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Fucking rat in my mom room...


Active member
I'm a believer in peanut butter bait for a Victor trap. Poisons work, but then you get to smell the dead rat for nearly a week because it died between the walls of your dwelling.

It can get in and out of the room somehow. Find the hole and plug it with steel wool. They won't chew through that.
Your approaching him the wrong way all he wants to do is to get high. So Blaze up the room and when his high enough to bump into walls catch him and shotgun the F out of if till it turns to a mouse.


New member


That sucks....bad all the way around... hey at least you know it likes the same smoke you do....just roll him a :joint: and maybe he'll leave you alone...he he


Active member
Navigator330 said:
I would kill the son of a bitch and hang him on a stick in the room so all his lil' rat family know not to mess with your shit again!

aahahhahahah i thought the same!!!

Remember: Where's one rat, there's many other. And poisons are bad since the rat will die in duct and the house will stinks A LOT and VERY BAD.

So use traps or glue... CLEAN EVERYTHING!!!! and put something on holes...


New member
Hey trich-zilla,
Dont feel too bad... at least it was a real pest that did that... let me tell you a sad story. I had just finished germinating 12 beans in jiffys... they were about 2 weeks old and ready to go in pots and veg... this was a couple of weeks ago. I set them on my work bench and went to get my soil and pots.
I walked back, and up on the bench was my cat with the last little sprout hanging from his mouth! HE ATE THEM ALL IN ABOUT 30 secs!!! Needless to say I cursed up a storm and then calmed down and planted twelve more...
Sorry about the rats. Keep on growing! :wave:


Wait...What? said:
I'm a believer in peanut butter bait for a Victor trap. Poisons work, but then you get to smell the dead rat for nearly a week because it died between the walls of your dwelling.

It can get in and out of the room somehow. Find the hole and plug it with steel wool. They won't chew through that.

Seriously, dead rat stinks really badly, just use the old style V traps. Sucks about that though, plants can be hard enough to grow without rodents eating them!


gets some
Would a mouse do the same thing? I know I have some mice in the area (dont ask) but theyve never messed with my plants. They also never hang around long enough for pictures. You got one bold ass rat there. "Say Cheese!"


i had a similar pest issue, mice coming through cracks where the floor joyces met my foundation, had a crack in each joyce, foamed those up and havent had a problem since, my victim list was a kush seedling, a few other unknown seedlings, 3 mothers, and other endless attacks to the plants soil medium and bigger plants that they werent able to take all the way down. sticky trap or a old style snap trap with peanut butter will attract mice/rats.


wafflehouselove said:
Your approaching him the wrong way all he wants to do is to get high. So Blaze up the room and when his high enough to bump into walls catch him and shotgun the F out of if till it turns to a mouse.

That's how I was looking at this situation...

The lil guy is only trying to figure out what strain he likes the best!! Don't be hayytin on da weed rat :rasta: ...he just trying to get high like the rest of us!

Really though...sucks to have your plants molested by critters!!


Active member
Hey Now, I once had a problem with chipmuncks. They would gnaw down young seedling, chew though stuff to get at seeds. Buy some traps and catch that varmit.
don't use posion, they die in the walls and with that HPS, even roadkill skunk don't smell as bad as dead rats.

Think like Bill Murray, the groundskeeper in caddyshack!


Update for everyone...

He's officially out of the mom room.. and has moved on to plants that are ready to pull in 5 days.. took two afpak's down early and left them in the dirt..

Went and bought a pellet gun today, spent the night hunting. Hollow point pellets are no joke! Think he's hit, but couldn't find him after that...

Waiting for more damage....


funniest stuff i've read in awhile.
I can just picture you camped out in the corner, waiting for him to pop his head out.


Active member
If you did shoot him and now hes dying atleast you can use your nose to find him now because that shits going to stink! Good luck with taking care of the pest problem and keeping your plants safe.You can nick name the rat harry j anslinger for his hatred towards your plants.Peace


How about the ole standby...rat traps (snap traps) all around the grow w/ peanut butter, cheese or in your case...some clones or mums!
They work great!
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Well.. "Harry" isn't gone..

We fucked up his nests, wrecked his world, possibly shot him (doubtful now) and he retaliated in full. Took down 3 more afpaks today, started to chew on my sour diesel bed and shit all over the floor after I had just gotten done cleaning it up last night.

This shit has got to end... I'm hunting again tonight. I'll take pics of the damage this cocksucker is causing...


Active member
Sorry for your loss.... :cuss:the little fkrs... Crazy glue a dry kernal from an ear of corn or seed pack to a rat trap instead of peanut butter...works every time...Good luck..I hate rats, even though they are part of the plan...



Thanks for all your advice. Much appreciated...

Another update. Crawled up in the attic area, looking for him again. I wanted a visual on him, but no such luck. However, there is a complete bag of poison that's been ripped open, torn to shreds and no sign of the poison. Maybe, hopefully he'll be dead. I could care less where he dies as the growroom itself isn't attatched to the house. Let it reek. Maybe the smell will keep others away..


Problem with poison is if neighborhood cats/dogs happen to eat a rat thats been poisoned they also get poisoned. IMO its better to seal up the room so they cant get in in the first place

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