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FTA ( free to all ) Summer 16 0z cup Challange


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor










I have an extra clone!

This will be an all home-made organic materials grow.

I will be using my Black Solder Fly Leachate and micronized materials along with Witches Brew.

This clone will go into the main box tonight when the lights come on.

The soil mix is one that I made myself and is very alive with microorganisims.

Lets see if I can make living soil compete with chemical fertilizers in such a small container. That will be the real challenge. If the microorganisms don't thrive then the plant will fail too.
This is how organic soil works.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
hey hammerhead just fabulous pix shot man, wich camera you have!!

using a Nikon D90 with Macro Light. The Lens is a prime lens for Macro shots. I should not need another camera unless I get a higher resolution this one is 12mp so I would need to double that to 24mp. They do have it but way out of my budget


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have an extra clone!

This will be an all home-made organic materials grow.

I will be using my Black Solder Fly Leachate and micronized materials along with Witches Brew.

This clone will go into the main box tonight when the lights come on.

The soil mix is one that I made myself and is very alive with microorganisims.

Lets see if I can make living soil compete with chemical fertilizers in such a small container. That will be the real challenge. If the microorganisms don't thrive then the plant will fail too.
This is how organic soil works.

Hay Jack nice to see ya join in on the festivities. Looks good brother. Your getting a much later start then the rest of us.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol they should be or we are doing something wrong brother. mine should be Adding weight and sarting to frost up some more and then the shos over harvest. im going to guess 5g for me when its all dry.


Hay Jack nice to see ya join in on the festivities. Looks good brother. Your getting a much later start then the rest of us.

I am just getting the clone action going to be honest. I have been a seed guy.

So now I have the Ice Tubes and an LED unit.. So I have all I need actually too many I figure.

I wonder just how big i can get a clone in 16 OZ cup to grow with home made organic materials.
It looks like the transplant went well. I see new growth. Oh and it gets a "Booster Chair" under the big lights naturally.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you should get a plant thats 10-18" tall I started mine from seed and she is 14" tall now. she is the tallest out of 3 the other 2 are 11" and I only used 100w of t5. If I used DWC I could get a plant thats pretty normal if I used say a 600w hps. If the roots get all the food and light they need I dont see any problems you may need to trim the roots when they get out of control. What do you think ?


"easy growing type"
Hi Fam :)
Well here we are on day 35. This plant was started at 4" tall and she has grown to 11" from the base of the soil. Upward growth has stopped and she is now filling up.. I think it's safe to say that we should expect 3 times the upward growth from these small plants which means that this is definitely the way to go for FAT steamy colas in a nice 100 plant sog. Watering may be a bitch and a half but I see NO reason why this type of grow isn't applied in a gargantuan scale. THANK YOU RedSpaghetti for exposing me to this experience and type of grow.

Here are todays pics. With much more filling to come within the next 25 to 35 days give or take..

Day 35 Train Wreck #2 and her pistils are ivory white.. Her smell is pungent yet fruity. Gives you a little tinge in the eye if you take a deep wiff :)

Although calyxes are not yet apparent, she is definitely beginning to trich out. The crystals are beginning to storm the neighboring foliage.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes with some kind of Auto watering methode like drip a large grow would be possable using very little power. If I was to dial in what I think I will get 5 grams per plant 99 plants 17 oz. not bad


"easy growing type"
100% HammerHead!!! I never would have expected this type of growth with a small container. I am really really surprised!!! I have also been flushing after every feed. I feed her high but always flush the next and I think she likes it. I already have the KoolBloom for my other grow and I cannot wait to introduce this plant to the KoolBloom as well. I swear if this goes as expected I am going to do 2 60 plant runs on the EZ Cloner. The moms have been dormant for some time now. Low light and low food. I think it's time to beef them up a bit :)


"easy growing type"
day 33 1/2 way there just about.

Excellent looking calyxes KarmasWheele, they look very nice my friend. Will you be going by the pistil color for readiness or will you be looking at the trichomes? Again she looks magnificent!

Oh and I only ask because I myself judged by pistil color in the past but I just picked up a Hydro Farm Active Eye with some Kool Bloom the other day and I have NEVER been so amazed at what I saw. That little pocket microscope opened me up to a whole new world. My largest plants look so frosty but under the microscope the crystal heads were absolutely clear. This leads me to beleive that I am guilty of harvesting too early in previous grows.

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