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FUCK this week


Registered Cannabis User
haha king...you got yummy busting on you...this is great!!!

and dude...you're really starting a thread about not being able to find herb until sunday?...


ToKEN said:
haha king...you got yummy busting on you...this is great!!!

and dude...you're really starting a thread about not being able to find herb until sunday?...

no well, aparently u missed the medical part, the government can win tonight, like i said fuck it, i have given up... ran out of the o natural pain killer, so i went to the society approved ones :( ...something i have been trying to cut down a ton, and replace with herb... but whatever.

flubnutz said:
you guys seriously need some tequila and a titty bar :rasta:

hmmm tequila eh? my usual poison lately has been Gin, but might have to give that a shot...

EDIT: in other news, how the fuck did this thread get two pages long? I really expect anyone to listen to my rant to begin with...

I didnt even see this:
GET MO said:
Alcohol fucking up my body has forced me to get healthy, I didnt like that car and since it was the other persons fault I should get paid enough to get a new one, the accidental seeding of my crop could be a blessing, the cross-strains would make for some interresting hybreds(hashberry pollen on gdp, the purps, pk, strawb cough, mandala1 females). I got someone to help me look out fo the outdoe.....
Everything happens for a reason, enjoy life. No pain no game, my brother has a rare bone disease, bones break like glass, has experienced more pain then anyone I know. He still strugles through it and complains less than anybody I know. Its all what you make it.

I know what you mean, it really is what you make of it, and much of it is unfortunately learned from our parents, my mom bitches about bitching 24/7, its a negative habit i picked up and am constantly fighting to change... have been for YEARS....but it is what it is....
I know there are people out there in much more pain than I, and for that I am extremely grateful, most days with shitty semi-synthetic opiates (tramadol) and herb, and I get out of bed, walk, and go to work at a job i love and function perfectly normally....

It's just times like today when I had to deal with a fuck tard that I get frustrated... I am getting to old for this shit.

Although with any luck I am hoping on waking up tomorrow pain few/free, as long as I don't sleep TOO long this shouldn't be too far fetched, and then maybe i can wrangle up some herb, or if not I will go hiking or something to take my mind off it, that usually helps...
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
That sucks I know but I've passed that threshold ever since I have started growing my own. Every 90 days, I harvest, and every month it's all gone leaving 2 months weedless. Being straight isn't a burden for me. I don't even try to hook up, and I know I could get smoked out, but I like being the guy being charitable.

If it helps, my last harvest had 637 good seeds, and another 1000 broke, immature, green and bad seeds. Yep. I smoked them and got surprisingly high. If you got lots of seeds and can stand the rude taste, it's a quick wake up buzz. i also noticed the fresher the better better the buzzzz. SAD!

I agree! This week sucks hard. But my issue isn;t weed related.

On 4-17-08 I signed a settlement sheet with my lawyer and he deposited the checks in our names and told me it would take a week for the checks to clear. So I walked out thinking that he would cut my check in about a week. Well it's been 13 days and I'm still poor/here.

It wouldn't be that bad if I hadn't found this house an hour outside of Rocky Mountain National Park for only $4000.00. Yes it's a mobile, but it's not Chicago. I also researched the area and founf that moving would save me close to $7000 a year, and that the pizza joints in that area pay $7.25 an hour above and beyond delivery charges and tips. You can't find that in Chicago. And the utilities are 25% less. Gas for example is 65 cents cheaper than Chicago.

So for the past week or so I have been bipolar. Angry one minute thinking that I'm going to miss this opportunity to be happy again, moderate the next. I've even snapped at my mom over a garden issue where I used weed killed to get rid of dandilions in her flowers. The situation was critical and needed eradication. She should have gone with the new lawn like everyone else rather than a 4000 square foot garden that looks like an abandoned lot and I've done my best to make it into something special, but it's hers and not mine, so I can;t really make any needed improvements without getting shot.

Knowing that I have limited options to deliver pizza in Chicago due to my hard lifestyle, wage garnishments, the cops, and generally bad managers, I feel as if my only options to get back to work is to deliver Chinese Food or Submarine Sandwiches in Chicago, or move to a new place, and Colorado is my #1 choice.

I've kind of settled down by finding other nice RE deals in Colorado, but I'm not too keen on the Springs area. Would rather live in the small town of 800 a few miles from a population center of 118,000 hungry people than in a metropolis of 500,000 angry people.

I've emailed my lawyer to let him know how important this is to me, and that could cause further delays.


Things are coming around already!Hell Yummy stopped by, if that doesn't make you feel better.Oh hell it'll work out.I have the opposite problem, piles of weed and no pain killers, I burned up my last refill too fast, what ya gonna do?Stay on the upside.I hate it when people are hurtin'.Chaco :joint:


Chaco said:
Things are coming around already!Hell Yummy stopped by, if that doesn't make you feel better.Oh hell it'll work out.I have the opposite problem, piles of weed and no pain killers, I burned up my last refill too fast, what ya gonna do?Stay on the upside.I hate it when people are hurtin'.Chaco :joint:

Thanks bro, and everyone else on around here that lent some words of encouragement and support... I hooked up with a friend today and got some good dank, Right when I got up there he had the Vaporizer all set too go... Normally I don't really like vapin' that much, but wholly shiat did that instantly take away nearly all my pain, or within like 5 minutes, I am thinking about getting one just for that reason. Although like i said before, I started out smoking recreationally, it wasn't until a few years ago when I hurt the 3rd disc in my spine in my neck that I started realizing that MJ was nearly as effective as hydrocodone, yet no side effects, or rather negative ones :)


New member
OPer, you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, a closet for your clothes, and a refrigerator, I assume. That automatically makes you richer than 75% of the world.


hipponormous said:
OPer, you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, a closet for your clothes, and a refrigerator, I assume. That automatically makes you richer than 75% of the world.

meh, i would give up nearly ever one of those things and live out in the woods from nature in a cabin or even nice tent for a regular mid 20's year olds back...

your health is really something you take for granted, especially when you are young... or at least I did.


ToKEN said:
what did you do that made your health so bad?

its not really my "health" in general, just my spine....

and to tell you the truth, i really dont know what caused the ANY of the herniated discs, i have a feeling the two in my lower back could of happened when I was like 17 and slipped picking up something heavy, *it didnt bother me for like 6 months, so thats why i dont know if thats what i was?

and same thing with the neck, it just started hurting BADLY one winter 2 years ago, and thanks to my useless doctor it went undiagnosed for over a year... I kept going to her, and my neck would be ROCK HARD KILLING me, from shoulder to shoulder stiff as a rock, she would just give me muscle relaxors and pain killers, finally like a year later she sent me to pain management which included PT/OT, and a shrink, and a psiatriast(SP)that doc sent me for an MRI and discovered there was a moderately herniated disc in my neck pushing on the spine... bad backs/spines run in my family, my brother has already had back surgery and he is only ~37?... my dad has a bad back too.

So i guess i just really got screwed with the genes and them some sort of injury...


Registered Cannabis User
sorry to hear that man, I wish the best for your back and your health. Glad to hear you got some herb finally man :rasta:
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well also my friend if i was you i would see a nutritionists...and also you could maybe teach your son if you have one how to lift properly...we have to take care of our selves...after all our bodys are moving parts and all moving parts fail eventually and ones not maintained before their time...i know none of this helps you with your problems...but it could have if i had given it to you many years ago and you had listened...peace


Domesticator of Cannabis
I herniated a lower one banging the GF 15-18 years ago. It usually happens to young fit individuals. I had it yanked out I don't get hip pain anymore but I do get some spasms the odd time with a little arthritic pain.


Registered Med User
Hey I feal u on that kingofny, I would give up smokin weed all together if it meant I could have my back back. When I was yung I injured my back and was paralyzed for some days, then when I was like 14 I dove off a rock at the river and angled up before my whole body was in the water, crushed my disk and was paralyzed again for a while. Now Im 24, been workin on it for years, I got bone spurs and a crushed disk + sculiosis.
Yeah this has been a fucked up week though, I just broke my foot last night. goin up some steps while we was drinkin some patrone at my folks house, didnt quite put my foot all the way on the step and rolled/fell on it with all my weight. now Im all fucked up...


sirgrassalot said:
I herniated a lower one banging the GF 15-18 years ago. It usually happens to young fit individuals. I had it yanked out I don't get hip pain anymore but I do get some spasms the odd time with a little arthritic pain.

I can't get to specific on what i THINK caused the first two because many of my friends might browse here, but it was something like that :), maybe.... cause it didnt hurt for like 6 months after, so i still dont know.

What do you mean you had it "yanked out", i am curious as I havent heard of this before i dont think, and i am ready to do just about anything...

upgradeshafted said:
well also my friend if i was you i would see a nutritionists...and also you could maybe teach your son if you have one how to lift properly...we have to take care of our selves...after all our bodys are moving parts and all moving parts fail eventually and ones not maintained before their time...i know none of this helps you with your problems...but it could have if i had given it to you many years ago and you had listened...peace

A nutritionist, I never thought of that and i work with one and could see her for free... I know how to lift properly, the problem was the thing slipped, and I was to much of a pussy to ask the girls for help... going back to that day, wish I would of now.
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Registered Med User
they offerred me surgery, but said there was a 15% chance I could be paralyzed. fuck that...


Domesticator of Cannabis
thekingofNY "yanked out" I've seen the surgery on film not mine but a similar one. Once they cut you open it amounts to pushing the nerves out of the way & than yanking it out with pliers. I was up & out for a cigarette within an hour of waking up. I don't smoke anymore.

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