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Hey, I will be the first to admit that I have not tried freeze drying.
I agree with most of what Bubbleman says but have noticed that drying wet resin can be difficult in a hot humid environment, on cardboard or on screens. I am looking to the future trying to find methods that are not dependent on a dry environment.
Bubbleman, what do you do if you are somewhere it is a hot, wet, Monsoon season and the resin just won't dry all the way? Or it takes 4+ days? I would use a air-conditioner/dehumidifier if I could find one.



I've had resin that was so sticky it was almost impossible to dry properly. I had to dry it in a pyrex dish like if it was ISO oil (it almost looked like ISO oil) because it would stick to the cardboard so hard it was impossible to retrieve it all. Either I would loose some resin to the cardboard or would scrape bits of cardboard along with the resin (I don't want to smoke cardboard so I dried it in a dish). It was as hard to dry as if it was ISO oil with lots of water in it and I didn't want to heat it like if I was evaping ISO. Most of this hash sizzled a bit when smoked because it still had some moisture in it.

This was an extraction from very old Bubblegum trim, like 10 month old, heavily cured trim. Even with moisture it was amazing melty bubble. Never had anything like that before or since. I can still smell it just by remembering it. :) The smell would linger in the room and in the bowls it was smoked on.



High all, I use dehumidifyer and an air conditionner and an exhaust and some electrical heat to round it all up!
But depending on the situation different combinations are possible. The general principal is to lower the humidity in the room where the drying is happening.
When I have really sticky oily powder I try not to twist to much water out of th e powder when first taking it out of the bag.
I use some paper that is similar to newpaper with no ink in many layers, acts much like cardboard.
Thanks for making those bublenow washing machine bags Bubbleman, make my life so much easyer. RR

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