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FT100's 8 Crazy Nights of Smoke Reports Hanukkah 09


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you said it Hash Z, thanks for sticking with us.

Right now it has been about one of the longest days I have had in a while. So I hope you guys will not be too mad if I just offer up some teaser shots of the strain we smoked tonight. I have the reports done, but I just want to relax for a bit before I go to bed versus typing all day like I have done. I hope you understand, anyways here are some teaser shots and look for this report to be completed and a chemdawg d bx1 along with it tomorrow night. This is the last pheno of querkle we have and it is called P1. Until tomorrow, peace and smoke.


ah the dog days of work... sorry to hear brother.

the reports so far, have been just excellent, good show!! can't wait to see the rest of the tasty reports... i'm sure you're making the original breeders happy (if they're reading anyway) with your honest reports... carry on brethren




It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
and ft100 rested on the ... 4th? ... night, lol :joint:

take care man (and wife),


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ICMag Donor
Well it is after midnight here, but I count the next day the day as long as I am up, not by midnight, lol. Anyways should be a couple treats for ya.

eugene thanks for stopping in and glad you like the reports. there is still some funk left to smoke, so stay buckled in and you could get high.:smokeit:

Definitely needed the rest Artic. I am better rested now thank goodness. stress levels are down for a bit and we march on right. or smoke on.....

They are coming waterfarm man, hope you all enjoy..........

I am doing my best to try and go through my gallery and post live plant shots as well. So check back in on some of the earlier posts here and there you might find something ya like.

The report for yesterday was P1 pheno of querkle. The pictures of this bud are above in my last post if your wondering, but here is a picture comparing all phenos of querkle. In order of P4, P3, P1 I believe.Then two more pictures post chop pre trimmed and trimmed.

My report:

it was the tallest and biggest yielding querkle. There is definitely purpling. The mugs are of medium density and while it grows it smells like straight sweet artificial grape. It does not have the starbursty skittleness of the other two querkles.

Taste: very sweet grapey fizz to it. I have tasted grape big league chew or grape bubblegum in this one without looking too hard for it. Not a lot of taste on ash hits, maybe a grapey must at most. New green hit now and really taste the grape big league chew in her.

Buzz: so clear after two hits just notice pleasant taste in mouth/air. Sat for a sec, conversationally heady. Laughy and euphoric, in head, some body starts to rock you the more you smoke or as it takes you up. Good energy, nice head ring, pleasant moving to too much thinking, some anxious. Electric buzz. Maybe do less than think but think a lot. Strong.

Potency: pretty darn strong. 5-6 hits were too much.

Overall: deep grapey sweet at first then deep grapey must. Heady energy anxious fucked.

Taste 7.5-8.5

Buzz 8.5-9.5

Potency 8-9

Overall 8.7

Ms. FT100's report:

Taste did not impress. Smooth with tickle on exhale. Robust taste. Very light buzz in head. 2 hit blah on taste. It's deep sultry smokey but not a lasting taste and not complex. Buzz is a creeper slowly getting stronger and stronger. Did this in head and now it is doing it in the body. Taste still does nothing special for me. Very potent though almost nervous feeling but not paranoid body feels anxious some rolling to it.

Taste 5

Buzz 8.5

Potency 8.5

Overall 7 I'm over this honestly. Terrible taste with a pleasant sociable energy with good potency. Want more distinct taste.

Bonus third person report although very simple it still is a report:

Taste great sweet taste 9

Buzz upper 8-8.5

Potency 7

Overall 8-8.5

Well there you have one of the reports I owed you guys. Look out for two chemdawg d bx1 reports coming later today. Thanks for sticking with me guys. Peace and smoke.


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ICMag Donor
Hello once again IC family. I hope the week has been treating you right and you are on your way to a relaxing holiday. Up first is a smoke report on a chemdawg d bx1 pheno we dubbed C1. Before I report on these two I would like to once again thank Rez for giving me these bx1s when they were betas. Sorry I did not get to grow them out then and there Rez. Was going through some rough times then and your herb is bringing me good times now. Here are some reports in your honor sir. I mean what I say and now I can wipe the shit off my nose and here they are......

My report:

this plant has that red in the leaves I have seen in other chems like crazy composers I believe. It is absolutely covered in trichs and they all flower around 9.5-10.5 weeks. This one has a sweet musky funk and is a bit thicker than other pheno C3.

Taste 8.5-9.5 straight funk. Smooth in and out. Subtle sweet funk that stays with me. Turns to a smoothe fuely funk. Very mellow and smooth. Taste is in laste hit of bowl.

Buzz 8.5-9.5 2 hits pretty clear but mellow. 4 good head anda feel good body buzz. Relaxed. 5 hits fucked but laid back. Some ring in head with clearness but chilled. Pretty damn good for not being my keeper.

Potency 8.5-9.5 enough trichs for lots of kief on bowl. 5 hits it creeps so it is hard to judge. No ceiling more chill w each hit but hits head as well. Good couch after sitting for a bit. Body feels good some waves. Time stoppy but heady.

Overall 9 gets better as u smoke it and I want to score it better it is deceiving. Great lasting taste like the cleaner comet and then fuely smooth funk. Creeps slowly and mellowly in body with a nice head. Good chill weed not giggly euphoric more feel good buzz. Medicated.

Ms. FT100's report:

immediate bathroom cleaner taste comet. Coughed but not harsh. Heightened senses and high in head. Cleaner taste again and wasted. Easily zoned out. High creeping to body but stil hits head. Chemical taste but complex and kinda good in ash hit.

Taste 8.5
Buzz 9
Potency 8.7
Overall 8.75
Very complex enjoyable unique specific taste. Comet cleaner sweet chemical. Buzz is quick and strong in body and head. Enjoyed it a lot and taste stays with it all the way.

Great weed. Probably my best plant that was not my keeper pheno so watch out for the next chem report coming up in a bit. It is sick as shit. Peace and smoke.
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Hey FT. Great reports... You have my mouth watering.

Your 10 Fairytale mix beans arrived today and are already soaking in distilled H2O. They will be running side by side with my BOG Sour Lifesaver, which have been vegging almost 4 weeks.

With these diverse genetics, you can not go wrong with any combination of the SB, DSD, Querkle and ChemD. Big props on your first breeding effort!!!



P4 sounds awesome to me :D I'm also a lover of all nugs purple and grape flavoured so I am a bit biased ;) thanks so much for the interesting and detailed reports mr and mrs ft!


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ICMag Donor
WFF I appreciate the props on the pollen chucking. I hope they treat you right. If not, hit me up. Even though they were just donated freebies or server fund beans I want people to be happy with them so let me know.

Artic the C1 is wonderful but tell me what you think after the C3 report. S3 was my pick for the sour bubble bx3 and I look forward to knocking some clones of her up with f2 pollen and querkle pollen so look out.

Chronjohn the p4 is amazing in just about every way and may be the real keeper out of all of them. Glad you like the reports. They are almost done but I may have a twist and a turn in here.

Now on to my favorite chemdawg d. Now I had read about this plant and it's smells and tastes and never really understood what people were saying. Let me tell you folks I do now......

My report:

10-11 weeks flowering. 2-2.5x stretch. Grows very fast in veg nothing keeps up with these chems in growth. It's lighter in color than my other chem. It smells literally like rotten hippy belly button onion garlic foot funk fungus in fuel shit I don't know it is double tripple bag shit and I mean shit. Amazing bag appeal and it will be passed around for all to look at and smell. Covered in trichs as well.

Taste 9.5-10 same as smell. Even the smoke you blow out tastes the same way and stinks the room up like absolute chemical shit. I had a friend who knew nothing about it say he was scared to smoke it because it could have been dipped in chemicals while he ripped the bubbler happily. Lasting taste all the way through the bowl. Stays with you in nose and throat. Unbelievable.

Buzz 9.5-10 hit straight head. Great energy. Find myself writing faster. Easily talk, feel good, over did it to the point of being a bit anxious in public. After 3 hits I feel I have left the turkey in the oven too long cause I'm overdone. Heady with lots of energy, pretty clear and funky, hitting me in the chest hard now. Could easily go out and party or just straight chill. Tingly body but still ring a dinging the head. Thinking talking

Potency 9-10 3 hits and whoa, this is the first report I have felt so fucked up it is hard to write this.

Overall 9.5 Amazing unique taste that lasts in your nose mouth and the room you are in. Smell it through the bag. Ridiculously heady and speedy before it just trashes you. Seems in a class all it's own. Yes there are some people who cannot handle the foulness of this herb but this semi seasoned head can give it a full 3 thumbs up allthe way around. Once again Rez thank you very much for this and I hope I have done you proud.

Ms. FT100's report:

Taste: 9 reminds me when you walk in to a barn and smell methane or a pig pen. Shit, but with some sweetness very complex and the whole way through bowl.

Buzz: 9 So wasted didn't want to write report. Felt like it was a lot of effort to do the report while my brain wanted to do the report. Very heady eventually moved to body. Instantly good high. Felt good thought it might be too speedy but it never got there so that is good for me.

Potency: 9 1 hit and HIGH very up. Settles down some in body.

Overall: 9 Something I definitely want to keep around for a long time.

There you have it. Another keeper for sure. I cannot express how unique this chem was to my garden and I look forward to knocking her up and going from there. Peace and smoke heads. Look out for the double strawberry diesel report and maybe some hash as well.


Active member
That Chem sounds killer!!!!

I just checked and 6 of the 10 have tails in less than 30 hours. I will keep you posted on the progress.

Look forward to the next report.



Now on to my favorite chemdawg d. Now I had read about this plant and it's smells and tastes and never really understood what people were saying. Let me tell you folks I do now......

My report:

It smells literally like rotten hippy belly button onion garlic foot funk fungus in fuel shit

Now that, is the most apt description I have ever read on ANY cannapage! "Rotten hippy belly-button" THAT is just priceless:biglaugh:

So far, chemdawg d seems like a real keeper:D


" It smells literally like rotten hippy belly button onion garlic foot funk fungus in fuel shit I don't know it is double tripple bag shit and I mean shit"

Priceless! Nice reports ft

- ezra -

sweet reports dude, hope everyone had a great Chanukah, and a great Ramadan and Xmas to all...


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ICMag Donor
WFF keep me updated on how they do. I will definitely stop in your Fairytale Mix thread and keep up as I am probably more interested than you. lol. hope all is well.

Eugene and Sideways I am glad you liked the description. I just try and say anything that comes to mind when tasting and smoking these strains. It is funny though, people do not like this foul tasting herb, they would pick a sweet tooth or something over it, I just cant see how.

Ezra glad you liked the reports I have one more coming for ya. Happy kwanzannukahmasmadan to you and all in the IC fam.

Glad to see you in here BlueMonk. hope your enjoying your holiday season.

Dont have quite the time to do the full report and just like me taking 10 days to do an 8 night report right. But all is good and I am sure you guys dont mind waiting on my vacationing ass.......but here are some teaser pics of the double strawberry diesel coming...



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Hey FT. Can't wait to hear to hear about the DSD.

8 of the 10 have popped in 72 hours. I put 7 in rapid rooters at 36 hours and they are all above ground and doing great. I just transpanted to 16 oz cups of pure coco.

The 3 remaining soaking seeds looked the same (light brown uniform color with no spotting). 1 popped at 48 hours and went into a rooter. It has not showed roots from the bottom, but it is looking great. So, I am quite confident the 2 straglers will pop soon.

I will be creating a thread in a few days when I take the first pics.

Happy Holidays.



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ICMag Donor
WFF hoping you get at least 5 females out of there and I know that would defy lawas of nature but shit its Christmas aint it lol

Here is the final report of the double strawberry diesel in the pictures above.

My report:

Smells of sweet strawberries with a little sour fuel to it. Good 2x stretch with a 77 day flowering period. Great trichs as well, breaks up and have a bowl topped off with just crystal.

Taste: 8 tastes sweet and sour. strawberry sweet finishing sour. Just leaves and lasts a little with you. Sweet doesent stay on palate throughout, does leave some sour fuel in there, not overpowering taste. On 2nd bowl first green hit it is slight strawberry sweet sour fuel patch kids. It is a great taste but doesnt last.

Buzz: 8.5-9 hits head, tingly head to absolute head ring, energy in there for sure, some body but mostly head, starts off nice fast euphoric high and then eases out to almost like you never even smoked hour or two later. when it takes you up I wrote i was on auto pilot or fastly froze in many thoughts.

Potency: 9 pretty strong on two hits, 3 hits was wasted, no ceiling, great thinking weed. up very quick and down easy relaxed, HIGH, some smileys, complex, doesnt seem lasting in taste and then you will taste some fuel in your mouth.

Overall: 8.66 really nice cannabis, have another pack of this and would like to find an amazing lasting taste to go with this buzz and potency. The green hits are unbelievable, just want to have the ash hits taste the same. And yes it is possible on certain plants.

Ms. FT100's report:

Sweet in with a deep earthyness in the nose. Smooth, no feeling of a buzz yet, after 2-3 minutes a light head. Sweet floral berry taste that lingers in nose on second hit. Taste is not strong but has an undertone of earthyness. Buzz still not apparent, but I am more alert. Burns back of throat, still sweet but little smokey/ashy, Feel a great buzz in head, but not a STRONG buzz. I feel highly functional.

Potency 8.5
Buzz 9
Taste 8.25
Overall 8.5

Sweet delicate floral berry taste with an earthy finish that lingers in the nose. A creeper for sure. Takes a few minutes for buzz to kick in but when it does it gradually rocks your head and then does the same to your body. Heightened senses. Taste is not intense or complex or unique enough for me to be too impressed but there is potential here.

And so that concludes the 8 reports that were promised. Not bad huh? Look for a summary comparing all of these strains and we will sit down and compile a list in order of best to not so much the best. Hope the season is still treating you all well. Peace and smoke friends. :smokeit:


nice reports man. I was just wondering why you expect herb to taste good on ash hits...haha. If the green hit with resin that hasn't been converted to smoke tastes good, then the herb tastes good in my opinion. I smoke bowls just big enough so that it is gone in one hit.
Straw deez is def. a winner if you have the right plant. Do you think you will keep looking in that line?