,and what is better and why this person doesnt smoke or i see it to much. Damn folks, this is like demorcrats and republicans fighting over whos plans are better. When it is the peoples choice. I meen come on this cant be progress can it? So lets get high and focus on the prize, making pot more accesable and potent. But thats my rant,thanks for all the replys.


Sorry all, I know I sound like a dick, but I'm not. I'm one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I give away about as much weed as I smoke, but I take cannabis very, very seriously. I like to get high as well, but I'm also treating a serious ailment for which 90% of the strains available do absolutely nothing, and in many cases make worse. I've had to search long and hard for the genetics that have ended up in my stable, and it's literally a full time job to preserve them. I don't want the genetics of our future medicine supply muddied up by well-meaning people who think that mediocre mersh like GDP is the be-all, end-all of medicinal cannabis. And when so many think GDP is the pinnacle of cannabis, many will make it a breeding goal based on sheer popularity. I used to think GDP was the shit, too. I just didn't know any better. It's not breeding stock, it's the end of the line. It's bred, it's done. It's not getting any better. Same goes for OGK.

This is what happened in the late 1970's when Afghani and Skunk genes first hit the scene with a vengeance. So many stopped growing their pure Sativas and starting crossing the Afghani into everything. Now, it's almost impossible to find untouched Sativas. You have to really, really look. There are people working their asses off to preserve the genes, but many of the finest lines have been lost for good, and will never come back. Extinct. Go to Jamaica and try to find some real Lambsbread spears - ain't gonna happen unless you already know someone. You're going to get lame beach weed, little 2-foot short-season Dutch hybrids dried in the sun. Well-meaning people passed on some 'modern' seeds and fucking killed the island gene pool. And it's left to a handful of preservationists with small gardens to protect and keep the genes alive for the day when they can perhaps once again be grown in their regions of origin. I believe this will happen someday. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I believe it will happen.

Cannabis seeds are not just for us to have some danky dank right now - we're holding on to the future. We have a responsibility to the next generation and beyond. And if more people don't wake up and see that we're absolutely throwing genetic diversity out the window by bottlenecking everything through one or two lines, one day everything will be purple, reeking of grapes and gasoline, and boring as shit. Smokeable Quaaludes.

I'm not hating on ANYONE, I have nothing but love for this plant and for my fellow tokers, no matter what they prefer. If you knew me, you'd know this to be the case. My job in this case is to be a voice of dissent and reason. You'll find no shortage of GDP cheerleaders, but not many people willing to step up and call "mersh" and back it up with reasons.

It's easy to grow and accessible, yes. So many people stay away from growing Sativas or Sativa-dominant plants indoors because they're too much work or too difficult. To that I say people need to step up their game and learn to grow, properly process and cure this plant - ESPECIALLY producers of medicinal marijuana. A lot of people look at it as 'easy money', and it is if you just throw a hundred GDP clones under some lights and let 'em go. You can quick-dry it and the terpenes will override the clorophyll to enough of an extent that the average consumer won't know the difference. But this is a serious job, and more people need to take it seriously and really learn. For every knowledgeable, conscientious medical grower there are probably ten hacks cranking out mids for the easy buck. A lot of people know the nutrients, the mechanics, the systems backward and forward, but fail to truly learn the plant. Yes, Sativas are a challenge. But once you get a good Sativa dialed in and figure out how to grow it and get it to yield, and then cure it properly (probably the most important part), it's tough to go back.

I have a Sativa cutting from the Bay called Super Jack. One of the only club cuts I've kept out of dozens upon dozens. Back when I used to actually grow club cuts, before I discovered what makes a good seed. It's a Haze-dominant stretch-beast and takes a little effort to learn, but is easy once you have it dialed. 2 tokes will drop you right in the middle of a Van Halen show circa 1979. It's as old-school of a happy high as I've experienced, with a very low tolerance buildup and a very high ceiling. But at the same time, it's extremely medicinal. There's this old woman who lives in one of the janky SRO hotels in our downtown. She hobbles by our preferred hangout spot on her cane and bums cigarettes, and one day I gave her some Super Jack, about a gram. She came back the next day, walking better than I've ever seen her, with a huge grin on her face saying "thank you so much, I haven't felt this good in years!". I've given her other strains, but she keeps asking for "that first one". Says it makes all her pain just disappear and makes her want to walk around. And it makes her smile. It's really good to see this woman smile. Better than Vicodin and Prozac all in one.

Once again, nothing but love for everyone here. I hope you can see that I get pissed sometimes because I love this plant so much. I would not be alive if it weren't for cannabis.


UnknownProphet - I'm in no way implying that you're a "hack producer of mids", your show is tight as a drum and you've got that plant dialed like it's 867-5309.

Yours too, Dongle69.

Sorry for my raving, I recently ran out of meds due to some sneaky mold in my last jar of Tribal Vision and a teardown/rebuild due to a move. I'm on borrowed schwag, the bottom of the iso oil vial and the budget hash from the club, 3 weeks from firstfruits in the new garden and I'm half a wreck. Bipolar is a bitch.

Got some of these to look forward to in about 5 1/2 weeks. Super Jack! :woohoo:



Well thats good to hear. I also know what it is like between harvests so keep the faith and try to stay high. P.S. try to stay sain.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Come on now folks(especially Ponde)! GDP is not mids, kiddie, or mediocre smoke at all. It is just a different flavor or vibe than you are looking for. But to call it mids or kiddie weed is being a little fecitious, I do believe. I have a ton of other stuff that is stronger or kills pain better, but what do you have that smokes with more flavor? Nothing! It is a indica so the typical couchlock high is what you get. It isnt Medicine Man strong but it is great meds for any number of ailments. Sometimes you dont have to be hit over the head to have a good high and this weed is a great example. Its mellow/couchlock high, incredible flavor, and it happens to grow as beautiful as anything else called cannabis! With all that said it is great party weed also! Open up a bag anywhere in the US and you instantly have to answer 10 questions about it!!

Also older cats may have stopped smoking because of the grape craze. But for everyone that quit, I bet I got 10 to start just because it(GDP) didnt look like anything they had seen, smelled, or smoked before and wanted to try it because of that reason! A true unique lady.

GDP is great weed and like most things, some will love it(I do) and some will not. I do ave to say that Ponde has been gratious enuff to share his SuperJack with me and GDP is not in the same power class as that shit but then again most shit aint! But GDP has a place in my garden always. But then again I am a strain whore also, so I will pretty much grow anything at least once!


why are there sativa trolls on a gdp thread?

I know, huh? :bashhead:

Looks like a classic case of someone who was manic and out of weed and thought they understood the entire universe all at once... just for a few minutes. That was a rough patch there.

but what do you have that smokes with more flavor? Nothing!

Word, Rain. When GDP is done right, it's one of the tastiest strains around. I will never dispute that. Almost overwhelmingly flavorful, and in good way. Big ass grapes are always nice.

Maybe some head could be combined with that flavor blast by crossing Urkle (the parent strain) with a fruity and odorous Sativa male(s), maybe a pure Haze or a citrusy Malawi, selecting individuals from that cross and incrossing them, then searching through the F2 generation for Sativa-leaning individuals with the grape notes in the flavor. I sampled some GDP x SSH once that had the grapes, but the head of the SSH didn't come through. It was a good try though, beautiful flowers, and the flavor was awesome.

I have a Tribal Vision male that I used for some crosses, and he's proving to be quite the stud. The Super Tribal Jack (SJ x TV) test plant is the absolute standout of the current garden in multiple ways. She'll be done soon, photos will follow. I made my last run of Mendo Purps at the same time, the mother plant, and she got completely seeded by that boy. I did a germ test on 4 of the AfroPurps and let them grow a little, and the aromas are just crazy. I didn't have room for them so I culled them, but I've got hundreds and hundreds of seeds from that cross. If there's any interest I could send some in to the Bay.

Maximum respect to everyone who grows what they love and grows it well, whatever the genetics.


Active member
That's it,I need to move to Cali...Florida is just getting ridiculous with it's pot laws and views.

I have had GDP before,excellent tasting smoke and the taste just lasts and last,really my pallate craves it!Wish I could find somone around my area that was growing,and pray that they would gift me some clones of it.

Now here is what I would like to know:

When I was a child I was diagnosed with tourettes syndrome,obsessive compulsive disorder,attention defecit disorder,and bi-polar/manic depression.I also recieve SSI.

So,how hard do you think it would be for someone like myself to get a med. card to grow if I moved to Cali?

Also what is the cost of living out there ie;rent,food,electricity etc.?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Ponde - Your Spr Jack is just ridiculous in the garden right now! It ahs twice the resin as anything else. I would love to crass the GDP to Blue Dream and work the line for flavor and that clear BD high. Those 2 would combine for the best of both worlds for me. I crossed the Spr Jack witha chunky stanky Spr Skunk for a few seeds. Hope I can get the smell to go into overdrive with one of the females. Your Spr Trbl Jck looks like a winner for sure.

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