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FYI: How Can I Protect My Cell Phone Data Records From Law Enforcement Subpoenas


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I have not had a phone in over a year, and I don't miss it one bit. We lived thousands of years without cell phones. People act like it's the end of the world if they don't have their cell phones.

Those are the same people that I see out at dinner, and all they do the entire time is play on their cell phones. They are out to dinner with their spouse, and all they both do is play on their phones.

When did our society turn into this?

I went to the mall not long ago, and it is nothing but people walking around looking down at their cell phones. I had about 5 people bump into me because they did not know I was there.

It seems as though everyone is so caught up in their phones that they are missing real life.

Who would have thought that humanity would willfully imprisoned themselves inside a little digital box.

Throw your shit out. You will feel much better.

same here, no cell for 2 years.

only positivity can come from simplicity

edit: also felt I should add, cell phones use coltan, well being there is not enough coltan legally, so rebels are mining this product through control, and destroying gorilla habitat.. so in essence we are supporting the destruction of habitat, and slave labor, and illegal trade
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Horse-toothed Jackass
RE: The Wire, about the street drug trade in Baltimore and the narco cops that are investigating them.
The drug dealers mostly used burner phones, no surprise there. But the top dogs, including Marlow, only had face to face convo's: totally avoided phones. No calls, no texts, no emails or im's, just meet face to face and say what you gotta say.
If you're always assuming that you're being watched, it's the only way to go.


It's very easy to encrypt text messages with 512 or 1024 even larger algorythms, text is basic ascii code and encrypting that is pretty basic. I have 2 years of post secondary mathetics and all you need is a specific algorythm app written that would be installed on both phones. Each time a text is sent and replied to, the encyption pattern would change. Encrypting voice is harder because of the bandwidth of the audio frequencies from human voices would be about 3000Hz, maybe more.


How about a $10 burner from kmart? Pay cash for the phone and pay cash for minutes when you get more. Keep the battery out when you're not using it and ditch your phone's regularly. Don't text or talk about the new number when you cycle phones, just swap your SIM card out. It's simple, safe and cheap.


Spy Associates Boca Raton,FL has a cell scrambler but it would be expensive for a bunch to have one for each phone...$500-$600 IIRC


Well-known member
wickr app for iphone and I suppose android is something me and the gang use routinely now.

if it does as it claims, and its free, it encrypts your messages, gives them a time limit for their existance.
google wickr messages and the reviews suggest that it is fully legit. sure there may be some ways to crack hack whatever, but you just gotta communicate and this looks good. I use it all the time.

from what I understand, I could give someone on icmag my wickr username, you could send me a message and you wouldnt know my phone number, where I was, or anything else. and wickr doesnt even require an email address to use. I can login from any phone with the app on it, I dont think they have a computer based app yet. you can also use an itouch so you dont even need a phone, it works through wifi.


New member
wickr is a cool app. Been playing around with it also, seems like a good way to get around sms. I'd love to know more about the company and what's funding it, almost too good etc. The privacy policy sounds great though and the app functions great ... for my purposes it works well.


i wouldn't trust a "smart phone" app to keep my messages safe. The OP posted about how to stay safe from a subpoena... if your records are being seized then no phone app will save you. Best bet as already stated, don't use the phone for anything but regular chit chat.


New member
I guess that's where the encryption comes into play. You can seize encrypted data but it doesn't help you much. Google maps concerns me more as an outdoor grower.