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Fungus Gnats


Active member
Lowering humidity doesn't work, my rh is never over 50% and I have gnat issues, letting the medium dry out doesn't work. Pyrethrins work quite well but will burnt the plants. I grow in coco so overwatering isn't part of the equation at all.

I'm gonna topdress all my pots with diahydro shortly, that should help a lot, diatomaceous earth works wonders against pests.


I think top dressing coco would be a mess. I top/drip water. And I reuse the coco.

I got some bti in the form of bayer moskito preventer (same as dunks, but chepaer (and fresher) in my opinion). For 10 bucks the bottle will last me forever.

I keep some in my water bucket floating in a pantyhose sack. No more gnats.



shut the fuck up Donny
If you have a serious problem with Fungus Gnats, almost none of these "remedies" will work you need a insecticide. We had literally clouds of them flying around the lights for a week or so, tried everyting, finally caved and bought Discus mail order from a place in Tennessee that had the permits to sell it. $350 for 1 gallon.

In literally 24 hours we went from 1 million fungas gnats to 0. Also killed the few white flies we had. Best bug killing product we have ever used. Had no adverse effect on the bud. People at the hydro store we buy thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff flipped when they heard it and bought some immediately. They had the same results.

Bombs, h202, neem, einstein oil, no pest strips, mosquito dunks, gnatural, all bullshit. Get Discus if you have a serious problem.
so i see a lot of different options here...im about to introduce some treatment this weekend ive decided that i need to make moves...but what is the best, safest option for my grow?


Active member
I used SM90. Now about that same time I had a major salt concentration disaster that nearly killed my grow, but I haven't seen a gnat in months. It was one or the other.


Active member
Dunks frequently contain binding salts.
Salt = Potential Epic Fail.
Gnatrol doesn't cut it 100%
H2o2 works,as does a blow torch. :D
I like yellow sticky traps,dry topsoil,drops o' soap (Bronner's pure hemp) and H2o2,myself.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Killing the adults in the veg room completely before introducing plants into flower room is the way to go . I accomplished this with the handy dandy shark wet-vac from Home Depot ....first wetting down all the plants & watching them lil buggers head for the white cielings where i went after them with the suction of the wet-shark . After about a week of 5 minute sessions with the wetvac had completely eliminated the gnat & their offspring almost completely disrupting both their life cycle & reproductive cycles. It was fun too sucking them out of the air & ceiling , they are no match for a portable wetvac.

So Gnats are no more ....get rid of them in your medium before introducing them into ur flower room .....one instance of how a little work & having fun can do the trick without reliance on chemicals & strips which get costly . Gnats are easy to get rid of , just do it in the veg room & disrupt their life cycle . Adults are very easy to catch once they fly up to the ceiling after wetting down the room . Just suck 'em up and soon u'll have gnats NO MORE .

a little follow up maintainence is all thats required ...by by gnats

i have yet to see more than one or two of them flying...all the ones that show up are dead on the tray but theres usually 10-20 of them in various spots over the course of 3 days


Overkill is under-rated.
I just found more gnats and root aphids in my pots, 3ml per gallon of SM-90 and 2ml per gallon 35% H202, and about .25 mil per gallon neem oil (Einstein oil) and I did a VERY tall flood in my trays, then went around and did a top drench at the same time.

Minutes later hundreds of dead bugs on top of each pot, both aphids and fungus gnats. I turned off my water pump timers for a few days but am saving the above mix to re-use this weekend if needed, just wanted them to dry out a bit.

BTW< I've used dunks since day 1, and DE did nothing. Gnatrol is no longer sold in liquid and the powder is like $600. I use Smartpots so they can ONLY get in from the top, so if the above chems fail then sand is next.


dunks were dudes for me, I assume too old, as package was dusty. They had fresh bottle of bayer mosquito control granules, however, for 10 bucks. To me this equals powdered gnatrol at fraction of cost. Hardly ever see a gnat anymore now that I float some in my res in a nylon sock and refresh weekly.


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