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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
they get a search warrant and do there thing, only have 3 lights flowering that was supposed to be cut down TODAY! but, almost 500clones that were for patients, several oil making tubes, and an old bypass power that i removed and a good amount of cash......

maybe $93 is ballin for krunch?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Are you completly through it yet?....or is there more court apearences?

almost, have one more court date, for sentencing....

already know what going to happen, 5 years probation...

maybe $93 is ballin for krunch?

hmm, not sure why i wrote that....

i literally had $93 to my name when i got busted, didn't even have the cash to buy a burner phone when i got out...

had to borrow $20k the next day, to get back on my feet....


Active member
Man,wish there was a way to give the Feds money n not go to Prison when i had my troubles.But that aint happnin.I got busted with less than you ,and the Feds wanted to fry me.About 225 plants and an OZ of Hash and around 80 or so LBS.They wanted at first ,61 months in Prison and 5 Years paper afterwards.I ended up gettin 38 in and 36 out after all was said and done.But in Fed joint,you do an RDAP Drug Program and you get up to a year knocked off yer total time,and as far as goodtime goes,the Feds aint tryin to hear GoodTime.You only get 42 Days off for every Year you do:moon:. In the State Pen's,if you get 3 and 1/2 years,you can get out in 1 Year with goodtime.But either way,im glad to hear you wont have to do any Prison or even County time Bro.If i had it to do again,i would have tryed to do an extra X-amount of time in Prison just so i wouldnt have all the PO when i got out,but they want you to have both, and keep there hooks into you for as long as possible.But i had a payed Federal Lawyer,who was an EX Fed DA,and i stil got more than i wanted,but less than they wanted to give me with the mandatory minimums and all,they have to give you atleast a set amount of time depending on Crime and amount.But if you do good,you can be off in around 2 years and depending on PO and Judge, maybe even 18 months and yer your own Man again(as far as doing anything ya want).Being there Myself first hand,i know what strains it will put you through,and most importantly,your loved ones.Youll be fine with no troubles and will be off sooner than ya know it or in yer case,not even one day,lmfao.No more arrests for MJ Crimes People.Cant wait for the Day that the Ones who think with there heads and arent crazy,are finally in power and stop the Madness,its not worth it just for the sake of keeping the Prisons full and money in the Pockets of the crazie wacka-doos


how does probation and growing/smoking work in cali?

a friend of mine who had a card here ( colorado ) wound up on probation for a year and had random drug screens attached even though the charges were not drug related.

he was still allowed to drink all he wanted and kept his firearms permit but he had to pee in a cup and the card did not help a bit

the charge against him was assault! i hope cali is a little smarter than colorado

good luck krunch!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
the judge gave me a pass on medical marijuana...

i can smoke and grow, he just said to not be a smart ass and get a whole bunch of scripts and think im fine....

not sure if im getting piss tested, that will be fun....

have to submit blood and saliva samples....


They take saliva for DNA in Illinois

I've had drops that were saliva tests too. Quite pleasant other than you can't fake them

I've never heard of them taking blood outside of a traffic arrest


Active member
as long as you havent raped somebody in the past decade i think those saliva samples are just for DNA screening to match to cold cases.....and dont rape anybody in the future because they can link your DNA to the scene, fyi..

10k is an awesome deal...i would pay 10k all day to stay out of jail for a year...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
well, ITS DONE!!!!

sentenced last week to 5 years, unsupervised probation and a $10k fine to PG@E....

i actually got 1 year in jail, but a $5k check took away 6 months and another $5k check within 3 months, takes the remainder time off...

its absolutely true, you CAN pay to stay out of jail...

donny darko

well I am sure that is a load off your mind even though you knew what you were agreeing to before today. I am happy for you and that is is over for the most part


There are FOUR lights!
Congrats, Krunchy! Too bad about the old bypass you got the heat for,
but atleast your in the clear from here on out!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea homey, not going to jail is always a +. Keep doing your thangy thang.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
How come we don't here about attacks on cops like serious shit! like cop cars get blown the fuck up. Cops getting ambushed guerilla warfare style.

If this was my shit and It was legal and cops did this to me.. there wouldn't be that many cops left in that town.

I am a freedom fighter. So this is not wrong on my part.

because around here, fuck with cops and THEY BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF YOU or trump up some charges so you don't see the sun for MANY YEARS....


good to hear you are staying on the outside krunch!

in the middle of your next marathon trim , remember ....... there are worse places you could be


Active member
How come we don't here about attacks on cops like serious shit! like cop cars get blown the fuck up. Cops getting ambushed guerilla warfare style.

haha trust me most people would like to see this..but the fact of the matter is that they have simply built the police state up so strong that even an army full of revolutionary minded folk would get chopped down quickly by the guvvvvvvment..

silver hawaiian

Active member
haha trust me most people would like to see this..but the fact of the matter is that they have simply built the police state up so strong that even an army full of revolutionary minded folk would get chopped down quickly by the guvvvvvvment..

Not sure what's neg-rep worthy of this post.. ? :dunno:
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