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Fungus Gnats



good the lil pricks need to die .i gor most of the ones that could fly with sticky fly traps.thanks again every one


hot shot pest strips killed them quickly and in a few days i removed it and all was well.


just don't molest my colas..
I find nematodes are the best remedy for them. key kill all sorts of bugs that will lay eggs or live in the soil. check the hydro shop for them. very handy to have around.
i have a fungus gnat problem but still havent seen any larva...should i set potato traps before i go out and buy something to get rid of them?

also do you think walmart/home depot will have any sticky traps for the gnats?


Active member
i have a fungus gnat problem but still havent seen any larva...should i set potato traps before i go out and buy something to get rid of them?

also do you think walmart/home depot will have any sticky traps for the gnats?

I looked with a magnifying glass and never could see larvae but I sure as hell had gnats. With potatoes it sounds like you have to switch out the bait as they hatch to be effective. wall mart should have sticky traps as we as the no pest strips. Mine seem to be under control with the sand layer, only saw one today instead of 20 a couple days ago.


Active member
what kinda sand did you use? and is the sand safe for the plants? like how would you water them

Just regular sand like you can buy in bags at home improvement stores. I live next to a beach so I went out and got a bucket full, stuck in a hose and stirred, flushed and washed until nothing else floated off. As far as watering, I've got a drip system set up but I water the clones by hand and yes, it messes up the sand but I just smooth it out again.


well i didn't get any sand but i got the neem oil and the dunks ,it has killed most but not all are gone yet


i used the oil once then next day used the dunks will see how things are when i turn on the lights


I had these little fuckers also. But i am in hydro. so i put up sticky traps and dropped a 1/4 piece of a mosquito dunk in my res and 1 week later they are gone and i am not getting any on the fresh traps i put out.

I would also like to add if you do this make sure you put the dunk inside a pump bag so as not to get the junk in the lines of your system. Also i had no effect on PH.
i used the oil once then next day used the dunks will see how things are when i turn on the lights
They take a while, it's not an immediate fix, you have to give the dunks some time to work. I personally have been using nematodes to some level of success. I have been growing using mainly organic ingredients which seem to attract the gnats like crazy. I have been amending my soil with crushed mosquito dunks because it seemed to work on my tester plants. A 2" layer of perlite is going to be safer than diatomaceous earth (which will work, but which is not exactly that safe - if inhaled it is really bad for you). The other thing is that you will want to use your spray a couple of times spaced out a few days to make sure you're breaking the growth cycle up (the dunks will work but this is some extra protection in the meantime). If your plants are healthy and in veg, fungus gnats are more of a nuisance than anything (if they are young, losing a bunch of roots is going to piss them off). If they are in flower, you have to worry about the gnats sticking to the buds but other than that, ride it out and be patient, let the controls take some time to work.


I had been of the mindset that 'control' was the way to go with gnats. Always had a few in my grow, and was able to keep them at bay with periodic Hydrophobic Neem extract (Greenlight) sprayings, BTI (dunks), etc

Last week I applied Azamax for the first time, today I applied my second treatment. Gnat populations are pretty much nil, the only ones that I see now can't fly or are stuck mid-moult, limping around.

I have given my plants two treatments of Azamax as a soil drench (application rate of 20ml/G). I drenched each 3G pot with about 1.5 pints of mixed solution. Applied two treatments about a week apart, and will apply the third treatment in another 6-7 days. The plants don't seem to care at all, the population of fungus gnats in my operation is pretty much nil. From dozens of gnats per day on sticky traps to less than five. Their ad says works in three weeks, I am inclined to beleive it. And 100% organic. What a great product; where have you been for the last year?


fungus gnats=over watering

Not always. Some growers can eliminate them entirely only to see them come back when they open a brand new bag of soil. The last batch of soil mix I got had dozens of larvae in a sample.

Overwatering creates the best environment for them to flourish, but lack of watering isn't going to kill them any quicker than potato slices or cups of beer will. If you have gnats, leave a plant in a garage or something to dry out for more than week, the plant may die, but you scratch the surface and gnats will come out. The plant will die from lack of water before the gnats do.

heavy dank nugg


you guys make it seem like you need a degree to get rid of fungus gnats...you dont...

really really easy........ready

ok lower your overall humidity, keep a dryer medium, and place a couple of no pest strips in your grow room

viola.......1 week later no more gnats.


If only it was that easy. The little pests can be murder to get rid of. As heavy dank nugg suggests lower humidity put up a pest strip but also put a couple of inches of sand on top of your soil. I have found sand to be the most effective remedy.

heavy dank nugg

sand just helps dry the medium and makes it harder for the eggs to get air.... the most important step is lowering your humidity


Spend all summer battling the blighters. The gnats lay there eggs in the top of the soil the larvae then munch on your roots untill they make ther way to the top of your soil and fly free. Its the larvae that do the damage. Sand is a lot denser hence the larvae cannot get through it. Promise you sand is the way forward. Reduced humidy and pest strips will help but sand is your best weapon.


the dunks seem to be working pretty good so far ,i have only seen a few adults fling around but the stinky trap got them

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