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FUCK Thieves. Just got got...



what would you guys do if you caught a thieve in action ?

hurt ? kill ? immobilize ?


Active member
what would you guys do if you caught a thieve in action ?

hurt ? kill ? immobilize ?

...ask mr broken ribs, and cement grated face, and bit by my komondor.

2 stupid bitch crips tried to steal a qp...well they did, but it cost homeboy a few broken ribs. a broken jaw, and a komondor bite to the nape.

...fuckin denver crip name zoe...i still have more for his sorry ass....and that was years ago.

...their crew did make me move out of town tho...ill give them that.

...you can have that hood !!!


I dunno if it's same in canada

but in the states if robber get's hurt in your house with something
he can sue your ass


Registered Med User
Wouldnt kill him on public property, that would just fuck my life up. Id 'immobilize' him, beat the shit out of him, probably have the owner call the police and let them take care of the rest.
I think yall right that it was an inside job, and I bet this isnt the first time they done this, only reason I could think they put another lock on is cuz they were plannin on comin back for my granite table.


Theres alot of this going on in Humboldt ,I caught some tweekers down 36 ripping . Its always an inside job.Few exceptions break the rule.


Active member
Yeah...sounds like an inside job to me. Nobody else had access, plus the lock thing is totally suspicious.

Sorry this happened to you dude, I know the feeling. My house got robbed three years ago, and among other things, they got my camera. The memory card included a bunch of pictures I took of my mother the last year she was alive. Everything else they got was just stuff, but losing those images really hurt.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
damn GET MO that sucks... u sure you went back and checked the right storage unit?!?!?

maybe there was a lock on it because it was the wrong unit you checked out!

also, if thats not the case, are you sure that you paid your storage unit bill within 3 months? I am pretty sure that in cali they have a policy where if you dont pay your storage unit bill they can auction your shit off....(assuming thats where you are IDK y im assuming it) ... please dont mistake this as me insulting your intelligence, or calling you lazy or poor, I am just asking because anything is possible when it comes to a forgetful stoner...

If you TRULY feel that your unit was robbed, you NEED to do some investigating and demand that the facility manager/owner research ALL video surveillance. Before you do this, perhaps you should contact your local Law enforcement (yeah fuck the police is my motto, but in this case, you need to put your tax dollars to work and have these suckas work FOR YOU for once instead of AGAINST YOU)...

it seems to me by the tone of your posts that you are just laying on your back and letting the mother fuckers get away with walkin off with your shit...

you talk as if 3 grand is not much, and that you have plenty more where that came from, but realistically, even an average millionaire would be flipping out and probing an investigation if a "measly" 3 grand of their belongings just up and went missing... ive witnessed it first hand actually... for less then 3 grand... millionaires dont become millionaires by letting money slip away and not doing anything about it...

get motivated and get your shit back.

real talk.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
They convinced me not to get storage insurance, I asked n they said they have never had a burgalury, and that it probably wasnt worth it, and it was from a different company, so I didnt get it. My bad.

why the fuck would they convince you NOT to get storage insurance?

Thats like a drug dealer telling you not to buy a 20$ gram sack to go along with your ounce you just bought off him...

Just doesn't add up. Why would they tell you not to give them more money?

Lotsa abnormalities with this scenario you have presented here to us my friend.... just keepin it one hunnit whichya


They convinced me not to get storage insurance, I asked n they said they have never had a burgalury, and that it probably wasnt worth it, and it was from a different company, so I didnt get it. My bad.

why the fuck would they convince you NOT to get storage insurance?

Thats like a drug dealer telling you not to buy a 20$ gram sack to go along with your ounce you just bought off him...

Just doesn't add up. Why would they tell you not to give them more money?

Lotsa abnormalities with this scenario you have presented here to us my friend.... just keepin it one hunnit whichya

Like he said, the told him it was from a different company, maybe they don't see any of the money from it and don't give a fuck about the insurance folk.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Like he said, the told him it was from a different company, maybe they don't see any of the money from it and don't give a fuck about the insurance folk.

well if they aren't seeing any money from it then perhaps GET MO stored his shit at one piece of shit storage facility owned by one dumb mother fucker!


why the fuck would they convince you NOT to get storage insurance?

Thats like a drug dealer telling you not to buy a 20$ gram sack to go along with your ounce you just bought off him...

Just doesn't add up. Why would they tell you not to give them more money?

Lotsa abnormalities with this scenario you have presented here to us my friend.... just keepin it one hunnit whichya

yeah they could have robbed you and you would have gotten it back with insurance and they could have kept it

maybe it's because if they would have done it too often, it would have made the insurance ask questions or rise

something rotten in denmark
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I dunno if it's same in canada

but in the states if robber get's hurt in your house with something
he can sue your ass

He can try, but in states with a Castle Doctrine law he won't get far. A storage facility doesn't count, though.

Wayne is correct about the laws in California, you have to be three months behind before they can touch your shit. If the facility is surveilled and they refuse to help, assuming you were paid up or at least LESS than three months behind, again assuming you're in California, they've broken the law and your recourse is to get a police report for the theft, which should allow you to at least sue. You'll have to be able to prove values, and obviously the photos have the least monetary value, but if egregious enough the court could reward you with punitive damages.


Active member
They convinced me not to get storage insurance, I asked n they said they have never had a burglary, and that it probably wasn't worth it, and it was from a different company, so I didn't get it. My bad.

That's like a Red flag....Most business love to sell anyone insurance.

Report them somehow....It's seems they are acting nonchalance and they are they ones stealing or they know someone who is.And nothing you can do about it.BBB ? Better Business Bureau or the equivalent.

Pawns shops,Want ads....It would be weird if all a sudden a pawn shop is carrying HPS lights.And in your area.And someone with 2 part time jobs.


ruger 500
truth hurts but karma comes around ,for a reason ,and negitive rep wont stop it ?why does every one only see karma as a one way street?every action has an equal and oppsite reaction,correct?go firgue ,or wait dont try it ,might hurt somthing


Active member
Always get insurance, it is cheap.

I would be absolutely raising hell with the storage facility.
They should be willing and able to help you catch the thieves, why wouldn't they want to help?

I am the type of weirdo that would make their lives miserable if they do not help.
I would stand outside their facility with a sign that says something like, "This place helps burglars steal your stuff" or something like that. They don't keep your stuff safe, make them pay the price, legally.

It would seem to be in their best interest to help you catch the responsible people, unless they are behind it.


Registered Med User
Wow... Like a week and a half after this happend the storage place had got got 5 more times. Someone else got a bunch of grow stuff stolen, and some dude got a shitload of guns stolen, it was a big deal, crime scene investigation was there lookin for prints and everything. they gave me survailance footage of the day they thought it was most likely stolen. turns out there main camera was out, and the other cameras were completely off time and no nightvision.


Active member
It wasnt a friend, I dont have friends... Jus family n business associates, and niether nor knew a thing about my storage unit. The way the storage set up im in a hallway, and you need a gate code to get in the facility and another code to get in the hallway. I personally think it was the storage place that did it, one of their workers, either that or someone else who stays in the hallway, cuz otherwise they wouldnt be able to get IN the hallway. They convinced me not to get storage insurance, I asked n they said they have never had a burgalury, and that it probably wasnt worth it, and it was from a different company, so I didnt get it. My bad.

Inside job dude - red fucking flags right there.

Wow... Like a week and a half after this happend the storage place had got got 5 more times. Someone else got a bunch of grow stuff stolen, and some dude got a shitload of guns stolen, it was a big deal, crime scene investigation was there lookin for prints and everything. they gave me survailance footage of the day they thought it was most likely stolen. turns out there main camera was out, and the other cameras were completely off time and no nightvision.

How convenient that the owner's prints will be everywhere and he'll say, "...but of course! I own the place!" The cops will probably know themselves too, but won't be able to do jack shit. I know others who were done like this.....turns out it was the only storage place without cameras running/or they weren't working then/same bullshit story that it sounds like you're going through.