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Fucked Up My Back Pretty Bad The Doctor Said......


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
it started about 2 months ago, with what i thought was a hamstring pull or strain....
i get shooting pains from my right ass cheek to the back of my right knee, every time i sit for more then 15 minutes, get up from a sitting position or any time i cough....

saw the doctor a month ago, he said wait a few weeks and see whats up. a couple days ago, the pain was ridiculous, i called the doctor, he got me into physical therapy.....

physical therapist does all these tests and determines that my sciatic nerve is getting pinched in my spine by a bulging disk! WTF!!!
the disk is in danger of rupturing or something like that which would require surgery he said...

you know the test where the docotr hits your knee with the little rubber hammer and your knee bounces? MINE DOES NOT!!! WTF!!!!

so, i CANNOT drive for more then 10 minutes, sit for more then 10 minutes(he said when at home, DO NOT SIT!), no bending over,no physical activity, have to where this bullshit brace, im in pain all the time and the medicine he prescribed for pain DOES NOT WORK!!!

im so stir crazy at this point, this pisses me to no end, im very active, i workout 5 times a week, i run, i bike, i play sports, now i literally have to STAND at home for two weeks.....

im pretty pissed that my leg hurts, but its my back that's about to go out......

btw, when i smoke weed and cough, its like getting kicked with a steel toe to the back of the knee , EVERY TIME I COUGH!! and my b-day is in a few days...


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Krunch that fucking sucks man, I hope they figure something out for you so you don't have to give up an active lifestyle. Not being able to sit for two weeks and you have to take it easy? wtf that would get boring as hell.....You should get a pool stretcher or something and strap that bitch to the wall, pad it out, make a standing recliner! I am a bum so leave it to me to figure that issue out. Take it easy dude relax like the Doc says

eat edibles man, no coughing and a good pain killer.

cyber echo

Sorry to hear about your pains mate.
If smoking weed is getting you to cough, perhaps you should bake a few cakes mate, hold that, a LOT of cakes.
You can dissolve some weed in a pot with butter then add it to hot chocolate. Kinda heavy to drink but I hear its faster than eating solids infused with oil.


New member
try a vape they work wonders for not coughing.drink plenty of water keeps you hydrated,back pain kicks the shit out of a guy.ive had back problems for years once it happens you just find ways to live with the pain.it truly realy does never go away.you have great days followed by shitty days.good luck


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Krunch that fucking sucks man, I hope they figure something out for you so you don't have to give up an active lifestyle. Not being able to sit for two weeks and you have to take it easy? wtf that would get boring as hell.....You should get a pool stretcher or something and strap that bitch to the wall, pad it out, make a standing recliner! I am a bum so leave it to me to figure that issue out. Take it easy dude relax like the Doc says

eat edibles man, no coughing and a good pain killer.

Sorry to hear about your pains mate.
If smoking weed is getting you to cough, perhaps you should bake a few cakes mate, hold that, a LOT of cakes.
You can dissolve some weed in a pot with butter then add it to hot chocolate. Kinda heavy to drink but I hear its faster than eating solids infused with oil.

try a vape they work wonders for not coughing.drink plenty of water keeps you hydrated,back pain kicks the shit out of a guy.ive had back problems for years once it happens you just find ways to live with the pain.it truly realy does never go away.you have great days followed by shitty days.good luck

:thank you:

didn't think about baked goods. and i did just get the vape, i already forgot about that! good shit! about to vape right now!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
damn man sorry to hear....i hate it when i cough smoking and it sends jarring pain into my back...

remember when we went to Vegas and i was telling you the plane ride was killing my leg? my back was fucked up then, didn't know it....


Maybe a *GooD* Chiropractor can loosten that shit up man, and of course avoid surgery. From what I hear back surgery is avoid at all cost. I have a great back cracker down here in socal, he gets that shit loose lol. No pinched anything, for $50 it aint too bad once a month to feel like a teenager again. Good Luck Mannnn!


The Mad Monk
Yep, edibles & vaping. I had my appendix out and bong rips were just torture. Made a double batch of oatmeal cookies and was in la la land.

Back pain is never fun, hope it gets better for ya Krunch. Exercise helps, when ya feel up to it. Swimming ftw. Even those back exercises when ya lay down and stretch over to one side or lay down and pull one knee up to your chin help.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey Krunch, I had the exact same thing, infact i've had it a few times, a couple of trips to the chiropractor seems to sort it out and then working out a lot seems to have stopped it for now. I still visit the chiro every 2 months for a check up. I got my sciatica from sitting at the computer too much, and general bad posture.

When i was still in a lot of pain i did glute stretching all day to get relief as nothing else much helps, the pigeon and pretzel stretch usually works quite well for me.


Hey buddy best of luck with this latest challenge. Pain sux eh? I have some serious chronic pain in my knees and i get some relief with using a weed/iso rub (like using the rinse from QWISO) you may be able to apply that directly to your area in question.

Good luck! Sore back suck really bad, when im hurting I usually thinking "hey this sux but could be worse could be a bad back" take care of yerself hopefully you will be styling in short order!



Hey K, I have not cartilage in my back between the 1st and 2nd vertebrae.I have extensive nerve damage to where my legs stopped working. Doctor said I need an operation also......several years ago.

Start exercising. Now! It is painful at first but as you gain strength it will improve. Get some muscle relaxers from the doctor to help you sleep.

Try and stretch when you wake up in the morning. Take walks. Do you have a dog? Take short walks. and each day extend them.

Good luck with this.



pain sucks ass krunch but don't let them talk you into laying down under the knife without doing everything else that you can. if you work out go and ask your chiropractor what they would do. changing the way you train can make a huge difference.... core,core and more core. they told me my back was trashed 25 years ago and i said no knives on my spine. i have worked construction for most of that time and telling them no was the best thing i ever did.

make some bomb cookies brother and check out some options .... i feel for ya


Cannabis 101
Damn I'm sorry man... My neck always kills me... I have muscle spasms real bad... Hope they figure out what it is and not have to do any surgery. What really releaves pains and cures almost anything is cannabis tea make it out of leafs.... Had some the other day because my neck was killing me and my Turkish friend been drinking it since a kid his dads cure he said.... He's dad was a big time ganja farmer amazing outdoor photo :) hashish... Try the tea amazing medical effects


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
through the butt & into the knee sounds like the femoral nerve to me bro, I suffer the same pains daily, luckily I can often sit for a couple of hours but I'm never far from my bed.......

hope you can find some relief, sometimes a chiropractor can re-align you, it worked for me for awhile but won't stay in anymore.


through the butt & into the knee sounds like the femoral nerve to me bro, I suffer the same pains daily, luckily I can often sit for a couple of hours but I'm never far from my bed.......

hope you can find some relief, sometimes a chiropractor can re-align you, it worked for me for awhile but won't stay in anymore.

I was thinking it was nerves also.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
sounds like sciatica. I have it and it sucks. I would try a good chiropracter and acupuncturist in conjunction. perhaps make some bho caps?
If your finances allow think about buying a vapouriser, that should help take care of the coughing. I know that some people think you sacrifice the pleasant taste/smell sensation of weed, but it seems a small price to pay for wellbeing. There are also quite a few health benefits from giving up combustion and going vapour. The iolite is a good product, resonably priced and portable (so you arn't tied to smoking at home).


x2 on the acupuncture . A friend broke his back , watched the sun rise for weeks , no sleep. The acupuncture was the only thing that would get him to sleep. I have seen some really amazing results from it on my dog too!

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