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FUCK Thieves. Just got got...


Registered Med User
Someone busted into my storage unit, got all my grow equiptment, bout 3,000 dollars worth. They did it pretty proffessional, put a new lock on and everything, damn near cleared me out with everything else too, even took the old beat up microwave, old family pictures, different paperwork, dishes, shit everything I had in the house cuz we had moved in with someone else temporarily. Time ta start over, but I just wish I woulda caught um in the act, thieves are the lowest life forms. I never took anybody by the storage either so no tellin how the hell it happened.... Fuck.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
one of those theives is very very close to your ass... id start over with new friends....

sorry about that shit though man lord knows ive had it happen more then once i know what your going through.


hope all is ok with you. karma will come around, i guarantee it


Paid for storage???

No vid surveillance - gatehouse - guard dogs???

That sucks man - thieves will get theirs. Karma can be a bitch of the highest order...


Active member
if you never took anyone there then the list of suspects is short, it was either someone you told or knew of it besides yourself, the people at the storage facility, and possibly, just possibly a random group who systematically robs storage areas one by one.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
from what I've read, thats a pretty common place for thieves to do their thing.

Sucks though, especially the family pics, that was uncalled for.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

bummer MO, does the facility bear the burden at all or are you supposed to buy outside insurance for this type of loss?


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I remember when this happened to BG, there was some suspicion that the guy working there had involvement in it.
May their bollocks go square, and fester at the edges.
one of those theives is very very close to your ass... id start over with new friends....

sorry about that shit though man lord knows ive had it happen more then once i know what your going through.

i second that, its never any other way, trust me ive been in your shoes twice and each time it was a so called friend


Registered Med User
It wasnt a friend, I dont have friends... Jus family n business associates, and niether nor knew a thing about my storage unit. The way the storage set up im in a hallway, and you need a gate code to get in the facility and another code to get in the hallway. I personally think it was the storage place that did it, one of their workers, either that or someone else who stays in the hallway, cuz otherwise they wouldnt be able to get IN the hallway. They convinced me not to get storage insurance, I asked n they said they have never had a burgalury, and that it probably wasnt worth it, and it was from a different company, so I didnt get it. My bad.


High country cat herder
I had my recovery winch stolen off my truck while it was in storage.

Sucks paying to store shit and getting it stolen.

I don't think it HAS to be a "Friend", Anyone that might have seen you moving into the unit, or on any random day when you stopped by to pick something up/drop something off.

When I had a unit I'd always glance into other units when someone was in it, no interest in theiving, just amusing some of the shit people store. Certainly if I WAS a thief tho I could have scouted some really good scores.

Karma will catch up to the fuckers, too bad it doesn't pay you back for your loss when it bites them!


Sounds fishy.

I wouldn't be surprised if the storage company themselves have a "bad apple" in the bunch. Maybe they broke into your shit.

Terrible to hear.


ruger 500
i would like to help out but you have been hard on peeps needin helpith beans so good luck gettin back to normal


New member
this could be literally anything dude.

1.) you told someone other than yourself about the unit
2.) someone you knew helped you move, and knew you were moving
3.) could've been cased while you were bringing stuff into the unit
4.) could be the company itself is into the theft business which is why they convinced you not to get insurance (or maybe, they have no coverage themselves?)
5.) luck of the draw. thieves could have took a random shot and hit the jackpot so to speak...


New member
I bet it was one of fuckers that work there....a true theif wouldnt give a fuck about putting a new lock back on....sounds like a employee covering his ass...go back and accuse them of stealing your shit and see what kind of reaction you get....


you said "we are staying with someone else"

who is we? obviously, someone else knows about the unit.

either that or random target. sucks either way man!!!


Well-known member
I bet it was one of fuckers that work there....a true theif wouldnt give a fuck about putting a new lock back on....sounds like a employee covering his ass...go back and accuse them of stealing your shit and see what kind of reaction you get....

Most places that have video surveillance keep it stored no longer than 72 hours before it's written over. So if it was on video, a new lock wouldn't bring attention to that particular unit, and the footage would surely be gone by the time you came and noticed there was a break in.

I can't imagine they wouldn't have video cameras.

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