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Fucked Up My Back Pretty Bad The Doctor Said......


sorry to hear about your back....stoked to hear you are feeling better!

i have a bad back, used to end up crippling myself at least a few times a year (usually after sitting on my ass for 100 hours straight trimming) my wife pointed out that i never "throw my back out" when i am in one of my "lift weights every day" manias. so now i lift at least 3 times a week and havent been bedridden in 3 years.
after a lifetime of chiropractors, it turned out that dumbbells were the answer.


Just out of curiosity, how do they affect the skeletal system and somehow get around the musculoskeletal system?​

Do they debone the body like a chicken nugget before they start working on the spine, then put it back in afterwards?​

That might be the most uneducated statement I've ever heard, anywhere....ever.

Anyone that works in any discipline of healthcare knows you can't separate the neuromusculoskeletal system....it's all one thing. You can't move a hip or a knee or a back without affecting the nerves, muscles, ligaments, tendons and cartilage......AT ALL.​

Usually the folks spouting platitudes about "quacks" are the most illiterate of all.​

Glad you've got lots of "clients" you've helped....they're in 'great' hands apparently.​


Hmmmm, where to start......

Well Accessnda**, before I answer your question I need to take back part of what I said. Saying that most chiro's are quacks & that they only address the skeletal system is not fair and is subjective. The fact of the matter is that there are quacks in all professions and all walks of life! As for only addressing (yes addressing, not affecting) the skeletal system, I should have said they focus primarily on the skeletal system.

Anyway, to answer your question (if that's still relevant considering you misqouted me.....that's cool though, my 5 year old niece sometimes gets confused too when she has a hissy fit!):

Just out of curiosity, how do they affect (should be address) the skeletal system and somehow get around the musculoskeletal system?

i.e. Spinal Manipulation / Spinal Adjustment / Chiropractic Adjustment is the most common treatment used in chiropractic care. This addresses the spine or vertebral column. The vertebral column is part of the skeletal system only, not the muscular system.

Do they debone the body like a chicken nugget before they start working on the spine, then put it back in afterwards?​

That would be ignorant at best, so I'm sure one of you geniuses have tried before.

That might be the most uneducated statement I've ever heard, anywhere....ever.

Really!? Coming from someone that just asked about deboning the body like a chicken nugget....this doesn't sting so bad!

Anyone that works in any discipline of healthcare knows you can't separate the neuromusculoskeletal system....it's all one thing.

Nobody said seperate! Different healthcare providers address different systems in the body. i.e. A neurologist is a medical specialist that deals with the nervous sytem. An endocrinologist is a medical specialist that deals with the endocrine system....Get it!

Usually the folks spouting platitudes about "quacks" are the most illiterate of all.​

I can say that I've never been called illiterate or uneducated, but I did retract that statement about most chiro's being quacks (that was uncalled for).

Glad you've got lots of "clients" you've helped....they're in 'great' hands apparently.​

I really don't have anything to prove to you. Not sure why you had to go and get personal here, but it just earned you a schooling! :tiphat:

Isn't it hilarious how we find ways to fight in a thread about Well Wishes on a marijuana website!! Anyway, Krunch I hope that back is holding up for you & u didn't just throw it out while laughing at this thread homie!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad

my back IS fucked. had a MRI done and i have 3 herniated disks....

3 options the docotr said....

1 - take medication and therapy and hope the pain goes away...

2 - have an epidural every 3 months, fuck that!

3 - have surgery to correct it....

my back is in no pain, its my leg still. on shit tons of medication that relieves the pain a whole lot....

still hitting the weights, not as hard. walking alot and going to the chiro twice a week, its helping....

just sucks, im to active to be going through this......


Sativa Tamer
Had the same thing happen to me. Finally - six years after my injury I have no pain anywhere. The two things that helped me the most were stretching to get my range of motion back and working out with a Power Wheel.




Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I've had 3 lumbar and 4 cervical disk herniations for years, and have found that a combination of yoga and pilates is very effective for me. Exercises for your body core are critical - it took me a long time to discover a crunch variant that worked well but didn't irritate my back. I think that weight lifting is counterproductive for back problems - it is very, very difficult to arrive at a lifting routine that keeps your muscles balanced like "flow" yoga does, and most weight-lifters do not stretch out to the extent that you need when you have back problems.

Do not fuck around with surgery if you can still wiggle at all - people get cut on because the pain convinces them that there are no other options, but the few people who get relief surgically almost universally have problems later as a result of the scar tissue buildup over time. There are innumerable styles of yoga, so if you try one and don't like, keep looking. Besides, the scenery in most yoga studios is hard to beat!

*edit* For a muscle relaxant and pain relief, I have had the best luck with Robaxin (methocarbamol). It doesn't make me stupid or feel like I weigh 600 pounds like so many of them do (Flexeril - ugh), and still is effective.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Had the same thing happen to me. Finally - six years after my injury I have no pain anywhere. The two things that helped me the most were stretching to get my range of motion back and working out with a Power Wheel.




I've had 3 lumbar and 4 cervical disk herniations for years, and have found that a combination of yoga and pilates is very effective for me. Exercises for your body core are critical - it took me a long time to discover a crunch variant that worked well but didn't irritate my back. I think that weight lifting is counterproductive for back problems - it is very, very difficult to arrive at a lifting routine that keeps your muscles balanced like "flow" yoga does, and most weight-lifters do not stretch out to the extent that you need when you have back problems.

Do not fuck around with surgery if you can still wiggle at all - people get cut on because the pain convinces them that there are no other options, but the few people who get relief surgically almost universally have problems later as a result of the scar tissue buildup over time. There are innumerable styles of yoga, so if you try one and don't like, keep looking. Besides, the scenery in most yoga studios is hard to beat!

been thinking about yoga. my right leg, that is effected, is no longer flexible like it used to be before my injury. and stretching helps alot. used to do the P90X yoga, but that was to hard. going to look into some classes......appreciate it!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Also, for temporary relief, epsom salts in a warm bath works quite well. It's not just for the plants!


ask your chiro-dude about how he would do his workouts. core training (like pine's gadget) will fix more than you think. you DO NOT even need weights to to beat the hell out of your core you just need to change the way you work out. start slow and train ALL of your core. even the low impact stuff can make you sweat when you first start. it is a better option than the knife krunch! do you know any good personal trainers? one with some time on the job might be able to help you out. a good physical therapist should be able to help you work on your back so you can avoid the knife.

i feel for ya man ..... just try everything before you let them cut ..... they make you sign waivers for a reason. so check your options


New member
Hurt my back real bad about 10 years ago, I found that those orthotic inserts in my shoes helped the most, also used a tens machine alot. (epidurals aren't that bad but I didn't find much relief with them) Also found that in 2 or 3 years the pain doesn't seem as intense, my Doctor talked me out of going under the knife by telling me that it wouldn't really help anyways because the disks above and below would wear out faster after he repaired the others as well as the scar tissue mentioned earlier. Good luck with it brother.


New member
a buddy of mine had similar disk/spine issues, he had some kind of new therapy using a machine called dxr9000..that and some tradtional physical therapy, and lots of water helped him back on his feet and back to work. Simply amazing since he had a few doctors tell he "surgery is the only way".

talk about calling BS on that!..did I mention he's in construction?


May your race always be in your favor
I have the same problem and its made it so I am unable to work any longer. My back blew up in 85. never had surgery, never will.
Its the old L5-S1 After 20 years or so the pain lessens but my left foot is numb and I have no reflexes in it either. But life goes on. it's just a bitch to have to hang on to something every time you cough or sneeze, cause my legs give out when I do. Peace hope it feels better soon.


I have the same problem and its made it so I am unable to work any longer. My back blew up in 85. never had surgery, never will.
Its the old L5-S1 After 20 years or so the pain lessens but my left foot is numb and I have no reflexes in it either. But life goes on. it's just a bitch to have to hang on to something every time you cough or sneeze, cause my legs give out when I do. Peace hope it feels better soon.

Sounds like ... whatever you have ... is pushing down on the nerve and killing it - thats why you have numbing - once you kill the nerve .. the damage done is irreversible

Go to the very best specialist and let them check you out

I know you dont want to be in pain and/or suffer irreversible damage - especially when it can be avoided

All the very best


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If you want a strong core, go to the rock climbing gym. That will work your core like no other. Muscles built up in the normal weight lifting gym will feel useless on a rock climbing wall.

I would start out light while your discs are still bulging, but as they go down you can increase the difficulty.


hey krunch im really sorry to hear about your suffering i was in the similiar situation my neck had bulging discs at c4 and c5 in my neck. This bulging pushed on nerves and made my fingers numb and tingle and the back of my arms had the worst dull pain ever.

I had the choice of duing surgury which was just not going to happen.

i also had the choice of just going to the chiropracter and gettting adjusted a few times a week.... and also the dreaded painkillers fuck that shit!

well then my chiropracter explained to me SPINAL DECOMPRESSION
ITs a special machine that pulls on your neck or spine depending where your bulging discs are very lighty and slowly a few times a week for about two months. DOing this helps to re hydrate the bulging disc and stop the bulging, thus stoping the pain that is being created from nerves being pinched.

I can tell you right now its going to be expensive and most insurances dont cover it becuase it hasnt been used for super long.

Iam so gratefull for spinal decompression regardless of cost. after my two months of spinal decompression therapy i felt like a million bucks my neck never hurts anymore my arms and fingers dont go numb and tingly.

I havent been to the chiropracter for an adjustment in over 3 months the results have been so good



May your race always be in your favor
Hey Krunch, I had two epidurals in the L5 disc area, biggest fuckin needle I ever saw, in Diameter at least, only about 2 inches long but like a ball point pen refill but with a beveled point. You get numbed before they hit you with the big one so you don't feel a thing. I got 2cc's of xylocaine and 8 cc's of cortizone. After the first one I was pain free for the first time in over a year, when I walked I had to drag my left leg cause I wasn't able to lift my foot.

Well after the first epidural, I was ready to tap dance. Felt so good. I went on day 30 leave from the Army and drove from Ky to Wa. on the way back got snowed in at a buddies in Sturgis, So Dak. slipped on some ice and my back was fucked. Had to drive all the way back to KY in agony. Got back to the army hosp. had the second epidural didn't do shit. It took a year before I was able to march or do pt and that army kinda shit.

Now 26 years later Im glad I never had surgery, the back has degenerative disc disease and degenerative arthritis. And the VA has me at 100% disability.

I can't say what you should choose, but research the hell out of what every method you choose.

So I just :smoweed:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Krunch - so sorry to hear about your back issue (I'm sorry I just read this thread), my g/f is a Physical Therapist using a technique called "Integrated Manual Therapy" I am also a trained Laser Therapist and assist her with providing laser therapy in conjunction with her treatments. I cannot diagnose (only a PT can) but I can perform the laser treatment after she makes the recommendation and instructs me with the treatment plan. She actually specializes in problem backs, in fact the local back doctors send her their patients they cannot fix. Anyway, if your ever in the Santa Cruz area, I can hook you up with her (with a little heads up as her schedule is pretty full most of the time). I have had laser therapy and it has proven to be very effective in various issue's I have had and I have seen her do wonders in others although no one can be certain what will or will not help, I wish you the best.

Anyway, I really hope you get some relief, I have a very minor back issue but it can bother me significantly still, so I (kinda) feel your pain.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
appreciate all the blessings and kind words....

well, i have been going to my chiropractor 3 times a week for several weeks now....

last couple days i have been 90% pain free and am really cutting down on my medications.....

chiro is also saying my back is in much better shape then before and will only be needing 1 treatment a week!

also been going on some serious hikes. very fast paced, very long strides, even going up long hills and it had really been helping as well....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
alright, after a while i figured i should tell what happened to me because it WILL help other people.....

my sciatica almost crippled me for 6 months, completely changed my very active lifestyle...

Kaiser said surgery is THE ONLY OPTION....

i spent 10's of thousands of dollars on treatments....

i went to a specialist at UCLA and almost had a procedure done to my spine....

i figured i might as well try alternative options.....

went to a Reiki massage and pressure point therapist.....

after two months of weekly visits, im very happy and proud to say that....


he cured me, no way around it, im back to doing everything i did before!!! ZERO FUCKING PAIN!!! never a hint of it, its fucking gone!!!!!

just thought i would spread the word of these healing powers....