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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


the easiest way i found them was to fill a bucket that your pot will fit into and water from the bottom (fully submerge the pot) as the pot is sinking if you have aphids you will see tiny lil guys crawling up your pot to avoid incoming doom. they can be extremely tiny so you really have to focus and just look for any movement. these guys won't have wings and are easy to tell apart from fungus gnats (way smaller)
the easiest way i found them was to fill a bucket that your pot will fit into and water from the bottom (fully submerge the pot) as the pot is sinking if you have aphids you will see tiny lil guys crawling up your pot to avoid incoming doom. they can be extremely tiny so you really have to focus and just look for any movement. these guys won't have wings and are easy to tell apart from fungus gnats (way smaller)
so they hang out on the side of the pots and as the water is rising they will start to crawl up the sides? okay, I will try this tonight when the lights come on. thanks for the tip.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
flying root aphids look like gnats with longer wings and three strips on there ass...


Active member
Well I'll be damned all those kill cali cuts I've been blessed with have come with a price. I got back from vacation and there were thousands of "fungus gnats" flying around my room and I was stupefied by how the plants could look so ragged and the py-ganic dip I had my helper do had let to hundreds of mite looking dead bugs. So I chopped em sanitized everything painted kills on the entire flower room and bleached everything 3x plus boiled the hydroton in bleach water for 10min after it had soaked 2days. So I found this thread and I now realize the bubba kush I so love was tainted all along. Mg def. that wont go away and papery patches on the margins etc. AND just a few flyers...that was untill the rainy spring weather bumped up the humidity into the 30's% range and the little fuckers began to rage. I just found a couple of fliers in my moms (pure perlite hempy) and id' the litte fucks. just finished treating them all with imid (bayer citrus) at 10 ml/gallon. Lots of dead aphids in the runoff and crawler stuck in the tangle foot. I'm treating all the plants as infected even with no symtoms and spraying all surfaces with bleach then peroxide and then pyrethum....the bastards..
I am so thankful that I found this thread. It has helped me diagnose what my phantom issues were...Thanks spleebale for sharing your knowledge
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I read that you sprinkle cinnamon on top of the soil and it would kill the fungus knats. I did this and within 2 days saw a 75% drop in them and within 4 days were totally gone. Also hung up sticky strips at the samr time to catch the flyers. I heard what it does is kill the fungus the knats live on not sure thats true or not but I do know it works, and cinnamon is fairly cheap. got lucky myself they were 10 for $10 when i went to the store to get some.
Someone said that she sprayed the top of her soil with a mix of baking soda and water and that helped with the gnats and fungus. I always thought that the baking soda was to salty to use on the soils. Does anyone know what the real story is?


Active member
Someone said that she sprayed the top of her soil with a mix of baking soda and water and that helped with the gnats and fungus. I always thought that the baking soda was to salty to use on the soils. Does anyone know what the real story is?

There is ba-zillions of threads and pages on fungus gnats. This thread is about root aphids. dont use sodium salts search for potassium bicarb.

I just spent a few hours seaching the literature on imid. It is not so bad if your a human and only are exposed to small doses. imid

degrades by the following pathways,


The final decarboxylation of 6-chloronicotinic acid is the most concerning. The compound , 2-chloropyridine has an LD 50 in rabbits of 64mg/kg absorbed through the skin, but no evidence of carcinogenicity. Imid itself has also been shown to cause deformation of human sperm. Not suprising given what we know about pyridine compounds in general. The most concerning things I found; and the reason it is banned in france, germany and elsewhere is the toxicity to bees...and implication in CCD. Also it limits the mobility of benificial insects like ladybugs etc. And please don't dump the stuff in your yard it is extremely toxic to earth worms at less than 50 ppm some studies say as low as 10ppm can kill our squiggly friends. I am flushing my waste down to the sewer plant for a good chewing up by the micro stampede...
There is ba-zillions of threads and pages on fungus gnats. This thread is about root aphids. dont use sodium salts search for potassium bicarb.

I just spent a few hours seaching the literature on imid. It is not so bad if your a human and only are exposed to small doses. imid

degrades by the following pathways,


The final decarboxylation of 6-chloronicotinic acid is the most concerning. The compound , 2-chloropyridine has an LD 50 in rabbits of 64mg/kg absorbed through the skin, but no evidence of carcinogenicity. Imid itself has also been shown to cause deformation of human sperm. Not suprising given what we know about pyridine compounds in general. The most concerning things I found; and the reason it is banned in france, germany and elsewhere is the toxicity to bees...and implication in CCD. Also it limits the mobility of benificial insects like ladybugs etc. And please don't dump the stuff in your yard it is extremely toxic to earth worms at less than 50 ppm some studies say as low as 10ppm can kill our squiggly friends. I am flushing my waste down to the sewer plant for a good chewing up by the micro stampede...
Thanks for the info and time, won't use the poison.
Has anyone confirmed getting these from rapid rooters? Never had a problem before, now getting what LOOKS like a RA problem (Cal/Mag def, droopy leaves), after starting to use Rapid Rooters.

As for confirming if you have them, what are some signs besides the obvious of actually seeing them? There are some fliers around the room, one hasn't been caught to ID yet though. The hydroton has been looked over around the tap root area at the bottom of the net pot, and nothing was seen with a scope....there ARE however, quite a few tiny white specks on the hydroton here and there, under a scope it looks like little webbing, is this a sign of them? A few crawling tiny things have been spotted but disappeared into the 'ton before they could be caught and ID'ed, so has anyone thought they had them, searched hard and didn't see any, but it ended up being them anyways? Esp in DWC/RDWC?

Also, I've seen many different amounts given for Imid/DWC applications, 1-5ml/gal, 10ml/gal, 12 hour soak, 24 hour soak, 7 day soak......is there a general agreed upon amount/time for the Bayer TS? i.e. 3ml/gal fill the res let it soak for 24 hours drain and refill with regular nute solution?



Active member
Has anyone confirmed getting these from rapid rooters? Never had a problem before, now getting what LOOKS like a RA problem (Cal/Mag def, droopy leaves), after starting to use Rapid Rooters.

As for confirming if you have them, what are some signs besides the obvious of actually seeing them? There are some fliers around the room, one hasn't been caught to ID yet though. The hydroton has been looked over around the tap root area at the bottom of the net pot, and nothing was seen with a scope....there ARE however, quite a few tiny white specks on the hydroton here and there, under a scope it looks like little webbing, is this a sign of them? A few crawling tiny things have been spotted but disappeared into the 'ton before they could be caught and ID'ed, so has anyone thought they had them, searched hard and didn't see any, but it ended up being them anyways? Esp in DWC/RDWC?

Also, I've seen many different amounts given for Imid/DWC applications, 1-5ml/gal, 10ml/gal, 12 hour soak, 24 hour soak, 7 day soak......is there a general agreed upon amount/time for the Bayer TS? i.e. 3ml/gal fill the res let it soak for 24 hours drain and refill with regular nute solution?

i went from 10 ml to now trying 20 ml a gallon of bayer tree and shrub
hey community im in pure coco.....i seen a ton of these little rascals crawling around they loook like theyre white...i assume root aphids? i picked up merit 75 at what dosage can i use it these are clones in veg


hey guys.....5 weeks in flower......have done GoGnat(33% cedar oil) 1ml per 10gal for 24hrs, 4- 15min floods in a multi flow bucket system with hydroton. What else can I do? Continue with the GoGnat?

One person that has had these said IMID but that was only for veg. Anything I can use this late in flower?

For Future Reference, whats the dose of imid in a recirculating ebb&flow per gallon?


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
For Future Reference, whats the dose of imid in a recirculating ebb&flow per gallon?
i added imid to my ebb/flow bucket system and my ladies didn't like it one bit. I'm not 100% sure the imid was at fault, as I added a fungicide and miticide as well, but the poison dump to my system was all that i changed before things went downhill. FAST.
apply as a foliar to be on the safe side.

Neo 420

Active member
i added imid to my ebb/flow bucket system and my ladies didn't like it one bit. I'm not 100% sure the imid was at fault, as I added a fungicide and miticide as well, but the poison dump to my system was all that i changed before things went downhill. FAST.
apply as a foliar to be on the safe side.

What was your application rate? And how long did you run before swapping out with fresh water and/or nutes? IMO I would not of run all those ""icides together.

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