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Cotton mouth?

Worse cotton mouth i got was from a chocholate thai. Also made me very lost feeling. Didnt like it. Any strains you would recommend staying away from because of dry mouth?
that would be about all of them journey. Almost all strain or any good strain will undoubtably give you that dreaded cotton mouth.

Old Soul

Active member
If you drink enough water you will not get dry mouth. It has to do with being dehydrated.

Cannabis Life

New member
If you drink enough water you will not get dry mouth. It has to do with being dehydrated.

According to this article, it's not caused by dehydration:
Recent research suggests that various compounds in cannabis actively impede the production of saliva. It's not a sign of dehydration, simply a (mostly) harmless physiological response. Since this is due not to the heat caused by smoking cannabis, but is rather a physiological response to the compounds in marijuana, the method of ingestion doesn't make a difference. ...

...Most mammalian tissue contains two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in nervous tissue (primarily in the brain, but also in other locations throughout the body) and CB2 receptors are found in hematopoietic cells and throughout the immune system (specifically in T cells, B cells, and macrophages.) Cannabis, as you likely know, contains THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is a CB1 agonist. But THC isn't the only cannabinoid receptor agonist -- there are a number of other cannabinoids found in common marijuana, at least 66 have been discovered thus far. While the actions of these cannabinoids on CB1 and CB2 receptors are beyond the scope of this article, it can safely be assumed that there are likely more CB1/CB2 agonists in cannabis than just THC."

So how does this tie in to "cottonmouth"? Well as it turns out, the salivary system appears to respond to CB1 and CB2 agonists. In a study on the subject1, it was found that the submandibular glands of male rats contain CB1 and CB2 receptors. When researchers injected anandamide (an endocannabinoid with a high affinity for the CB1 and CB2 receptors) into rats' submandibular saliva glands, they found that it appeared to inhibit saliva production. The study concluded that anandamide "decreases saliva secretion in the SMG acting through CB1 and CB2 receptors."

Storm Crow

Active member
Dudes, get yourselves a big bottle of chewable Vitamin C tablets! There is evidence that Vitamin C helps to cancel out the PAHs (bad chemicals) that smoking anything produces (BBQ food is also full of PAHs). So get some Chewable Vitamin C tablets- Yummy, good for you, and REALLY takes care of cottonmouth, too!

Ive smoked alot of different strains but this was BAD!! Couldnt talk or swallow. Really aweful. Nothing seemed to help. Dark brown weed. Buds were skinny, long and scraggly looking.


if you smoke with tabacco, get some snus. it's really nice to have a pack under ur lip when smoked a j.