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Friends need to call before coming over? Discussion

Classic Seeds

i agree its just plain rude not to call ,what if your getting some the last thing i want at that time is to answer my damn door and if i do it better be because its her girl friend wanting a threesome otherwise the door is not opening .if you got a "friend or relative "who just drops by get a spy hole in your door so you have a choice before you open the door

rick shaw

Quit serving people/slinging out of your house and the traffic will stop.People are coming by for a reason, is it your charming personality?


come by my house uninvited? just out and out disrespectful nowadays and theres no excuses whether you are growing or not..


1. I don't answer the door
2. courtesy if they can't be courteous you shouldn't have to be either.

a lot of people would quickly agree, but keep in mind some don't view it as a courtesy issue and they don't think about it being courteous or non-courteous...so they just show up and shit.

if i didn't grow, things would be different...i'd answer my door a lot more even in general (neighbors, local sales people, etc.)


Now in technicolor
I also have the "sometimes I want to be alone for weeks on end" issue. My friends and I call it "alone time" and it results in me only being able to maintain an active social connection with other people who are depressed and/or mentally ill in some way (severe "alone time" is a major symptom of an underlying illness, though it doesn't have to be.)

I'll usually disappear for 2-3 months keeping ZERO contact with people, and then re-surface after my hiatus. If asked where I was I just say "alone time" or "depression" and the meaning is implicitly understood.


I also have the "sometimes I want to be alone for weeks on end" issue. My friends and I call it "alone time" and it results in me only being able to maintain an active social connection with other people who are depressed and/or mentally ill in some way (severe "alone time" is a major symptom of an underlying illness, though it doesn't have to be.)

I'll usually disappear for 2-3 months keeping ZERO contact with people, and then re-surface after my hiatus. If asked where I was I just say "alone time" or "depression" and the meaning is implicitly understood.

I hear ya man for many years I have resorted to that 'major alone time' concept and i think what a well-balanced life is NOT working 40+ hour weeks and being able to take in life on a day to day basis...when i have a full time job i hate it, i dont do much because im always beat from the job...now that ive been jobless, it puts things in perspective and i'd just rather grow to support myself. lot more money too.


Don't have this problem. I always call all my friends before showing up, even if we've agreed on a time, i'll still give them a 20mins heads-up before I get there.

They do the same with me.

I do have a friend that is liable to showing up unannounced, but he's learnt that he isn't welcome when he does that. This same guy gives me 7.30am phone calls too, thank god phones have a silent function. What a joker!


I'll usually disappear for 2-3 months keeping ZERO contact with people, and then re-surface after my hiatus. If asked where I was I just say "alone time" or "depression" and the meaning is implicitly understood.

Don't get me wrong; I, like the OP and yourself, hate people in general too. Too many people who I have helped have betrayed me. Basically, when shit gets rough or desperate, human morality goes out the window in 99% of the population. However that being said, disappearing for 2-3 months is kind of irresponsible/rude (I guess there exist situations where it wouldn't be but I would think in general this is sketchy behavior).


Active member
I am glad more people think this way. My family and friends get made at me when I don't answer the door and they know I am home. So I tell them to call and now they call on the front porch after they have already knocked..... This doesn't count either. Right now I am burping lbs of herb in 20 different jars and still harvesting some herb, there is no time for "drop ins." Shit, maybe in November here in Cali I wont have to worry any more. Vote yes on 19.


I dont really like having people in my house period, even more so if you dont call first. I got 2 giant ass pitbulls so after a few times of coming to my house and my dogs going nutty most peeps just learn to stay away.


Trying to have a good day
be careful, there have been many instances in which females (particularly good looking) have been used to knock on a person's door and give some sob story such as their car is broken down, or they need to use the phone...and when the person lets their guard down (because its a female, alone) 4 men rush in and invade the home...i know people personally its happened to...

This is good info.In my case though the 4 men would rush in and get eaten by my two pits..lols...See thats why I think a good dog is better than a gun.I dont have to do shit.I can get hit in the head and get knocked out and those 2 dogs are gonna handle it.Now I know they can be shot.But I also know that somebody is gonna have to be very quick to get them both as they are attacking..lols...Maybe a shotgun blast...I still like my dogs for security though.

el dub

I HAD a friend who took advantage of my good nature for a long time. When he finally crossed the line, I let him know the deal and then stopped answering the phone when he'd call to come over. Then one day I hear a knock. I see who it is through a window before he decides to let himself in. And that was the end of that......

Sometimes my best friend doesn't answer the phone after we make plans to hangout. So I just show up the day he wanted to hang out...we planned to hangout damn it, and I'm not going to be bored all day. After a few loud knocks and a phone call, he usually answers the door.


Active member
I only know normal people and they let me know before they come to my place, unlike the people that knocked on my door the other day.......

- Hello brother! Have you heard about the good news?

- Let me guess... you two are gay and you'd like me to shove my foot up your ass?

That's how you get rid of sudden visits, worked for me! haha

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