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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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Justice in the US has very little to do with right or wrong but how much money they can steal from you! I'm looking at 5-15 years for growing more then 5 grams Calf. sounds like heaven to me.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Hey Krunch,

It's been a few months since this thread started. Where are you at in the process? Is your attorney extending the dates? Hell took me almost a year for my DUI arraignment in Alameda Cnty.
I sure wish you the best of luck. This is scary shit, it could be anyone of us in your shoes.
Keep us posted, I can always do an ICmag fundraiser so you have cash on your books.
Let's hope it doesn't even come close to that.

everything is good so far, not even at preliminary yet....attorney is doing what she does, my friend who has the same lawyer, is going on 18 months without a pretrial...
appreciate the concern about cash on my books, but im not going back, thanks alot!

KRUNCH, fuck the haters and trolls they're just cholesterol in our bacon

just reading through this shit today, can't believe it...

must say i got a huge smile on my face to see your recent posts, you've got a great attitude about this whole thing and i really believe you will come out on top here!

and thanks for posting this rather than disappearing, many have learned from you and will continue to do so as long as you can type :)

hope your staying medicated bro!

best wishes, i'm off to go get ripped sending good vibes your way :wave:


we can all sleep a little better if you re-wire that fucking brake light!!!

peace krunch :respect:

thanks! im just really lucky to have gotten this lawyer , shes a real firecracker....i figure people have to know what i did wrong and how to avoid it......

Hey Krunch hows Karma treating you? :lightning:

pretty low bro. but, karma is serving me well.......

Wow, I don't even know Krunch, but that was some F'd up shit to say.

No one, and I mean no one, deserves ANY grief for growing or smoking weed.

That's a new low on these boards!

ya, some people........oh well....

who cares if he wants it legalized or not, he's ONE VOTE!

whats low is you not comprehending that this has nothing to do with the legalization of Cannabis or prop19 yet you continue with your jabs at Krunch because you disagree with his stance of not wanting Cannabis legal.

take your points and post them directed at Krunch in one of the many threads where it would be appropriate.

the man!

Justice in the US has very little to do with right or wrong but how much money they can steal from you! I'm looking at 5-15 years for growing more then 5 grams Calf. sounds like heaven to me.

hard core, i feel for ya.......

The laws in Cali do not work.

We are working with the laws we have while trying to make laws that actually work.

What's low is stating somehow the cops owe you more for undried, uncured, unfinished growing weed than if you had finished growing and selling it.

What's low is trying to negotiate that this shit you're going through, and other people are going through, is somehow part of what just comes with the Marijuana industry.

Y'all be on the Bullshit like Chicago.

your the epitome of a troll, but ill answer to make you look stupid.....

im going by what they said my crop was worth. do you think im going to sue and say, no! it retails for $3k a lb.....

fuck that, im going by there numbers, they fucked with the bull, time to get the horns.....

after wards im going to send the arresting officer and both narc agents very nice thank you cards with a gift card to take there family out, courtesy of there city.....

pretty good he's doing a 20k warehouse if i'm not mistaken and his lawyer is going to get it all thrown out of court by the end of the year.

although i am voting yes on prop 19, i don't hate Krunch or think he deserves to be mistreated in anyway for what he is doing.

how is Karma treating you?

:thank you:

Good luck with the new warehouse project i scoped in your other threads Krunch and thanks for all the great tips!!!

no problem, glad to help!

stay up Krunch, haters gonna hate!

thanks! im getting used to it, i dont mind them hanging off my balls.....


im going by what they said my crop was worth. do you think im going to sue and say, no! it retails for $3k a lb.....

fuck that, im going by there numbers, they fucked with the bull, time to get the horns.....

after wards im going to send the arresting officer and both narc agents very nice thank you cards with a gift card to take there family out, courtesy of there city.....

What the fuck a gift card!
The ASSHOLE here are charged $58 a day to be lock up by them. After telling the asshole cop that I'm 100% disabled Vet with spinal and heart problem they still had to throw me to the ground. The County jail damn near killed me by overdosing on my Medications because they couldn't read the directions on the bottle or own a watch.
Wish I was there


Freedom Fighter
Krunch, I strongly disagree with you in 1 area...but in everything else I've seen from you, you are solid--
This is a classic example of hate spreading from 1 Thread to another, and the main reason they don't allow a free-for-all here--
You have my respect, too bad some feel the need to come into your Thread and disrespect--:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
I'm really beginning to get upset with the nonsense I'm reading and having to clean threads. I've been nice because I don't like banning people, so instead of being appreciative people have taken advantage of it.

I'll give you fair warning I'm done with the crap. If that's how we have to do it then so be it. It is, what it is.....
krunch good luck with everything, i couldn't even look through page 24 on because of trolls (please tell me he is banned already, christ) but i hope all is well, the growing community and the patient community have you in their hearts keep on doing what you're doing bro


I love my life
I'm really beginning to get upset with the nonsense I'm reading and having to clean threads. I've been nice because I don't like banning people, so instead of being appreciative people have taken advantage of it.

I'll give you fair warning I'm done with the crap. If that's how we have to do it then so be it. It is, what it is.....

My post in this tread was deleted, but I don't remember using any members names, or making any inappropriate comments. I have read the TOU and try to act within the guidelines.

I apologize if my now deleted post violated one of the enumerated TOU, but honestly I don't know which TOU could have possibly been violated.

If the fair warning isn't for me and my post was deleted on accident then please disregard. If the warning was for me please help me understand what I said that you found in to be a potential violation of the TOU.



ICMag Donor
I think I only deleted yours because it referenced something that had been said and I wanted to try and get rid of all of it. Not a problem with what you said....

Yankee Grower

courtesy of there city.....
Courtesy of the taxpayers and wonder what it's gonna take for them to get fed up with how their money gets wasted. Maybe you should take an ad out when you get a big payday thanking the entire city or sponsor a public barbecue or something...lol.

fuck that, im going by there numbers, they fucked with the bull, time to get the horns.....
I'd do the same thing.

please tell me he is banned already
I think it's the same guy who was banned recently and came back to troll Krunch again.


Wow, thanks for that! Hey, this is just how it looks to me as an outsider. I am allowed an opinion, right? I'm not trying to be a dick, you don't see me calling people names..
I understand the person who got busted is a friend of yours, but don't take my comment personal..
versteldo u come off completely wrong....... and foul..... u need to do some serious introspection..... so off base with your thinking, i need not even explain why ur logic is so ... convoluted....


Why don't we just ignore all the haters and hear Krunches story. Much to be learned by others experiences. And who cares how he votes. That why they are private voting booths. And that's why we live in this clucked up country.
^^^ finally, somebody with some sense. Krunch. run. Run for your life. Pick up some learn spanish audio books for the trip south and good luck. This site rules for the info the first-handers share. Krunch is a significant resource for that info and anything that hampers the truth and completeness of his story takes away from what makes this site and our community as valuable as it is.

Krunch, stay strong I'm guessing the haters don't grow and therefore don't have as much to gain.
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Active member
Yea, that's great advice. Give up what you're doing where you're livinig to become a fugitive. What an excellent career move.


Active member
@ krunchbubble

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I noticed you wrote the cops didn't take your computer. Did they have access to it when you weren't around? If so they could have easily cloned the HDD and all info in it, and they could have easily placed a rootkit, Trojan, or other malware like keystroke loggers on your computer to see what you are writing and doing. I am pretty sure they can legally do that.

I would suggset using the freeware and open-source Dark's Boot and Nuke (as a bootable floppy or CD) to securely wipe your entire HDD, then re-install your operating system. And then install TrueCrypt and create a hidden volume (encrypted area) on your HDD to keep cannabis related info, your personal data, etc. You can read more about hidden volumes on the TrueCrypt website. I use a keyfile for my volumes, not a passpharse. And for uber security you can even use WDE (Whole Disk Encryption) along with a hidden OS, so that if cops want to read your HDD and get a court order forcing you to decrypt the HDD you can simply decrypt the 'fake' OS which contains no info that could get you in trouble.

Darks Boot and Nuke: http://www.dban.org/

TrueCrypt: www.truecrypt.org/

Also, I highly suggset you get a firewall that can "stealth" your ports, thus helping to prevent hacker/crackers (like LEO) from messing with your computer because I bet they have your IP address too. I use the free version of Comodo Firewall and it works very well.

For anti-malware I suggset the free versions of "Malware Bytes" and "Super Anti-Spyware". There are other precautions you should take like a good AV scanner, etc.


heres the kicker. i changed the bulb two days ago and it worked.......

sorry we never talked.... said hey a few times and no response on your end, so....???

as for this it looks like they were watching you and sealed the deal by fucking w/ your lights(yes they do shit like this. so don't tell me no), and when you fixed it, theyhad intended to get you, couldn't and so they broke you again....

back in the day when i was really rollin and not legal, we watched 'em roll up in a white van and steal my trash cans!!! 3 of the fuckers!!! anyway they are on to you i'll bet and you should clean house NOW not later, including your account here if it can be linked back. a free man can always rebuild. jmho

or maybe its just a short in your light, right?

EDIT: i see now the date this an older thread. so? what's been the outcome krunchy? you walk? you gettin paid?
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