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Full Melt Clear Dome's check em..


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bubbleman said:
bottom line this site is aobut learning and sharing. So lets do both in every thread.

bubbleman, Are you still personally using the pressing screens that you sell with you water-filteration kits? In other words are YOU still "bruising the fruit" and teaching other new Water-Hash Makers to do the same??



New member
ilife said:
bubbleman, Are you still personally using the pressing screens that you sell with you water-filteration kits? In other words are YOU still "bruising the fruit" and teaching other new Water-Hash Makers to do the same??


1st. ilife you need to clean your bong stem that shit is dirrty.
:nono: dont bruise the Fruits of the labor bubble man.

never press wet water hash :dueling:
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Active member
I guess this is one of those times where your definition of a PRESS, can really affect the way you look at it. Now i do not PRESS the hash in the pressing screen the way you would think. NOn of the heads get broken>what i do is i place the wet hash inside the pressing screen, and with a towel or a shammy or what ever you want to use to absorb the water that comes out, you can gently press the hash just in order to get it into a paddy form that easily breaks up. This just removes some of the water from the hash so you can get it to the next stage.Not in anyway does this dry the hash> the hash is still very much wet. But it allows me to break it down to the next level of powder. I can assure you my hash is not bruised, and if you like i can photograph using my macro lens the actual heads to show you they are in fine shape. I made some bubble about a week ago that is still sitting out in powder form drying. Shit's gonna burn realy nicely.
Most important thing in water hash is teaching people how to get their heads absolutely dry< Something i've been doing onlie for the past 8 years. I was absolutely responsible back in the early days for showing people pressed wet hash> So i have learned my lesson, its taken several years of getting people to properly dry their hash, and i still to this day, see many people online pressing their hash wet. As you can see from any of my clear dome shots, the hash is clearly dry> Back in the day i noticed when you burn wet bubble, no matter how high the qualiyt, the clear domes tend to fill up with smoke( moisture clouds?). I have read skunkman sam's statement that his dry sift has never done this, and after looking back, i have discovered this is a great way to tell people who have wet hash that their hash is indeed wet, without them realy being able to deny it.

anyway please throw up your dome shots if you got em people, smoked filled or otherwise.

Bubble man


Active member
bubbleman said:
I was absolutely responsible back in the early days for showing people pressed wet hash> So i have learned my lesson, its taken several years of getting people to properly dry their hash, and i still to this day, see many people online pressing their hash wet. Back in the day i noticed when you burn wet bubble, no matter how high the qualiyt, the clear domes tend to fill up with smoke( moisture clouds?).

Bubble man

:respect: Thanks Bubbleman for taking repsonsibility. We all pressed Hash wet and learned this is not the right way. Hopefully we can help the new up and coming water-hash makers not go through all the mistakes we went through.

damn iLiFE ur not fucking around that is a SNERIOUS ROOM !!! anways im glad i stumbled upon this thread amazing pics as always bubbleman. And im no hash man but i like to grind my weed in a coffee grinder leaving lots of trichomes stuck to the top ( very unpure i know ).

But i always just kinda got a lil pile of the keef than licked my fingers and pressed a small clump together then peeled it off my finger wit a razorblade and folded it untill its a nice dark lil pliable ball .

Basically so pressing the wet hash wit my fingers is destroying some of the trichome heads ? Also would saliva break down the THC or anything ?



Active member
Its not destroying them at all> In fact no one could say that wet bubble doesnt get you completely high> However what we are saying is that pressing wet bubble, will drasticaly affect the way it smokes> After taking so much time to grow your herbs, as well as turning the trim or bud for that matter into hash, why not just finish it the way it should. I always leave mine out on cardboard for at least four or five days. i have some drying on cardboard right now that has been there for over a week. The largest the amounts you have, the longer you will have to dry. As the over all moisture content is higher.
My two cents

Bubble man



Registered Pothead
So basically if you dry it over time the end result is much much better? Will it melt better and bead up into an oily ball better? I used to let the patties sit and dry and turn them over as often as i could. I guess they never really get dry doing that.


Active member
It just hits so much nicer chubbynugs. The way i would explain it is smoke a bowl of wet bud, then smoke a bowl of dried bud. I find the hash to be very much the same difference's> The bowl can't really ignite when its wet hash, and because of it, you get a harsher hit. I find a nice cured bone dry powder hits the nicest. Although i won't kick out the odd hit of freshly made bubble, but only for a little test. The same bubble will be so much nicer a week later once dried properly.


Bubble man


bubbleman said:
Just figured i would use a different title that the usual> anyway here are a few shots of some clear domes from bchashplant bubble>
Nice and golden and always potent. the bchp doesnt let down.










Nice Macro Photos!!!



When is someone going to try a freeze dryer unit? I bet it would dry better and more completely then any other method, with less damage. But I have not tried it. They do cost a lot. Maybe a vacuum is not good for preserving terpenoids?

Nice photos also...


How about freeze dry with no vacuum? It's as cheap as dry ice. It sounds like a good idea. If I can get some dry ice I'll try it on my next extraction (should work well for oil extraction too). It's easy to do, you just have to put some dry ice (frozen CO2) in the bottom of some container (a tupperware for example), something over it (but not in contact with it) that lets the gaseous CO2 go through but not the resin (like a 25u mesh), then the resin and cover the container leaving a small hole (like 1 inch in diameter) to let the CO2 get out. You put this in the freezer (so the CO2 evaps slowly) and the CO2 will evaporate creating a pure CO2 atmosphere that will literally pull all the watter out of the resin. That just might work, I have to try it.



When is someone going to try a freeze dryer unit?

I hope it tastes better than freeze dried veggies!


If you put plant materials in water, the longer the exposure the lower the quality in general. Same with drying the resin, the shorter the time exposed to liquid water the better. Exposure to frozen water is not the same, and with freeze dry the frozen water is directly sublimated to gas from ice, to allow the frozen water in the material to sublime directly from the solid phase to gas. So once you freeze the wet resin the damage stops and if you can get it dry without making it wet again there should be less damage then with a 48 hour dry on cardboard.
I think, because I have not tried it yet.



If you are trying to reduce drying time, but not subject to extreme temperatures, I would dry it by placing it in a sealed environment with silicone desiccant. This sucks the h20 right out of the air. I've had great success drying herb in a very fast fashion this way.


Active member
I dry mine on cardboard and have never had a problem
no one has ever smoked my hash and said, Oh clearly this should have been dried on screens, or frozen or whatever. No one has ever thought the quality of the hash had be degraded in any way . Not to say we can't always find ways to better our hash, im just pretty sure what im currently smoking dried on cardboard has in no way lost any of its goodness ( photo included)

I think what ever works best for you is what you should do.
but i continue to tell people, spread your bubble thin on cardboard. Much thiner than the photo's above, and allow it to dry> Thick cardboard works best cause it can absorb water, and then slowly dry back up and absorb more water until the cycle is complete.
I wouldnt say the screen idea is bad, and in fact that shelf unit is killer, i would just personaly place cardboard on each of those screens.
Not sure on the moisture content of my bubble sam, but maybe i will go buy A little unit for checking moisture content.
I think cardboard is a more realstic item for people to have at home readily available as well.

My two cents

Bubble man

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